• Viability of progressive decryption of large media files using chunk-based storage 

      Aubert, Karl Petter E.; Michaelsen, Vidar (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven har som mål å finne ut om en dokumentorientert database som bruker en lagringsstrategi basert på filoppdeling vil ha tilfredsstillende leseytelse sammenlignet med tradisjonelle NTFS-filserverbaserte løsninger ...
    • Viable Open Source for the Consultancy Industry 

      Klette, Kristian Fredrik (Master thesis, 2012)
      Open source software is growing in the market, and increasingly preferred toclosed software for the increased flexibility free software provides. As aresult of this more and more businesses are trying to enter this market ...
    • Vibrations from Magnetic Forces in Hydropower Generators 

      Pascal, Jules (Master thesis, 2016)
      Electrical machines using a fractional slot winding can be subject to low modes of vibration, which can produce noise and stator deformation. The design of a machine has an influence on the amplitude of these deformations, ...
    • Vico: An entity-component-system based co-simulation framework 

      Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Chu, Yingguang; Styve, Arne; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper introduces a novel co-simulation framework running on the Java Virtual Machine built on a software architecture known as the Entity-Component-System. Popularised by games, this architecture favours composition ...
    • Video - based fall detection in elderly’s houses 

      Alaliyat, Saleh (Master thesis, 2008)
      NORSK: Automatisk oppdagellse av en fallende person som blir basert påvideoanalyse er et viktig problem med anvendelse i sikkerhetsområder samt støttende hjemmiljøer og gamlehjem. Bruken av datavisjonssystemer byr en ...
    • Video distribution using PCI-Express 

      Angvik Hovdar, Magne (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne tekniske rapporten presenterer utviklingen og implementeringen av en videooverføringsapplikasjon som utnytter høyhastighetsbussen PCI-Express p ̊a en m ̊ate som aldri før har blitt gjort. Prosjektet ble utført i ...
    • Video Game Modding's Potential for Teaching Programming 

      Vagle, Oscar; Palmason, Viktor Jarl; Dautaj, Genti; Lysø, Ole Kristian Lund (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Programming begynner å bli en større del av skoleundervisningen. Dette er fordi programmering er en viktig egenskap å lære i et samfunn der datamaskiner får en større og større rolle. Videospillmodifikasjon, som handler ...
    • Video Games: Game AI 

      Jensen, Remy (Master thesis, 2010)
      The goals of this project was to learn the industry standards of what good and challenging game AI was. The author reviewed literature on the topic and had personal correspondence where the research questions was answered ...
    • Video metric measurements in an FPGA for use in objective no-reference video quality analysis 

      Nordeng, Eirik Tørud (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faults in the hardware of a video system that uses analogue video transmission technologies. The approach focuses on performing ...
    • Video og tids-synkronisering 

      Bollerud, Svein (Master thesis, 2007)
      Video brukes i dag i mange sammenhenger. I tillegg til å lyde og bilde, kan det være ønskelig å knytte andre typer data til et video-opptak. Denne dataen kommer fra det vi i denne rapporten kaller for en sensor. En sensor ...
    • Video Processing Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Sharma, Vijeta; Gupta, Manjari; Kumar, Ajai; Mishra, Deepti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Studies show lots of advanced research on various data types such as image, speech, and text using deep learning techniques, but nowadays, research on video processing is also an emerging field of computer vision. Several ...
    • Video QoE Killer and Performance Statistics in WebRTC-based Video Communication 

      Ammar, Doreid; De Moor, Katrien; Hossfelt, Tobias; Fiedler, Markus; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Xie, Min (Chapter, 2016)
      Abstract: In this paper, we investigate session-related performance statistics of a Web-based Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) application called appear.in. We explore the characteristics of these statistics and explore ...
    • Video Quality Assessment in Broadcasting 

      Prytz, Anders (Master thesis, 2010)
      In broadcasting, the assessment of video quality is mostly done by a group of highly experienced people. This is a time consuming task and demands lot of resources. In this thesis the goal is to investigate the possibility ...
    • Video Reconstruction From Neuromorphic Event Data 

      Berger-Nilsen, Eivind; Bråten, Lars-Håvard Holter; Eide, Mats Sollid (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Event-kamera er en ny type kamerateknologi med lovende tekniske aspekter, som høyere tidsmessig oppløsning, høyere dynamisk rekkevidde og lavt strømforbruk. Men selv om event-kamera har mange fordeler, har de også en del ...
    • Video smoke removal based on low‐rank tensor completion via spatial‐temporal continuity constraint 

      Zhu, Hu; Xu, Guoxia; Liu, Lu; Deng, Lizhen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Smoke has a very bad effect on the outdoor vision system. Not only are the videos with poor visual effects obtained, but also the quality and structure of the videos are reduced. In this paper, we propose a video smoke ...
    • Video understanding with the Youtube-8M dataset 

      Kopczynski, Piotr Ludvig (Master thesis, 2022)
      I dette prosjektet ble dyplæringsmodeller trent på Youtube-8M datasettet, som er et stort benchmark for for multi-label videoklassifisering, og evaluert ved hjelp av F1-score. De trente modellene brukte forskjellige metoder ...
    • Video-Based learning and open online courses 

      Giannakos, Michail; Chorianopoulos, Konstantinos; Ronchetti, Marco; Szegedi, Peter; Teasley, Stephanie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In this article, we provide an overview of the emerging research area on Analytics and Video-Based Learning. Although there are many and diverse ways of designing learning videos, there is limited understanding of the ...
    • Video-based learning ecosystem to support active learning: application to an introductory computer science course 

      Giannakos, Michail; Krogstie, John; Aalberg, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The systematic use of technologies in order to orchestrate learning has become widely used in the past years. Diverse technologies have been applied in a variety of teaching practices; for instance learning tools which ...
    • Videoconference Fatigue: A Conceptual Analysis 

      Nicola, Döring; De Moor, Katrien; Fiedler, Markus; Schoenenberg, Katrin; Raake, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Videoconferencing (VC) is a type of online meeting that allows two or more participants from different locations to engage in live multi-directional audio-visual communication and collaboration (e.g., via screen sharing). ...
    • Videointerface to rocket PCM encoder 

      Nysted, Frode; Trøvolt, Morgan (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Oppgaven bestod i å lage en krets som mottar standard PAL signal fra et kamera, for så å digitalisere og komprimere den datastrømmen. Deretter skulle den komprimerte datastrømmen sendes videre til FFI sin nyutviklede PCM ...