• Using the Composite Likelihood Method on 4D AVA Seismic Data 

      Borgan, Yngve (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis is concerned with 4D AVA seismic inversion problems. By comparing two seismic surveys done over the same area, but at different times, one hopes to discover untapped pockets of oil or gas. Using the full ...
    • Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter with Kernel Methods for History Matching of Petroleum Reservoirs 

      Vabø, Jon Gustav (Master thesis, 2008)
      The problem of conditioning a petroleum reservoir model to production data, so called history matching, is considered. The history matching problem is formulated within a Bayesian framework, where prior geological knowledge, ...
    • Using the Geographical Location of Photos in Mobile Phones 

      Amundsen, Jon Anders (Master thesis, 2008)
      Digital cameras in mobile phones have become very popular in the recent years, and it is common to have large photo collections stored in the phone. Organizing these photos on the phone is still a big problem though. This ...
    • Using the human gait for authentication 

      Søndrol, Torkjel (Master thesis, 2005)
      NORSK: Denne rapporten presenterer en ny metode for å verifisere en persons identitet ved hjelp av kinetisk ganglagsanalyse. Ganglagsdata samles inn ved å bruke en innretning festet til personens bein, hvor den registrerer ...
    • Using the ICU library for collations in MySQL 

      Vågene, Lars-Olav (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kollasjoner er regler som definerer rekkefølgen av tegn, noe som applikasjoner bruker for å sortere tekst for et gitt språk. International Components for Unicode (ICU) er et mye brukt bibliotek som blant annet har støtte ...
    • Using the Kinect Sensor for Social Robotics 

      Albrektsen, Sigurd Mørkved (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis presents an innovative approach to social robotics through gesture recognition. The focus is on recognizing gestures because this is an important aspect regarding interpretation of a person's intent when he or ...
    • Using the lens of science capital to capture and explore children’s attitudes toward science in an informal making-based space 

      Christidou, Dimitra; Papavlasopoulou, Sofia; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose Governments and organizations worldwide are concerned over the declining number of young people choosing to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), especially after the age of 16. Research ...
    • Using the object ID index as an investigative approach for NTFS file systems 

      Nordvik, Rune; Toolan, Fergus; Axelsson, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      When investigating an incident it is important to document user activity, and to document which storage device was connected to which computer. We present a new approach to documenting user activity in computer systems ...
    • Using the Signature Quadratic Form Distance for Music Information Retrieval 

      Hitland, Håkon Haugdal (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis is an investigation into how the signature quadratic form distance can be used to search in music.Using the method used for images by Beecks, Uysal and Seidl as a starting point,I create feature signatures from ...
    • Using the structural content of documents to automatically generate quality metadata 

      Edvardsen, Lars Fredrik Høimyr (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:58, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      During the last decades, document sharing has become vastly more available for the general public, with large document collections being made generally available on the internet and inside of organizations on intranets. ...
    • Using the Theory of Relations for Analysing the Work on Mistakes 

      Puchaczewski, Elsa Noemie Roxane (Chapter, 2024)
      This paper argues mistakes are valuable for learning, not just student learning, but for teachers to improve teaching methods. Traditionally viewed as needing correction, mistakes can reveal weaknesses in teaching materials ...
    • Using the triangle inequality to speed-up anomaly detection systems based on the k-means clustering 

      Holm, Ole Martin (Master thesis, 2022)
      Det finnes en mange teknikker og algoritmer som kan brukes for å forbedre et inntrengningsdeteksjonssystem. Innenfor algoritmer for inntrengningsdeteksjonssystemer er maskinlæring en ønskelig metode da den kan redusere ...
    • Using Theories from Economics and Finance for Information Security Risk Management 

      Pandey, Pankaj (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:187, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Risk management in information security has traditionally been approached from a technical perspective, and a variety of technical controls are deployed to prevent any future information security event. However, recent ...
    • Using Vehicle-Mounted Camera to Collect Information for Managing Mixed Traffic 

      Namazi, Elnaz; Holthe-Berg, Rein Nisja; Skar Lofsberg, Christoffer; Li, Jingyue (Chapter, 2019)
      With increasingly rapid advances in the field of producing modern and autonomous vehicles, the need for intelligent traffic management systems, which take advantage of the vehicle’s abilities to sense and communicate, has ...
    • Using Virtual Reality for Artificial Intelligence Education 

      Hunvik, Sølve Robert Bø (Master thesis, 2020)
      I dei siste åra har etterspurnaden etter kompetanse innan kunstig intelligens (Artificial Intelligence, AI) auka raskt. Universitet og bedrifter verda rundt prøvar å dekke kompetansebehovet. Sidan dei første virtuell ...
    • Using watermark visibility measurements to select an optimized pair of spot colors for use in a binary watermark 

      Reed, Alastair; Kitanovski, Vlado; Falkenstern, Kristyn; Pedersen, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Spot colors are widely used in the food packaging industry. We wish to add a watermark signal within a spot color that is readable by a Point Of Sale (POS) barcode scanner which typically has red illumination. Some spot ...
    • USV - Unmanned Surface Vessel 

      Liavaag, Sveinung; Kamsvåg, Vegard; Havnegjerde, Albert (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Denne rapporten omhandler utvikling av et ubemannet overflatefartøy, som er gitt som en bacheloroppgave av NTNU i Ålesund. Formålet med oppgaven er utvikling av et konsept for et ubemannet overflatefartøy som danner basis ...
    • USV Control System Development for Autonomous AUV Recovery 

      Lunde, Øyvind Reppen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt har et pågående prosjekt for minemottiltak, med mål om å gjøre hele operasjonen autonom. Denne oppgaven forsøker å løse en deloppgave av prosjektet. Oppgaven tar for seg utviklingen av et ...
    • USV Formation Control for Robotic Fish Tracking 

      Revdahl, Julie Christina (Master thesis, 2021)
      Multiagent-systemer er et felt innenfor ingeniørfaget hvor det fundamentale målet er å lage regler for systemkontrollere som, når blir utført av hver enkelt robot, konvergerer til et forhåndsdefinert globalt mål. Denne ...
    • USV trash detection and tracking using multimodal data fusion 

      Vormdal, Marcus Steffensen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Menneskeskapt forurensning er et stort og økende problem på global skala. Dette manifesterer seg over hele verden, hvor en spesifikk situasjon er akkumuleringen av plast og annet ikke-nedbrytbart avfall i hav, elver og ...