• IoT Sensor Gym: Training Autonomous IoT Devices with Deep Reinforcement Learning 

      Murad, Abdulmajid Abdullah Yahya; Kraemer, Frank Alexander; Bach, Kerstin; Taylor, Gavin (Chapter, 2019)
      We describe IoT Sensor Gym, a framework to train the behavior of constrained IoT devices using deep reinforcement learning. We focus on the main architectural choices to align problems from the IoT domain with cutting-edge ...
    • IoT Sensor Network and its Communication in Floating Offshore Wind Farms 

      Ziegler, Nikolai Eikeland; Werring, Cornelius (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2025-05-20
    • IoT Software for Smart Houses 

      Törn, Eric (Master thesis, 2021)
      Dette prosjektet har som mål å lage en programvare for et Tingenes Internet (IoT) basert avansert oppvarmingsstyringssystem, med det formål å redusere energiforbruket og toppeffektbelastning i smarte bygninger. Systemet ...
    • IoT Vulnerability Scanning: A State of the Art 

      Amro, Ahmed Walid (Chapter, 2020)
      Our modern life becomes more and more dependent on tech-nology and services provided through an increasing number of deployed devices «Things» which are connected over networks that can sometimes be accessed remotely via ...
    • IoT-based Monitoring in Carbon Capture and Storage Systems 

      Chawla, Apoorva; Arellano Prieto, Yessica Alexandra; Johansson, Martin Viktor; Darvishi, Hossein; Shaneen, Khadija; Vitali, Matteo; Finotti, Francesco; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Journal article, 2022)
      Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is critical for climate-change policies and strategies targeting global warming within the Paris Agreement. The overarching technological requirements are well described in the strategic ...
    • IoT-Based pervasive game framework - A proof of concept case study 

      Johansen, Petter Bakkan (Master thesis, 2018)
      With the Internet of Things (IoT) playing a key role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution it is clear that it will become a larger part of our day to day life. IoT offers unique capabilities for having tiny sensors and ...
    • IoT-nøkkelskap: åpning av elektronisk nøkkelskap med mobilapplikasjon 

      Johansen, Markus Sørlien; Hatletvedt, Fredrik; Bradahl, Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Denne rapporten beskriver moderniseringen av oppdragsgivers (Electric Time Car AS) programvare CarAdmin. CarAdmin har mange bruksområder, men dette prosjektet har tatt utgangspunkt i CarAdmins bilparkfunksjon. Denne lar ...
    • IoTective: Automated Penetration Testing for Smart Home Environments 

      Nordnes, Kevin (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den raske utbredelsen av Internet of Things (IoT) har reist betydelige bekymringer angående sikkerheten og personvernet til sammenkoblede smarte miljøer. Denne masteroppgaven presenterer IoTective, et automatisert verktøy ...
    • IoTective: Automated Penetration Testing for Smart Home Environments 

      Nordnes, Kevin; Lin, Jia-Chun; Lee, Ming-Chang; Chang, Victor (Chapter, 2024)
    • IP Amsterdam 2005 

      Hjertø, Grete; Hansen, Tore Berg (HiST/AITeL-rapport, Research report, 2006)
    • iPhone Acquisition Using Jailbreaking Techniques 

      Varenkamp, Peter (Master thesis, 2019)
      Abstract Varenkamp Digital devices are a part of most peoples lives today. Using digital devices leaves traces. These traces can be urgent to solve a criminal case. Knowing this, forensic work has the goal to get as much ...
    • IPv6 only national backbone 

      Rey Gallo-Alcántara, Ignacio (Master thesis, 2020)
      Antallet tilgjengelige IPv4 adresser reduseres mer og mer, mens antall enheter som krever en internett-tilkobling har økt de siste årene, og det er forventet å øke videre grunnet Internet of Things (IoT). Bruken av IPv6 ...
    • IPv6 Security 

      Toreid, Vetle Vidarsson Brurberg (Master thesis, 2007)
      This paper gives a brief introduction to IPv6, and continues with a discussion of the security considerations related to the implementation of the protocol. The issues described are relevant both to ISPs and campus network ...
    • Iridium communication for submersible communication buoy 

      Falcón Barau, Marc (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Hovedmålet med denne bacheloroppgaven var å finne ut hvilken tjeneste som er best egnet blant Iridium Certus 100, Short Burst Data (SBD) og RUDICS (Router-Based Unrestricted Digital Internetworking Connectivity Solutions) ...
    • IRIS Conference Health Check. Traditions, tensions, and reformations 

      Pekkola, Samuli; Lise, Tordrup; Parmiggiani, Elena; Borglund, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Regional conferences support researchers to network in a cost-efficient way. Quite often, such conferences become tight communities where friends and colleagues meet and share ideas regularly, year after year. However, ...
    • Iris Recognition in Visible Wavelength: Impact and automated Detection of Glasses 

      Osorio-Roig, Daile; Drozdowski, Pawel; Rathgeb, Christian; Morales-González, Annette; Garea-Llano, Eduardo; Busch, Christoph (Chapter, 2018)
      The prevalence of visual impairment around the world is rapidly increasing, causing large numbers of people to wear glasses. Glasses are generally considered an important noise source in iris recognition; under objective ...
    • IRL-Net: Inpainted Region Localization Network via Spatial Attention 

      Daryani, Amir Etefaghi; Mirmahdi, Mahdieh; Hassanpour, Ahmad; Shahreza, Hatef Otroshi; Yang, Bian; Fierrez, Julian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Identifying manipulated regions in images is a challenging task due to the existence of very accurate image inpainting techniques leaving almost unnoticeable traces in tampered regions. These image inpainting methods can ...

      Zhaoqiang, Zhang (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:138, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Since the beginning of this century, the offshore wind power industry has witnessed fast development, as the result of the increasing awareness of climate change and the need for diversifying power supply. Offshore has ...
    • Irregularity Detection in Net Pens Exploiting Computer Vision 

      Schellewald, Christian; Stahl, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Protecting the remaining wild salmon stock in Norway is of utmost importance and requires that farmed salmon cannot escape from aquaculture sites. As holes in net-cages are responsible for a large fraction of the escaped ...
    • Is a Job Guarantee program a viable economic solution during a pandemic? A modelling approach 

      Trømborg, Torjus (Master thesis, 2021)
      Økende arbeidsledighet er et globalt problem. Å gå arbeidsledig over lengre tid kan ha negative sosiale og økonomiske konsekvenser. Et Jobbgaranti-program kan være en løsning på verdens arbeidsledighetproblem. Jobbgaranti ...