Now showing items 4613-4632 of 21018

    • d-abelian quotients of (d+2)-angulated categories 

      Jacobsen, Karin Marie; Jørgensen, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Let T be a triangulated category. If t is a cluster tilting object and I=add t is the ideal of morphisms factoring through an object of add t, then the quotient category T/I is abelian. This is an important result of cluster ...
    • D2C-DM: Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management for Smart Cities Based on Two Ongoing Case Studies 

      Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Krogstie, John; Petersen, Sobah Abbas (Chapter, 2019)
      Smart city environments follow different technological management strategies (such as resource management, data management, and so on) between end-users to city planners and technological devices (e.g., sensor, camera ...
    • D2C-SM: Designing a Distributed-to-Centralized Software Management Architecture for Smart Cities 

      Sinaeepourfard, Amir; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Ahlers, Dirk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Smart city innovations can enhance the quality of citizens’ life through different smart technology management solutions, including resource management, data management, and software management. Nowadays, there are two ...
    • D3.1 Fishery Pilot Definition 

      Granholm, Göran; Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar; Uriondo, Zigor; Quincozes, Iñaki; Jensen, Jørgen Haavind; Haugen, Joakim (Research report, 2017)
      The objective of WP3 Fishery Pilot is to demonstrate how Big Data can boost the fishery sector. The Fishery Pilot focus is on two separate types of fisheries in two countries: Oceanic Tuna fisheries in Spain and small ...
    • DAB Radio Receiver using GNU Radio 

      Storvik, Petter Sakrihei (Master thesis, 2015)
      DAB radio, a digital replacement of FM radio, coverage is expanding. Receiver design using radio amateur equipment hasn't been much explored. This master's thesis explores the use of a DVB-T dongle, GNU Radio and a simple ...
    • Dag-0 arbeidsflyt for administrasjon av krevende trådløse nettverk 

      Wasbø, Ådne Rosseland (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • The DaisyPlayer Project 

      Lindhjem, Andre; Holien, Kjetil; Risa, Terje; Nerbråten, Øyvind (Bachelor thesis, 2006)
      During the progress of this Open Source project, we have created a library for parsing and playing a Daisy Digital Talking Book. We have also developed two front-ends which utilizes our library, one with a graphical user ...
    • DALC: Distributed Automatic LSTM Customization for Fine-Grained Traffic Speed Prediction 

      Lee, Ming-Chang; Lin, Jia-Chun (Chapter, 2020)
      Over the past decade, several approaches have been introduced for short-term traffic prediction. However, providing fine-grained traffic prediction for large-scale transportation networks where numerous detectors are ...
    • Damage detection in fish farming nets using video analysis. 

      Bjørlo-Larsen, Vebjørn; Skeide, Endre Slettemark (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I dagens oppdrettsnæring er det et stort fokus på å ta i bruk ny teknologi for å automatisere industrien. Et av selskapene som bidrar til dette er Stranda Prolog AS, som er oppdragsgiveren for denne bacheloroppgaven. Stranda ...
    • Damping and Tracking Control Schemes for Nanopositioning 

      Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas; Vagia, Marialena; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fast and accurate tracking of reference trajectories is highly desirable in many nanopositioning applications, including scanning probe microscopy. Performance in common positioning stage designs is limited by the presence ...
    • Damping region extension for digitally controlled LCL-type grid-connected inverter with capacitor-current feedback 

      Liu, Jinhong; Zhou, Lin; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study investigates the extent to which the damping region of a digitally controlled LCL-type grid connected inverter is influenced by the ratio between sampling and switching frequencies, the grid impedance variation ...
    • Dancing Robots 

      Tidemann, Axel (Master thesis, 2006)
      This Master s thesis implements a multiple paired models architecture that is used to control a simulated robot. The architecture consists of several modules. Each module holds a paired forward/inverse model. The inverse ...
    • Dancing Robots 

      Tidemann, Axel (Master thesis, 2006)
      This Master?s thesis implements a multiple paired models architecture that is used to control a simulated robot. The architecture consists of several modules. Each module holds a paired forward/inverse model. The inverse ...
    • Dashboard for flåtestyring 

      Harmankaya, Yusuf.; Hammerseth, Kjetil (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bøstrand Transport i Ørsta driver med langtransport av varer og gods. De har og også kranbiler og driver med container- og spesialtransport. Transportoppdragene er derfor varierte, men for det meste går det i ordinær ...
    • Dashboard for Quality of Experience Studies of WebRTC Based Video Communication 

      Melhoos, Marianne Rie (Master thesis, 2016)
      WebRTC-based applications and services have become more and more popular over the last years. These types of applications support Real-Time Communication (RTC) with audio, video and sometimes also data sharing. WebRTC-based ...
    • Data Access Interface for Innovation on Earth-observation Data 

      Moldestad, Øyvind Y (Master thesis, 2016)
      European Union (EU) adopted an open data policy for the Sentinel constellation of the Copernicus program in 2013. The Copernicus program is now about to transition into its operational phase, which means that it is from ...
    • Data acquisition and analysis ofacquired data from geographically distributed sensors connected by 2G / 4G technology 

      Hanssen, Håkon Edøy (Master thesis, 2018)
      The usage of the 2G/4G network geographically in distributed embedded systems has multiple advantages. One is the coverage of the network, which in most advanced countries covers the vast majority of the land area. Another ...
    • Data acquisition system for fault detection of guard rails 

      Theisen,Ole Thomas Norbye; Trømborg,Torbjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Rekkverkinspeksjon er i dag en tidkrevende oppgave. Inspeksjonen blir utført ved visuell undersøkelse av rekkverket, og personen som undersøker må være opplært for å kunne identifisere feil på rekkverket.Vår oppdragsgiver ...
    • Data Acquisition with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) from Floating Sensor Nodes 

      Barbatei, Remus-Gabriel (Master thesis, 2014)
      In the last decades an increase in the need for ocean monitoring capabilities has arisen. To be able to meet these requirements a low-cost, automated solution is needed. It should be easy to maintain and to reconfigure as ...