Now showing items 3054-3073 of 20725

    • CA-NEAT: Evolved Compositional Pattern Producing Networks for Cellular Automata Morphogenesis and Replication 

      Nichele, Stefano; Ose, Mathias Berild; Risi, Sebastian; Tufte, Gunnar (Journal article, 2017)
      Cellular Automata (CA) are a remarkable example of morphogenetic system, where cells grow and self-organise through local interactions. CA have been used as abstractions of biological development and artificial life. Such ...
    • Cable Selection Considerations for Subsea Vehicles 

      Nejati Fard, Razieh; Eidsvik, Ole Alexander; Tedeschi, Elisabetta; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Chapter, 2018)
      The aim of this paper is to present a methodology for selecting proper voltage level and power cables as a part of the AC distribution system design for subsea vehicles, such as Remotely Operated Vehicles, seafloor trenchers ...
    • Cache replacement policies in NoSQL databases and full-text search engines 

      Langdal, Håvard (Master thesis, 2020)
      Problemet, eller utfordringen bak optimale måter å erstatte innhold i en cache har lenge vært populære tema innen forskning, som stammer fra sidet virtuelt minne. I det meste har foregående arbeid konsentrert seg på ...
    • CAGISTrans: Adaptable Transactional Support for Cooperative Work 

      Ramampiaro, Herindrasana (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:94, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      The theme of this thesis is on transactional support for cooperative work environments, focusing on data sharing. It is thus concerned with the provision of suitable mechanisms to manage concurrent access to shared data ...
    • Cake Defense game for the android operative system 

      Berg, Øyvind; Øien, Knut; Jotun, Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      ENGELSK: Cake Defense is a game project based on the game genre tower defense (TD). With a few disputes in the implementation of this genre we have come up with an interactive TD, resulting in a unique game for the android ...
    • Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Digital Services: Toward User Awareness 

      Ørbæk, Anne Seline Jensvold (Master thesis, 2023)
      I dagens samfunn er buzzwords som Internet of Things (IoT), skytje- nester, Artificial Intelligence (AI) og Viritual Reality (VR) stadig mer utbredt, noe som gjenspeiler den pågående teknologiske revolusjonen på verdensbasis. ...
    • Calculation of Critical Fault Recovery Time for Nonlinear Systems Based on Region of Attraction Analysis 

      Tabatabaeipour, S. Mojtaba; Blanke, Mogens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In safety critical systems, the control system is composed of a core control system with a fault detection and isolation scheme together with a repair or a recovery strategy. The time that it takes to detect, isolate, and ...
    • Calculation of the coverage area of mobile broadband communications. Focus on land 

      Martínez Gálvez, Antonio (Master thesis, 2010)
      Calculation of the coverage area of mobile broadband communications. Focus on land
    • Calibrating range measurements of lidars using fixed landmarks in unknown positions 

      Alhashimi, Anas; Magnusson, Martin; Knorn, Steffi; Varagnolo, Damiano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We consider the problem of calibrating range measurements of a Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) sensor that is dealing with the sensor nonlinearity and heteroskedastic, range-dependent, measurement error. We solved the ...
    • Calibrating range measurements of lidars using fixed landmarks in unknown positions 

      Alhashimi, Anas; Magnusson, Martin; Knorn, Steffi; Varagnolo, Damiano (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We consider the problem of calibrating range measurements of a Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) sensor that is dealing with the sensor nonlinearity and heteroskedastic, range-dependent, measurement error. We solved the ...
    • Calibrating Robotic Systems: The Case Study Of The Butterfly Robot 

      Tønnessen, Tor Arve (Master thesis, 2021)
      "Sommerfugl" - roboten er et referansesystem for uttesting av unlineære reguleringsmetoder og algoritmer for bevegelsesplanlegging, og dens dynamikk er komplisert. Grunnet dynamikkens kompleksitet, er det nødvendig med ...
    • Calibration methodologies for multi-giga sample per second ADCs 

      Hoff, Kai Erik (Master thesis, 2014)
      Time-interleaving Analog-to-Digital Converters allows for increased sampling rates at the cost of added signal distortion. This article considers a system where Timing Jitter is counteracted by a Trace and Hold module, ...
    • Calibration of mismatch effects in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters 

      Kabaeva, Anastasia A (Master thesis, 2013)
      The performance of time-interleaved analogue-to-digital (A/D) converters is often significantly degraded by timing mismatch errors. In this project we explore methods for performing reconstruction of signals from recurrent ...
    • A Call for Mandatory Input Validation and Fuzz Testing 

      Køien, Geir Myrdahl; Øverlier, Lasse (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The on-going digitalization of our critical infrastructures is progressing fast. There is also a growing trend of serious and disrupting cyber-attacks. The digital services are often fragile, and with many weaknesses and ...
    • Call graph discovery in binary programs from unknown instruction set architectures 

      Pettersen, Håvard; Morrison, Donn Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study addresses the challenge of reverse engineering binaries from unknown instruction set architectures, a complex task with potential implications for software maintenance and cyber-security. We focus on the tasks ...
    • Camera based Display Image Quality Assessment 

      Zhao, Ping (Doctoral Dissertations at Gjøvik University College;3-2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-11-04)
      This thesis presents the outcomes of research carried out by the PhD candidate Ping Zhao during 2012 to 2015 in Gjøvik University College. The underlying research was a part of the HyPerCept project, in the program of ...
    • Camera Link transmitter for high bandwidth ADC data readout 

      Ole-Tobias Moen (Master thesis, 2023)
      IDEAS (Integrated Detector Electronics A/S) er et Oslo-basert FoU-selskap som spesialiserer seg på designe tilpassede integrerte detektor- og sensoravlesningskretser (applikasjonsspesifikk integrert kretser, ASIC) for bruk ...
    • Camera Relocalization for Augmented Reality Applications using Machine Learning 

      Papin, Maxime (Master thesis, 2020)
      Augmented Reality-applikasjoner har blomstrende spesielt siden smarttelefoner har blitt så kraftige, og behovet for effektive, raske og robuste lokaliseringsalgoritmer har vokst med det. I dette masteroppgavearbeidet takler ...
    • Camera Response Function Assessment in Multispectral HDR Imaging 

      Ansariasl, Majid; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste Denis; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Recently, spatially varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (svBRDF) is widely used as a model to characterize the appearance of materials with varying visual properties over the surface. One of the ...
    • Camera-aided Inertial Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Non-linear Observers 

      Fusini, Lorenzo (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:225, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      The objective of this thesis is to investigate solutions for a robust autonomous navigation system for a fixed-wing UAV. Robustness requires the ability to detect faults in the system and to compensate for the consequent ...