Now showing items 20042-20061 of 21032

    • User Adaptation in Anonymous Web Applications 

      Myrlund, Jonas (Master thesis, 2014)
      The goal of the project in this thesis is to explore the viability of an approach to user adaptation where the application context is significantly more constraining than in most cases seen in previous academic work.The ...
    • User Adaptation in Anonymous Web Applications 

      Myrlund, Jonas (Master thesis, 2014)
      The goal of the project in this thesis is to explore the viability of an approach to user adaptation where the application context is significantly more constraining than in most cases seen in previous academic work. The ...
    • User Authentication in Multi-mode Mobile Phones 

      Kulseth, Torild (Master thesis, 2007)
      IMS-WLAN interworking is a step towards extending IMS functionality into other access technologies, but this architecture is very comprehensive and is unlikely to be employed everywhere. The result is a need for alternative ...
    • User coderepository for web-based codeeditor 

      Grønnbeck, Emil Daijiro (Master thesis, 2017)
      Eclipsky is a Web-based editor written by Hallvard Trætteberg and former students, with the motivation of being an educational IDE for smaller programming exercises in the Object oriented programming course at NTNU. However ...
    • User Collaboration and Self-Expression in Virtual Worlds 

      Ingebrigtsen, Magnus. (Master thesis, 2024)
      I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sett nærmere på temaet brukerinteraksjon i virtuelle verdener. Oppgaven tar for seg følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan har historiske hendelser formet virtuelle verdener og metaverser, og ...
    • User Collaboration in Specialized Softwares 

      Dahdouh, Ghais; Duhamel, Arnaud; Johansen, Sergei (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Norkart AS er et selskap som tilbyr, blant annet, produkter som tar sikte på å digitalisere ulike prosesser i kommunene. Deres programvare Komtek har dette formålet. En del av Komtek-programvaren er dedikert til å håndtere ...
    • User Engagement in Game-based Student Response Systems: A Case Study on Kahoot! 

      Skøien, Julie Alice (Master thesis, 2018)
      Among all the new applications and services coming, are technological tools one can benefit from, in fields such as educational environments. The increased use of technology in schools has opened up for new ways of learning, ...
    • User Engagement with Snapchat: Exploring the Influence of Technical Factors 

      Næss, Sara Eriksen (Master thesis, 2018)
      The use of digital services has become part of peoples' everyday lives. Research on how people use and engage with these services has become increasingly important. User engagement is a concept that has gained prominence ...
    • User Evaluation of a Storytelling Application Assisting Visitors in Protected Nature Areas 

      Hameed, Asim; Klungre, Øyvind Sørdal; Perkis, Andrew; Bolme, Gøran; Brownridge, Andrew Mark (Chapter, 2021)
      Storytelling has been part of human culture throughout history. Stories become profound when they are related to real places. In this paper we look at the use of location-based media and augmented reality to create ...
    • User Experience and Technical Solutions for Location Based Push Commercials 

      Fagerjord, Jørund Børge (Master thesis, 2014)
      This project focuses on the creation of an Android app for location based push commercials, which henceforth will be called an offers app. The idea of the app is the following: Users are allowed to chose which ac- tors ...
    • User experience in personalized online shopping: a fuzzy-set analysis 

      Pappas, Ilias (Journal article, 2018)
      In the complex environments of online personalization, multiple factors have been considered to explain consumers’ online behaviour, but largely without considering the role of specific configurations of variables and how ...
    • User Friendly Access Solutions for Mobile WiMAX 

      Tukkensæter, Brage Rønning (Master thesis, 2009)
      Today, WiMAX networks are deployed several places worldwide. To get access to these networks, users have to buy equipment specialized for one operator with a subscription. User equipment has earlier been stationary or ...
    • User Interface Design for Industrial Control Systems 

      Jovic, Snezana; Marstrander, Nina Vinding (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Klienten bak dette prosjektet spesialiserer seg i automatiserte industrielle prosesser, gjerne innen masseproduksjon. For å kunne overvåke og kontrollere slike prosesser, bruker de i dag et grafisk brukergrensesnitt på ...
    • User Interface Design for Privacy Enhancing Technology 

      Ripmann, Nina (Master thesis, 2012)
      A significant amount of information is available of us online due to the increased use of the Internet and online services. It appears to be a tendency among users to not read privacy policies when creating user accounts ...
    • User Interface Design: Web-based Learning Tools for facilitating Problem-based Situated Learning in a Lifelong Learning context 

      Aune, Ole Kristian (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven undersøkes egenskapene til problembasert læring, situert læring og livslang læring. Sammen med egenskapene til læringsteknologi og nettbaserte læringsverktøy utarbeides en liste med egenskaper som kan ...
    • User interface evaluation of a ski injuries management system 

      Dalipi, Fisnik; Ferati, Mexhid; Yildirim, Sule (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Although many technological devices and solutions to enhance the skiing experience are now available for skiers, skiing sometimes could turn to be potentially dangerous. The speed of movement, environment unpredictability, ...
    • User Interface for 3D Visualization with Emphasis on Combined Voxel and Surface Representation: Design Report 

      Lyngset, Runar Ylvisåker (Master thesis, 2006)
      The thesis presents a user interface design aimed at the scenario where a dual representation of a volume is desired in order to emphasize certain parts of a volume using surface graphics while the rest of the volume is ...
    • User Interfaces for Accessing Information in Digital Repositories 

      Hauglid, Jon Olav (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:11, Doctoral thesis, 2005)
      Technological advances have made more information available to a larger part of the population than ever before. At the same time, the ability to locate and retrieve relevant information has become much more central. ...
    • User Modeling Validation Over the Security Awareness of Digital Natives 

      Gkioulos, Vasileios; Wangen, Gaute; Katsikas, Sokratis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Young generations make extensive use of mobile devices, such as smart-phones, tablets and laptops, for a variety of daily tasks with potentially critical impact, while the number of security breaches via portable devices ...
    • User Participation in the Development of a Large-Scale Electric Health Record System 

      Zahlsen, Øivind Klungseth (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:140, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      The active involvement of users is considered a best practice in the development of information systems and is a core element in both user-centered and participatory design. Considering the increasing size and complexity ...