Now showing items 21-40 of 214

    • Automated Calibration of Multi-Projector Arrays 

      Nordbryhn, Ola (Master thesis, 2009)
      Setting up large multi-projector arrays today usually come at a cost; manual calibration of each projector requires time. The orientation of the image from each projector must be correctly aligned in six axes to make the ...
    • Automatic Detection and Correction of Flaws in Service Specifications 

      Slåtten, Vidar (Master thesis, 2008)
      While rigorous, mathematical techniques are helpful for improving the quality of software engineering, the threshold of learning and adapting formal methods keep many practitioners from embracing these kinds of approaches. ...
    • Betaling for redaksjonelt innhold i en norsk nettavis: Analyse av en mulig betalingstjeneste på VG Nett 

      Than, Thien Kim (Master thesis, 2007)
      Norske nettaviser har lenge ønsket å ta betaling for det redaksjonelle innholdet. Så langt har ingen oppnådd stor suksess med betalingstjenester innen det området. Denne oppgaven skal utforske muligheten for å utvikle en ...
    • Biometric Solutions for Personal Identification 

      Larsen, Tormod Emsell (Master thesis, 2008)
      With a high level of accuracy and ease of use, the technology of biometrics has the recent years gained popularity and in many cases replaced traditional identification methods based on passwords or tokens. While fingerprint ...
    • Bluetooth enabled Peer2Peer services in ActorFrame 

      Kristiansen, Stephan Søreng (Master thesis, 2006)
      To make services for mobile devices more user friendly wireless communication is a very helpful tool. Wireless communication normally requires no or very little user input, and communication over a wireless interface is ...
    • Bluetooth in Context acquisition 

      Davidsen, Henrik (Master thesis, 2006)
      PAN, Personal Area Network, may be described as the connection of personal devices, allowing information exchange over short ranges. This term is used on several of todays short range wireless technologies like Bluetooth, ...
    • Broadband Development: Who Stands to Gain 

      Brorson, Hans Kristian (Master thesis, 2006)
      The first Internet services which attracted users were e-mail and web. Broadbanddeployment have later enabled multimedia services like voice and video. This development disrupts the future outlook for both telephone ...
    • Broadband Wireless Access for the African Rural District 

      Carlsen, Jan-Erik (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis have investigated technical and economical challenges for deploying WiMAX networks in rural districts of Africa. Africa has a fixed telephone line penetration of only 3%, which is a significant barrier for ...
    • Bruk av pseudonymiseringsteknologi i nasjonale registre 

      Refsdal, Eirik (Master thesis, 2007)
      Denne oppgaven handler om å identifisere problemer av teknisk art som er til hinder for etablering av nasjonale, pseudonyme helseregistre. For å få en mest mulig komplett oversikt over disse problemene har jeg valgt å ...
    • Brukeraksessstyring i 802.11i RSN 

      Molnes, Kenneth Helge (Master thesis, 2007)
      I emnet TTM4137 Mobil sikkerhet er det utviklet en student lab [2] som muliggjør uttesting av sårbarhet i IEEE 802.11 teknologi. Denne oppgaven skal basere seg på dette og videreutvikle dette verktøyet slik at det egner ...
    • Brukersikkerhet i spillindustrien 

      Lindseth, Jarle (Master thesis, 2010)
      Oppgaven starter med en gjennomgang av spillindustriens og hvordan dens utvikling har økt behovet for fokus på brukerautentisering, hvordan den kan sammenliknes med andre industrier og hvordan den skiller seg fra dem. Den ...
    • Business Analysis of Communication and IT Service Portfolios 

      Ree, Tormod Ingridsønn (Master thesis, 2007)
      The last decades in the communication and IT industry have been influenced by the introduction of numerous new business actors and technological systems. They have brought with them a wide variety of business actors operating ...
    • Business Models for GeoPos: A Broker Service for Geographical Position Data 

      Landsverk, Svein Tore (Master thesis, 2008)
      Information about users' locations during a communication session opens up an area of service provision where applications can be developed to serve people according to where they are. The utility of such applications are ...
    • CityMob: Prototype Development of a Commercial City Information Portal for Mobile Phones 

      Isene, Jan Sindre; Johannessen, Petter Hwan Eide (Master thesis, 2007)
      The extensive list of cultural offerings in big European cities has resulted in a variety of city guides in magazines and on the Internet. However, users often require information when they are on the run. A city guide ...
    • CityMob: Prototype Development of a Commercial City Information Portal for Mobile Phones 

      Isene, Jan Sindre; Johannessen, Petter Hwan Eide (Master thesis, 2007)
      The extensive list of cultural offerings in big European cities has resulted in a variety of city guides in magazines and on the Internet. However, users often require information when they are on the run. A city guide ...
    • Collaboration-Oriented Modeling Of An Offshore Group Communication System 

      Doan-Thi-Hong, Tam (Master thesis, 2009)
      This thesis studies the SPACE method by creating building blocks for a Push to Talk (PTT) service in WLAN environment. The structure and behavior of a PTT service is analyzed and discussed. We have modeled the behavior of ...
    • Combining graphics and video using graphics cards 

      Vangli, Marcus Andre (Master thesis, 2006)
      This report contains an introduction to graphics and video technology. Furthermore the game Avatars-Online, which is a massive multiplayer online game is presented. Avatars-Online introduces a new concept of handling ...
    • Comparing Power Consumption of Networks Employing Different Optical Networking Techniques 

      Elserud, Katrine (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis has put the light on the power consumption in network systems. The power consumption of ICT systems have lately been an interesting and important topic worldwide. The growth of Internet has expanded and up til ...
    • Composing distributed 3D scenes 

      Ness, Stein Olav (Master thesis, 2006)
      The Distributed Multimedia Plays (DMP) System Architecture provides combined adaptive scene resolution and traffic control in packet networks, see This project focuses on adaptive scene ...
    • Composing end-user services 

      Vaskinn, Jens Einar Heide (Master thesis, 2009)
      Service composition is currently a very hot topic in the Service Oriented Computing area. End-user programming is one aspect of this. This thesis proposes one such end-user programming environment for telecom services where ...