Now showing items 14962-14981 of 21030

    • Power Flow Tracing: Methods and Algorithms - Implementation Aspects 

      Berg, Kjersti (Master thesis, 2017)
      With the advent of deregulation, power systems across the world have undergone major restructuring. The unbundling of generation, transmission and distribution services has led to the emergence of electricity markets. One ...
    • Power Grids - Cyber Security Requirements for SCADA and Substations 

      Mishra, Deepti; Houmb, Siv Hilde; Tokas, Shukun (Research report, 2021)
      The ‘Smart Grid’ describes a next-generation electrical power system which brings multiple benefits from the increased use of information and communication technology but at the same time escalate security risks. Security ...
    • Power Losses in Electrical Topologies for a Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine System 

      Sunde, Ingvar Hinderaker; Torres Olguin, Raymundo E.; Anaya-Lara, Olimpo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Multi-rotor wind turbine systems are proposed as an additional technology to the future of wind energy, and a way of achieving wind turbines generating 20 MW or more. Research regarding the electrical connections of such ...
    • Power losses in the three-phase three-limb transformer due to common and differential mode of dc-bias 

      Wang, Wei; Nysveen, Arne; Magnusson, Niklas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) and the converter modulation effect are the two main causes for dc magnetisation in power transformers. It is well known that a small dc-bias can saturate a large transformer and ...
    • Power Management System for Offshore Crane 

      Mevold, Viktor Nerbø (Master thesis, 2013)
      The main objective in this thesis is to control the power consumption of a lattice boom offshore crane in order to reduce frequency variations and prevent blackouts. After studying how the electrically powered offshore ...
    • Power market models for the clean energy transition: State of the art and future research needs 

      Haugen, Mari; Blaisdell-Pijuan, Paris L.; Botterud, Audun; Levin, Todd; Zhou, Zhi; Belsnes, Michael Martin; Korpås, Magnus; Somani, Abhishek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As power systems around the world are rapidly evolving to achieve decarbonization objectives, it is crucial that power system planners and operators use appropriate models and tools to analyze and address the associated ...
    • Power Modeling in Cross-Country Skiing: A Quantitative Approach by Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation 

      Magnussen, Gina (Master thesis, 2019)
      En kvantitativ tilnærming til hvordan variasjoner i input påvirker output ved beregninger av krefter i kraftbalansemodellen i langrenn er presentert i dette studiet. Tre sprintløp og to langdistanseløp, inkludert både ...
    • Power Modeling of Complex Designs 

      Bygland, Embla Trasti (Master thesis, 2020)
      I dette prosjektet implementeres et verktøy for å lage effektmodeller av RTL design. Den genererte effektmodellen er ment å brukes sammen med et effektestimeringsverktøy for å gi et tidlig, raskt og nøyaktig effektestimat. ...
    • Power Module Design with Chip-Level Series-Connected SiC MOSFETs 

      Ubostad, Tobias Nieckula; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis (Chapter, 2024)
      Series connection of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) is a viable solution to design switches for voltages that are not yet commercially available or limited for single-die ...
    • Power optimisation of autonomous rotorcraft 

      Nordås Årsandøy, Frida Xiang (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den raske veksten av droner de siste årene har muliggjort ulike bruksområder på tvers av forskjellige bransjer. Samtidig har Norge vedtatt European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regelverket som ble innført i 2021 for å ...
    • Power optimized multipliers 

      Mathiassen, Stian (Master thesis, 2010)
      Power consumption becomes more important as more devices becomes embedded or battery dependant. Multipliers are generally complex circuits, consuming a lot of energy. This thesis uses Sand's multiplier generator, made for ...
    • Power oscillation damping with virtual capacitance support from modular multilevel converters 

      Taffese, Abel Assegid; Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu; D'Arco, Salvatore; Tedeschi, Elisabetta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Power oscillation damping (POD) is one of the ancillary services expected from high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converters. When providing POD to the ac side, converters draw power from the dc side, which can cause ...
    • Power Oscillation Monitoring using Statistical Learning Methods 

      Haugdal, Hallvar; Uhlen, Kjetil (Chapter, 2019)
      This paper describes development and testing of a method for estimation of electromechanic modes and corresponding mode shapes from frequency or voltage angle measurements in Wide Area Monitioring Systems. The method uses ...
    • Power production experiments at the Test Beam Line in the CLIC Test Facility 3 

      Lillestøl, Reidar Lunde (Master thesis, 2010)
      CLIC is an international study of a future multi-TeV electron-positron linear collider, where the energy of a high-intensity drive beam is extracted and transferred to the main beam via Power Extraction and Transfer ...
    • Power Profiling: From Measurements to Simulation Models 

      Hvatum, Stian; Runde, Terje (Master thesis, 2014)
      Energy efficiency is currently one of the biggest challenges inmodern computer design. High power density limits further performancegrowth, and energy efficiency affects both the power bill for supercomputersand battery ...
    • Power quality enhancement by SiC Active Power Filters in Oil and Gas Platforms 

      Vitoi, Lais; Brandao, Danilo; Tedeschi, Elisabetta (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper presents a study for active power filters’ (APFs) application in a typical offshore O&G platform, where reactive power compensation and current harmonic mitigation are often needed to meet ...
    • Power quality monitoring in electric grid integrating offshore wind energy: A review 

      Shao, Han; Henriques, Rui; Morais, Hugo; Tedeschi, Elisabetta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The rising integration of offshore wind energy into the electric grid provides remarkable opportunities in terms of environmental sustainability and cost efficiency. However, it poses challenges to power quality (PQ) caused ...
    • Power quality studies of a Stand-alone Wind-powered Water Injection System without Physical Inertia 

      Gaugstad, Alexander Tufta (Master thesis, 2017)
      The purpose of this thesis is to study the power quality in a stand-alone wind- powered water injection system for enhanced oil recovery. Water injection is crucial for boosting the recovery rate in mature oil reservoirs. ...
    • Power Quandles 

      Vik, Torstein (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Vi introduserer kategorien bestående av potensquandler og studerer den glemsomme funktoren Pq fra grupper til potensquandler sammen med dens venstreadjungerte, Gr. Vi formoder at hvis to endelige grupper har isomorfe ...
    • Power Supply for Down-hole Applications Based on Flow 

      Kazmi, Syed Ali Irtaza (Master thesis, 2017)
      The main focus of this thesis is to develop a power supply for feeding power to the down-hole electronic devices such as, instrumentation and communication units. The traditional way of supplying power using long cables ...