• Strain relaxation behaviour of vortices in a multiferroic superconductor 

      Evans, Donald; Schiemer, J. A.; Wolf, T.; Adelmann, P.; Böhmer, A. E.; Meingast, C.; Dutton, S. E.; Mukherjee, P.; Hsu, Y.-T.; Carpenter, Michael A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The elastic and anelastic properties of a single crystal of Co-doped pnictide Ba(Fe0.957Co0.043)2As2 have been determined by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy in the frequency range 10–500 kHz, both as a function of temperature ...
    • Strain relaxation dynamics of multiferroic orthorhombic manganites 

      Carpenter, Michael A.; Pesquera, David; O'Flynn, Dan; Balakrishnan, Geetha; Mufti, Nandang; Nugroho, A A; Palstra, Thomas T M; Mihalik, Marian; Mihalik, Matus; Zentkova, Maria; Almeida, Abilio; Moreira, Joaquim Agostinho Agostinho; Vilarinho, Rui; Meier, Dennis Gerhard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy has been used to characterise strain coupling and relaxation behavior associated with magnetic/magnetoelectric phase transitions in GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and TbMn0.98Fe0.02O3 through their influence ...
    • Strain-path change induced transients in flow stress, work hardening and r-values in aluminum 

      Mánik, Tomás; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article, 2015)
      Commercially pure aluminum with random texture was prestrained either by rolling or by uniaxial compression, and then tested in uniaxial tension to study the transients in flow stress, work hardening and r-value induced ...
    • Strain-Path Changes in Brass (Cu-20Zn) 

      Hågensen, Tonje Asklund (Master thesis, 2017)
      Metals are often exposed to multi-path loading in the forming process. Plastic deformed in more than one direction can have significant effects on microstructural evolution and mechanical behaviour. These mechanisms and ...
    • Strain-phonon coupling in (111)-oriented perovskite oxides 

      Moreau, Magnus; Marthinsen, Astrid; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Strain-phonon coupling, in terms of the shift in phonon frequencies under biaxial strain, is studied by density functional theory calculations for 20 perovskite oxides strained in their (111) and (001) planes. While the ...
    • Strategies for the analysis of the elemental metal fraction of Ir and Ru oxides via XRD, XANES, and EXAFS 

      Reksten, Anita; Russel, Andrea E.; Richardson, Peter W.; Thompson, Stephen J.; Mathisen, Karina; Seland, Frode; Sunde, Svein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Iridium and ruthenium oxide are active electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution. The relation between preparation method, structure, and behavior of mixed oxides of iridium and ruthenium are of interest in order to obtain ...
    • Strålingspåvirkning på optiske element for en Hyperspektral CubeSat-nyttelast 

      Kristvik, Vebjørn Rogne (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      NTNU SmallSat Lab har som mål å bygge en billig og høy ytelse hyperspectral-kamera for å oppdage alge og plankton signaturer fra rommet. Kameraet er laget av optiske COTS komponenter. Det er imidlertid velkjent innen romfart ...
    • Strength and Ductility in two Ultra High Strength Al-Alloys AA2196 and AA7090 

      Kyllingstad, Runar Braut (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne masteroppgaven blir de mekaniske egenskapene, kornstrukturen og anisotropien i tredjegenerasjons Al-Li legeringen AA2196 undersøkt etter en foreslått varmebehandlingsprosess. Hensikten med rapporten er å undersøke ...
    • Strength contributions from precipitates 

      Holmedal, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      A theory for the strength contribution from precipitates is developed based on the statistical particle-size and shape distributions and the corresponding obstacle strengths. The generic case of spherical precipitates and ...
    • Strengthening and toughening mechanisms of an ultrafine grained Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy processed by cyclic extrusion and compression 

      Wang, Qudong; Mu, Yongliang; Lin, Jinbao; Zhang, Li; Roven, Hans Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Cyclic extrusion and compression (CEC) was implemented to process the Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Microstructure characters, including the matrix grain, precipitates and texture evolution, were tried to correlate with the mechanical ...
    • Stress corrections after necking using a two-parameter equation for the radius of curvature 

      Lu, Feng; Manik, Tomas; Holmedal, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted at room temperature, 100 °C and 150 °C, for obtaining necking-corrected stress–strain curves until fracture. The necking correction is based on specimen contours estimated from images ...
    • Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Amine Solution 

      Sigurd Johannes Gaut (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne oppgaven undersøkes muligheten for spenningskorrosjon og andre sprøbruddsmekanismer i et S235JR stål i en løsning av 30% monoetanolamin. Strekktesting ved lav tøyningshastighet ble foretatt med to og to prøver i ...
    • Stress Induced Problems in Himalayan Tunnels with Special Reference to Squeezing 

      Shrestha, Gyanendra Lal (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:20, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      There is a huge potential of underground constructions in the Himalayan region for hydropower, transport systems and conservation of environment. However, the tectonic activities have resulted with a fragile regional ...
    • Stress-strain relations for age hardened AlMgSi alloys, measured with necking corrections and modelled based on TEM characterization 

      Lu, Feng (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:182, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Age hardening Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys, like other aluminium alloys, are increasingly utilized due to the combination of cost-saving, easy fabrication, and good mechanical properties. Yield strength and work hardening are ...
    • Structural and chemical stability of the hexagonal manganites 

      Skjærvø, Sandra Helen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:252, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      The link between atomic interactions and functional properties in the fascinating material system called hexagonal manganites is investigated in this thesis. By using both neutron scattering measurements and first principles ...
    • Structural and electrochemical characterization of graphite materials for Li ion batteries 

      Tran, Phung Hieu Dinh (Master thesis, 2012)
      The purpose of this study is to find a correlation between the crystallite sizes in thebasal plane direction of graphite materials, used in carbon anodes in Lithium-ionbatteries. Carbon anodes are the most common type of ...
    • Structural Characterization of Natural Quartz by Scanning TEM 

      Busam, Jochen; Wenner, Sigurd; Muggerud, Astrid Marie; Van Helvoort, Antonius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      For quartz, despite its industrial importance and an extensive amount of research done on it, there are still open fundamental questions, e.g. regarding crystal defects, phase changes or damage mechanisms under ionizing ...
    • Structural Disorder and Coherence across the Phase Transitions of Lead-Free Piezoelectric Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 

      Jiang, Bo; Ræder, Trygve Magnus; Lin, De-Ye; Grande, Tor; Selbach, Sverre Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Relaxor ferroelectrics exhibit superior properties for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, and vice versa, but the structural disorder hampers an understanding of structure–property relationships and impedes ...
    • Structural Dynamics Study of Hydration Shells on n-Ge(100) in Aqueous Solution with Electrochemical Control 

      Niu, Fang; Erbe, Andreas (Chapter, 2016)
      Structural changes of the hydration shell of surfaces in aqueous solution are studied using attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy, under different electrode potentials and consequently different states of the ...
    • Structural Evolution of Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Barium Sodium Niobate Tungsten Bronze 

      Aamlid, Solveig Stubmo; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Grande, Tor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The crystal structure of the ferroelastic and ferroelectric tungsten bronze Ba2NaNb5O15 (BNN) has been debated. Here, we re-examine the crystal structure of BNN by ambient powder X-ray diffraction combined with density ...