• Kartlegging og analyse på dannelse av iso-forbindelser ved co-prosessering av bio-oljer i et dieselprosessanlegg 

      Lauvås, Marte; Remmen, Iselin Steensen; Skjæveland, Lene (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Formålet med denne bacheloroppgaven var å analysere og kartlegge hvordan innblanding av bio-olje i et dieselprosessanlegg med deWax-katalysator og ulik reaktortemperatur vil påvirke karbonnummer og mengde iso-forbindelser ...
    • Kartlegging og sammenligning av mikrobiell vekst og nedbrytning i mineralsk og biologisk nedbrytbar olje 

      Risebrobakken, Eirik; Solbakken, Anders (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I takt med det grønne skiftet er håpet at biologisk nedbrytbare oljer (EALs) skal kunne erstatte tradisjonelle mineralske og syntetiske oljer, men det finnes noen utfordringer. En av disse utfordringene er hvis det kommer ...
    • Kimdanning av sprøbrudd i et 420 MPa arktisk stål 

      Salvesen, Trine Viveke (Master thesis, 2011)
      Sveising fører til endret mikrostruktur i deler av stålet. I kombinasjon med lave temperaturer oppstår nye forutsetninger for brudd.I denne masteroppgava ble det sett på initiering av sprøbrudd i et sveisesimulert 420 ...
    • Kimdanning av sprøbrudd i simulert grovkornet HAZ i et arktisk stål 

      Brandt, Kristin Roberta (Master thesis, 2012)
      Det har blitt estimert at 30 % av verdensuoppdagede gassreserver og 13 % av verdens uoppdagede oljereserver ligger i de polare områdene i nord. Man trenger derfor materialer som tåler lave temperaturer for å hente opp denne ...
    • Kinetic Investigations of SiMn Slags From Different Mn Sources 

      Kim, Pyunghwa; Tangstad, Merete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The kinetics of MnO and SiO2 reduction were investigated for Silicomanganese (SiMn) slags using a Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) between 1773 K and 1923 K (1500 °C and 1650 °C) under CO atmospheric pressure. The charge ...
    • Kinetic modeling of the reaction rate for quartz and carbon pellet 

      Li, Fei; Tangstad, Merete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Kinetic modeling of quartz and carbon pellet at temperatures of 1898 K, 1923 K, and 1948 K (1625 °C, 1650 °C, and 1675 °C) was investigated in this study. The carbon materials used were charcoal, coke, coal, and preheated ...
    • Kinetic Study of SiO2 + SiC Reaction in Silicon Production 

      Adisty, Dian (Master thesis, 2013)
      A number of researches related to kinetics of SiO2 + SiC reaction in the silicon production are limited and there is a gap between the real kinetics and mechanism of SiO2 + SiC reaction and people?s knowledge of that ...
    • Kinetic study of vacuum evaporation of elements from ternary melts; case of dilute solution of P in Si-Al melts 

      Hoseinpur Kermani, Arman; Tang, Kai; Safarian, Jafar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This research is devoted to study phosphorus removal from Si-Al alloys by vacuum refining of the ternary system of dilute solutions of P in Si-20 wt%Al. The experiments were carried out in an induction furnace and after ...
    • Kinetics Analysis of Steam Reforming of Methane on Sponge Iron 

      Ramos Ribeiro, Tiago; Ferreira Neto, João Batista; Rocha Poço, João Guilherme; Takano, Cyro; Kolbeinsen, Leiv; Ringdalen, Eli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The kinetics of steam reforming of methane catalyzed by sponge iron was studied at temperatures between 875°C and 1050°C. Results shows that sponge iron acts as a catalyst and methane conversion is increased in higher ...
    • Kinetics and Mechanism of Phase Transformations from Quartz to Cristobalite 

      Kjelstadli, Marthe Erdal (Master thesis, 2016)
      The largely debated silica polymorphism has in this thesis been investigated for the transformation from β-quartz to β-cristobalite. It is done as a step in understanding and improve the furnace operations of the silicon ...
    • Kinetics during hydrothermal synthesis of nanosized KxNa1-xNbO3 

      Skjærvø, Susanne Linn; Wells, Kristin Høydalsvik; Van Beek, Wouter; Grande, Tor; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann (Journal article, 2018)
      Hydrothermal synthesis is an efficient method of making nanosized functional oxide materials, and it has also been used to synthesize KxNa1−xNbO3 solid solution, a promising lead-free piezoelectric material. However, the ...
    • Kinetics of Alumina Carbochlorination 

      Melingen, Kristiane (Master thesis, 2020)
      Kinetikken av varierende kvaliteter av alumina, Al2O3, har blitt undersøkt i reaksjon med CO og Cl2. En reaktor har blitt designet og produsert av denne grunn. Temperatur og gasstrøm har blitt variert for smelter grade ...
    • Kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption in titanium 

      Suwarno, Suwarno; Yartys, Volodymyr (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Titanium is reactive toward hydrogen forming metal hydride which has a potential application in energy storage and conversion. Titanium hydride has been widely studied for hydrogen storage, thermal storage, and battery ...
    • Kinetics of Magnesiothermic Reduction of Natural Quartz 

      Rasouli, Azam; Tsoutsouva, Maria; Safarian, Jafar; Tranell, Gabriella (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this work, the kinetics of natural quartz reduction by Mg to produce either Si or Mg2Si was studied through quantitative phase analysis. Reduction reaction experiments were performed at various temperatures, reaction ...
    • Kinetics of silicon nitride coatings degradation and its influence on liquid infiltration in PV silicon crystallization processes 

      Hendawi, Rania Tayseer; Ciftja, Arjan; Arnberg, Lars; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Safe implementation of reusable crucibles in the silicon PV industry requires a thorough understanding of the reactions in the system to avoid liquid infiltration and crucible failure at high temperatures. Typically, an ...
    • Kinetics of Slag Reduction in Silicomanganese Production 

      Canaguier, Vincent Yves; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this study, the reduction of three silicomanganese charges prepared from industrial raw materials was investigated under isothermal conditions between 1783 K and 1933 K (1510 °C and 1660 °C). The main reactions examined ...
    • Kinetics of the leaching of alumina-containing slag for alumina recovery 

      Azof, Fabian Imanasa; Kolbeinsen, Leiv; Safarian, Jafar (Chapter, 2019)
      The leaching kinetics of an alumina-containing slag produced from the smelting-reduction of low-grade bauxite, which contained a significant amount of iron and low levels of SiO2 and TiO2, is studied. The leaching rates ...
    • Kinetics of the reaction between quartz and silicon carbide in different gas atmospheres 

      Ni, Feng (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis examined the influence of different gas species in the kinetics of SiO2+SiC reaction. The quartz and silicon carbide were crushed to < 38µm, uniformly mixed together with weight ratio of 3:1 and pelletized into ...
    • Kinetics Study on the Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcite Sintered Pellets at Elevated Temperature 

      Kar, Manish Kumar; Eijk, Casper van der; Safarian, Jafar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this study, the isothermal reduction of bauxite residue-calcite sintered pellets by hydrogen at elevated temperatures and different gas flow rates was investigated. A thermogravimetric technique was applied to study the ...
    • Kirkwood-Buff integrals from molecular simulation 

      Dawass, Noura; Krüger, Peter; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg; Simon, Jean-Marc; Vlugt, Thijs J.H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The Kirkwood-Buff (KB) theory provides a rigorous framework to predict thermodynamic properties of isotropic liquids from the microscopic structure. Several thermodynamic quantities relate to KB integrals, such as partial ...