Now showing items 1001-1020 of 2562

    • Functional electronic inversion layers at ferroelectric domain walls 

      Mundy, Julia; Schaab, Jakob; Kumagai, Yu; Cano, Andres; Stengel, Massimiliano; Krug, Ingo P.; Gottlob, Daniel G.; Doganay, Hattice; Holtz, Megan, E.; Held, Rainer; Yan, Zewu; Bourret, Edith; Schneider, Claus M.; Schlom, Darrel G.; Muller, David A.; Ramesh, Ramamoorthy; Spaldin, Nicola A.; Meier, Dennis Gerhard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Ferroelectric domain walls hold great promise as functional two-dimensional materials because of their unusual electronic properties. Particularly intriguing are the so-called charged walls where a polarity mismatch causes ...
    • Functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles by single-step hydrothermal synthesis: the role of the silane coupling agents 

      Dalod, Antoine Robert Marie; Henriksen, Lars; Grande, Tor; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      A simple, robust and versatile hydrothermal synthesis route to in situ functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles was developed using titanium(IV) isopropoxide as Ti-precursor and selected silane coupling agents (3-aminopropyltri ...
    • Fundamental Aspects of Thermodynamics of Small Systems Investigated Through Molecular Simulations and Theoretical Descriptions 

      Bråten, Vilde (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:280, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Systems on the nanoscale can show behaviour that is strikingly different from the behaviour we expect for systems on themacroscopic scale. As a consequence, we can in general not assume that macroscopic theories of matter ...
    • Furnace Atmosphere and Dissolved Hydrogen in Aluminium 

      Syvertsen, Martin; Kvithyld, Anne; Gundersen, Eilif; Johansen, Inge; Engh, Thorvald Abel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Hydrogen solubility is much higher in liquid than in solid aluminium. Therefore, if the hydrogen concentration in liquid aluminium is too high prior to solidification, there is high risk of gas porosity formation during ...
    • Gamma-isotoper i industriell radiografi 

      Kjørsvik, Eline; Bastiansen, Tone Marie Åsen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Problemstillingen i denne rapporten var å vurdere muligheten for å avvikle gamma-isotoper i indusriell radiografi. Store deler av arbeidet bestod av å utføre intervjuer med ulike bedrifter i bransjen. Det ble også utført ...
    • Gas Anodes Made of Porous Graphite for Aluminium Electrowinning 

      Khalaghi, Babak; Gudbrandsen, Henrik; Kjos, Ole Sigmund; Osen, Karen Sende; Paulsen, Ove; Mokkelbost, Tommy; Haarberg, Geir Martin (Journal article, 2017)
      One of the major downsides of the current aluminium production process is the high CO2 emission. One alternative is to replace the consumable carbon anodes with inert anodes so that oxygen evolves instead of CO2. Also PFC ...
    • Gas electrodes with nickel based current collectors for molten carbonate electrolyte thermo-electrochemical cells 

      Kandhasamy, Sathiyaraj; Haarberg, Geir Martin; Kjelstrup, Signe; Solheim, Asbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Thermo-electrochemical cells with inexpensive molten carbonate electrolyte and (CO2|O2) gas electrodes allow the possible conversion of high temperature waste heat from industrial processes into electricity. The cell ...
    • Gas Flow and Pressure Drop in Charge Material in Silicon Production 

      Ringdalen, Eli; Einarsrud, Kristian Etienne; Nordhus, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Gassing, outbursts of high-rate gas flows through the taphole, is a phenomenon that sometimes occurs during tapping of silicon furnaces. In addition to being an HSE challenge, this might also affect the tapping, while the ...
    • Gas Flow in Charges for Mn-Ferroalloy Production 

      Eidsaune, Tyri (Master thesis, 2023)
      Et sentralt mål for ferromanganindustrien er å redusere energiforbruk og utslipp av klimagasser knyttet til produksjonen. For å bidra til å løse disse utfordringene ble PreMa-prosjektet initiert. PreMa-prosjektets mål er ...
    • Gas-Atomized Nickel Silicide Powders Alloyed with Molybdenum, Cobalt, Titanium, Boron, and Vanadium for Additive Manufacturing 

      Ibrahim, Mohammad; Du, Qiang; Hovig, Even Wilberg; Grasmo, Geir; Hulme, Christopher; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Nickel silicides (NiSi) are renowned for their ability to withstand high temperatures and resist oxidation and corrosion in challenging environments. As a result, these alloys have garnered interest for potential applications ...
    • Gaseous reduction of Mn ores in CO-CO2 atmosphere 

      Larssen, Trine Asklund; Tangstad, Merete; Kero, Ida (Chapter, 2018)
      The efficiency in production of manganese ferroalloys is dependent on the gaseous reduction of the higher manganese oxides in the ores used as raw materials. The materials, descending in the furnace, will meet the furnace ...
    • Generator-Sensor Impedance at Double Channel Electrodes 

      Holm, Thomas; Ingdal, Mats; Strobl, Jonathan R; Fanavoll, Espen Vinge; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      A method for measuring downstream concentration effects through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at double channel electrodes is demonstrated. An ac current perturbation is applied at an upstream working electrode ...
    • Giant Functional Properties in Porous Electroceramics through Additive Manufacturing of Capillary Suspensions 

      Menne, David; Lemos Da Silva, Lucas; Rotan, Magnus; Glaum, Julia; Hinterstein, Manuel; Willenbacher, Norbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Dedicated hierarchical structuring of functional ceramics can be used to shift the limits of functionality. This work presents the manufacturing of highly open porous, hierarchically structured barium titanate ceramics ...
    • Gjenvinning av Sjeldne Jordarter fra Elektronisk Avfall 

      Vinje, Berit Johansen (Master thesis, 2016)
      De sjeldne jordartene er en gruppe av grunnstoffer med like kjemiske egenskaper som omfatter lantanoidene og scandium og yttrium. I løpet av de siste tiårene har de blitt essensielle for moderne og grønn teknologi, men ...
    • Global formation of topological defects in the multiferroic hexagonal manganites 

      Meier, Quintin Noel; Lilienblum, Martin; Griffin, Sinead M; Conder, K; Pomjakushina, Ekaterina; Yan, Zewu; Bourret, Edith; Meier, Dennis; Lichtenberg, Frank; Salje, Ekhard K. H.; Spaldin, Nicola A.; Fiebig, Manfred; Cano, Andrés (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The spontaneous transformations associated with symmetry-breaking phase transitions generate domain structures and defects that may be topological in nature. The formation of these defects can be described according to the ...
    • Goldstone-like phonon modes in a (111)-strained perovskite 

      Marthinsen, Astrid; Griffin, Sinead M; Moreau, Magnus; Grande, Tor; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Selbach, Sverre Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Goldstone modes are massless particles resulting from spontaneous symmetry breaking. Although such modes are found in elementary particle physics as well as in condensed-matter systems like superfluid helium, superconductors, ...
    • Gradient in defect density of ZnO nanorods grown by cathodic delamination, a corrosion process, leads to end-specific luminescence 

      Iqbal, Danish; Sarfraz, Adnan; Erbe, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      ZnO nanorods were grown on a zinc substrate via cathodic delamination of a polymer coating, a tailored corrosion process, at room temperature. A comparison between in situ Raman spectra and post mortem cross sectional ...
    • Grain boundary effect on lifetime in high performance multicrystalline silicon during solar cell processing 

      Adamczyk, Krzysztof; Søndenå, Rune; M'hamdi, Mohammed; Autruffe, Antoine; Stokkan, Gaute; Di Sabatino, Marisa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      High performance multicrystalline silicon wafers used in solar cell processing have been investigated with focus on quantification of the grain boundary effect on lifetime. The lifetime of a set of 16 wafers from different ...
    • Grain boundary segregation in Pd-Cu-Ag alloys for high permeability hydrogen separation membranes 

      Løvvik, Ole Martin; Zhao, Dongdong; Li, Yanjun; Bredesen, Rune; Peters, Thijs (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Dense metal membranes that are based on palladium (Pd) are promising for hydrogen separation and production due to their high selectivity and permeability. Optimization of alloy composition has normally focused on bulk ...
    • Grain refinement in Ti6Al4V by means of boron additions 

      Hals, Terje (Master thesis, 2009)