Now showing items 2032-2051 of 2563

    • Si-based phase change materials in thermal energy storage systems 

      Jiao, Jian Meng (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:137, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The main aim of this dissertation is to develop new phase change materials (PCMs) for high temperature energy storage in thermal energy storage (TES) devices, with special focus on Si-based PCMs due to silicon’s the high ...
    • SiC crystalline micro bullets on bio-carbon based charcoal substrate 

      Jayakumari, Sethulakshmy; Vullum, Per Erik; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Silicon carbide (SiC) micro bullets were grown on a bio-carbon based charcoal substrate, the morphology and crystal structure were analyzed. In order to collect the crystallographic details scanning electron microscopy ...
    • SiC formation and SiO reactivity of methane at high temperatures 

      Aarnæs, Trygve Storm; Tangstad, Merete; Ringdalen, Eli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Methane (CH4) is a carbon source currently not in use in the production of silicon. Using a gaseous carbon source instead of conventional solid carbon sources presents an opportunity to rethink silicon production. Preliminary ...
    • SiC production using SiO 2 and Cagglomerates 

      Li, Fei (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:180, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Due to the possible shortage of high-quality fossil carbon materials and charcoal for the Si industry, this study will focus on the possibility of using natural gas as the substitute of commercially scarce high quality ...
    • Side reactions on two types of carbon conductive additives in ionic liquid-based electrolytes for high voltage Li-ion battery cathodes 

      Langli, Helene Lillevestre (Master thesis, 2023)
      Litium-ionbatterier (LIBs) er et godt alternativ for energilagring i elektriske kjøretøy og stasjonær lagring, for eksempel sammen med solceller, i tillegg til å ha mange andre bruksområder. Selv om disse batteriene allerede ...
    • Silane Gas Production Through Hydrolysis of Magnesium Silicide by Hydrochloric Acid 

      Rasouli, Azam; Kuhn, Raphael; Lai, Samson Yuxiu; Safarian, Jafar; Tranell, Maria Gabriella (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Monosilane (SiH4) is a common precursor for the production of high-purity silicon for solar PV applications. As an alternative to carbothermic reduction of silica to produce metallurgical grade silicon with subsequent ...
    • Silica from diatom frustules as anode material for Li-ion batteries 

      Norberg, Andreas Nicolai; Wagner, Nils Peter; Kaland, Henning; Vullum-Bruer, Fride; Svensson, Ann Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In spite of its insulating nature, SiO2 may be utilized as active anode material for Li-ion batteries. Synthetic SiO2 will typically require sophisticated synthesis and/or activation procedures in order to obtain a ...
    • Silica Fume Formation in Different Gas Atmospheres 

      Andersen, Vegar; Rasouli, Azam; Einarsrud, Kristian Etienne; Tranell, Maria Gabriella (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Silica fume is an important byproduct from the silicon production process, with mainly concrete and refractory applications. In this work, the effect of different combustion gas atmospheres on the properties of silica fume ...
    • Silicon and indium as secondary cathodes for the analysis of solid alumina and sapphire by slow-flow direct-current glow discharge mass spectrometry 

      Busam, Jochen; Paudel, Gagan; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We demonstrate and compare the capabilities of indium and silicon as secondary cathodes for the analysis of flat, solid alumina and sapphire matrices by direct current glow discharge mass spectrometry (dc-GDMS). The mask ...
    • Silicon Anodes and Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries 

      Rogstad, Daniel Tevik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:263, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Battery technology is a central part of our future renewables-based energy system, to balance the intermittent production of electrical energy from for example solar cells or wind turbines. Furthermore, batteries have ...
    • Silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries produced from recovered kerf powders 

      Wagner, Nils Peter; Tron, Artur; Tolchard, Julian R; Noja, Gianluigi; Bellmann, Martin Pawel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Silicon kerf waste from a photovoltaic silicon production process is assessed as an anode material for application as a lithium ion battery anode. In contrast to previous studies, the Si-kerf is used as-produced, with no ...
    • Silicon Carbide Formation Enhanced by In-Situ-Formed Silicon Nitride: An Approach to Capture Thermal Energy of CO-Rich Off-Gas Combustion 

      du Preez, S.P; Beukes, Paul; van Zyl, Peter; Tangstad, Merete; Tiedt, LR (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Carbothermic smelting of ores to produce metals or alloys in alternating current open/semiclosed and closed submerged arc furnaces, or in closed direct current furnaces, results in large volumes of CO-rich off-gas being ...
    • Silicon carbide formation from methane and silicon monoxide 

      Aarnæs, Trygve Storm; Ringdalen, Eli; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Silicon carbide (SiC) formation plays an important role during the production of elemental silicon. SiC forms through a high temperature reaction between silicon monoxide gas (SiO) and carbon. Currently, the carbon sources ...
    • Silicon directional solidification Impurity segregation and defects 

      Autruffe, Antoine (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:161, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
    • Silicon for silicon nitride based products 

      Øvregård, Harald (Master thesis, 2013)
      Previous studies have shown that the oxide layer on the surface of silicon particles can reduce the hydrogen evolution that comes from contacting silicon with water during slip casting, prior to nitridation. This study ...
    • Silicon for silicon nitride based products 

      Hem, Erik Riber (Master thesis, 2014)
      Previous studies have investigated the effect of the oxide layer (Ovregård 2013) and iron content (Hem 2013) on the nitridation of silicon powders. This report will take a closer look into the growth mechanisms of different ...
    • Silicon for silicon nitride based products 

      Ovregård, Harald (Master thesis, 2013)
      Previous studies have shown that the oxide layer on the surface of silicon particles can reduce the hydrogen evolution that comes from contacting silicon with water during slip casting, prior to nitridation. This study ...
    • Silicon for Solar Cells 

      Søiland, Anne Karin (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:140, Doctoral thesis, 2005)
      This thesis work consists of two parts, each with a different motivation. Part II is the main part and was partly conducted in industry, at ScanWafer ASA’s plant no.2 in Glomfjord. The large growth in the Photo Voltaic ...
    • Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XV 

      Tangstad, Merete; Andresen, Birger; Rong, Harry; Tveit, Halvard; Gamst, Ingrid (Book, 2020)
    • Silicon Nanoparticle Ensembles for Lithium-Ion Batteries Elucidated by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering 

      Lai, Samson Yuxiu; Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl; Sejersted, Benjamin Tjeltveit; Ulvestad, Asbjørn; Mæhlen, Jan Petter; Koposov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Silicon in the form of nanoparticles has attracted significant interest in the field of lithium-ion batteries due to the enormous capability of lithium intake. In the present work we demonstrate the characterization of ...