• 2N+4-rule and an atlas of bulk optical resonances of zigzag graphene nanoribbons 

      Payod, R. B.; Grassano, D.; Santos, G. N. C.; Levshov, D. I.; Pulci, O.; Saroka, Vasil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Development of on-chip integrated carbon-based optoelectronic nanocircuits requires fast and non-invasive structural characterization of their building blocks. Recent advances in synthesis of single wall carbon nanotubes ...
    • Cavity-mediated superconductor–ferromagnetic-insulator coupling 

      Janssønn, Andreas T. G.; Hugdal, Henning G.; Brataas, Arne; Jacobsen, Sol H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A recent proof of concept showed that cavity photons can mediate superconducting (SC) signatures to a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) over a macroscopic distance [A. T. G. Janssønn et al., Phys. Rev. B 102, 180506(R) (2020)]. ...
    • Constrained s-wave weak-coupling superconductivity in multiband superconductors 

      Aase, Niels Henrik; Johnsen, Christian Svingen; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We consider superconductivity in a system with N Fermi surfaces, including intraband and interband effective electron-electron interactions. The effective interaction is described by an N × N matrix whose elements are ...
    • Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β" precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys 

      Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Bjørge, Ruben; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The mechanism behind shearing of β'' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys during deformation is investigated by applying advanced transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques and frozen phonon multislice TEM image simulations ...
    • Disentangling electron-boson interactions on the surface of a familiar ferromagnet 

      Røst, Håkon; Mazzola, Federico; Bakkelund, Johannes; Åsland, Anna Cecilie; Hu, Jinbang; Cooil, Simon Phillip; Polley, Craig; Wells, Justin William (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      We report energy renormalizations from electron-phonon and electron-magnon interactions in spin minority surface resonances on Ni(111). The different interactions are identified, disentangled, and quantified from the ...
    • Dominant superconducting correlations in a Luttinger liquid induced by spin fluctuations 

      Aase, Niels Henrik; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study spin-fluctuation mediated divergent superconducting fluctuations in a Luttinger liquid proximity-coupled to a spin chain. Our study provides insight into how spin fluctuations can induce superconductivity in a ...
    • Electron-magnon coupling and quasiparticle lifetimes on the surface of a topological insulator 

      Mæland, Kristian; Røst, Håkon Ivarssønn; Wells, Justin William; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The fermionic self-energy on the surface of a topological insulator proximity coupled to ferro- and antiferromagnetic insulators is studied. An enhanced electron-magnon coupling is achieved by allowing the electrons on the ...
    • Eliashberg study of superconductivity induced by interfacial coupling to antiferromagnets 

      Thingstad, Even; Erlandsen, Eirik; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We perform Eliashberg calculations for magnon-mediated superconductivity in a normal metal, where the electron-magnon interaction arises from interfacial coupling to antiferromagnetic insulators. In agreement with previous ...
    • Enhancement of superconductivity mediated by antiferromagnetic squeezed magnons 

      Erlandsen, Eirik; Kamra, Akashdeep; Brataas, Arne; Sudbø, Asle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We theoretically investigate magnon-mediated superconductivity in a heterostructure consisting of a normal metal and a two-sublattice antiferromagnetic insulator. The attractive electron-electron pairing interaction is ...
    • Exceeding the Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit in flat-band superconductors: A multiband strong-coupling approach 

      Mæland, Kristian; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Hybrid systems of superconductors and magnets display several intriguing properties, both from a fundamental physics point of view and with practical applications. Promising applications in superconducting spintronics ...
    • Fingerprints of Universal Spin-Stiffness Jump in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets 

      Troncoso, Roberto; Brataas, Arne; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Motivated by recent progress on synthesizing two-dimensional magnetic van der Waals systems, we propose a setup for detecting the topological Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in spintransport experiments ...
    • First-order superconducting phase transition in a chiral p+ip system 

      Haugen, Håvard Homleid; Krohg, Fredrik Nicolai; Babaev, Egor; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We use large-scale Monte Carlo computations to study the phase transitions between a two-component chiral p -wave superconductor and normal state in zero external magnetic field. We find a first-order phase transition from ...
    • Inverse proximity effect in s-wave and d-wave superconductors coupled to topological insulators 

      Hugdal, Henning Goa; Amundsen, Morten; Linder, Jacob; Sudbø, Asle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We study the inverse proximity effect in a bilayer consisting of a thin s- or d-wave superconductor (S) and a topological insulator (TI). Integrating out the topological fermions of the TI, we find that spin-orbit coupling ...
    • Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy 

      Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Marthinsen, Knut; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Scanning precession electron diffraction and automated crystal orientation mapping in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) have been applied to quantitatively study the crystal orientation of precipitate free zones ...
    • Low-Temperature Growth of Graphene on a Semiconductor 

      Røst, Håkon Ivarssønn; Chellappan, Rajesh Kumar; Strand, Frode Sneve; Grubišić-Čabo, Antonija; Reed, Benjamen P.; Prieto, Mauricio J.; Tǎnase, Liviu C.; Caldas, Lucas de Souza; Wongpinij, Thipusa; Euaruksakul, Chanan; Schmidt, Thomas; Tadich, Anton; Cowie, Bruce; Li, Zheshen; Cooil, Simon; Wells, Justin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The industrial realization of graphene has so far been limited by challenges related to the quality, reproducibility, and high process temperatures required to manufacture graphene on suitable substrates. We demonstrate ...
    • Magnon drag in a metal–insulating antiferromagnet bilayer 

      Erlandsen, Eirik; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study a bilayer structure consisting of an antiferromagnetic insulator and a normal metal. An electron current is driven in the normal metal with direction parallel to the interface between the materials. Due to interfacial ...
    • Magnon-mediated superconductivity on the surface of a topological insulator 

      Erlandsen, Eirik; Brataas, Arne; Sudbø, Asle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We study superconductivity on the surface of a topological insulator, mediated by magnetic fluctuations in an adjacent ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic insulator. Superconductivity can arise from effective interactions ...
    • Multiband strong-coupling superconductors with spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry 

      Aase, Niels Henrik; Mæland, Kristian; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We study superconducting three-band systems within strong-coupling Eliashberg theory. In particular, we search for phase-frustrated superconducting systems with spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) states. ...
    • Multislice image simulations of sheared needle‐like precipitates in an Al‐Mg‐Si alloy 

      Christiansen, Emil; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Bjørge, Ruben; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The image contrast of sheared needle‐like urn:x-wiley:00222720:media:jmi12901:jmi12901-math-0001 precipitates in the Al‐Mg‐Si alloy system is investigated with respect to shear‐plane positions, the number of shear‐planes, ...
    • Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy 

      Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper compares the nano-scale structure of β” precipitates in a peak-aged Al-Mg-Si alloy before and after deformation. Three complementary advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to reveal the ...