• Distributed acoustic sensing of ocean-bottom seismo-acoustics and distant storms: A case study from Svalbard, Norway 

      Taweesintananon, Kittinat; Landrø, Martin; Potter, John Robert; Johansen, Ståle Emil; Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre; Bouffaut, Léa; Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Brenne, Jan Kristoffer; Haukanes, Aksel; Schjelderup, Olaf; Storvik, Frode (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) leverages an ocean-bottom telecommunication fiber-optic cable into a densely sampled array of strain sensors. We demonstrate DAS applications to passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) through ...
    • Eavesdropping at the Speed of Light: Distributed Acoustic Sensing of Baleen Whales in the Arctic 

      Bouffaut, Léa; Taweesintananon, Kittinat; Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Rørstadbotnen, Robin André; Potter, John; Landrø, Martin; Johansen, Ståle Emil; Brenne, Jan Kristoffer; Haukanes, Aksel; Schjelderup, Olaf; Storvik, Frode (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In a post-industrial whaling world, flagship and charismatic baleen whale species are indicators of the health of our oceans. However, traditional monitoring methods provide spatially and temporally undersampled data to ...
    • Near-surface characterization using shear-wave resonances: A case study from offshore Svalbard, Norway 

      Taweesintananon, Kittinat; Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre; Landrø, Martin; Johansen, Ståle Emil; Arntsen, Børge; Forwick, Matthias; Hansen, Alfred (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Shear-wave (S-wave) resonances are typically observed when the surficial marine sediments over a rock substrate have relatively low S-wave velocities. We observe these phenomena using ocean-bottom fiber-optic distributed ...
    • Sensing whales, storms, ships and earthquakes using an Arctic fibre optic cable 

      Landrø, Martin; Bouffaut, Léa; Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Potter, John; Rørstadbotnen, Robin André; Taweesintananon, Kittinat; Johansen, Ståle Emil; Brenne, Jan Kristoffer; Haukanes, Aksel; Schjelderup, Olaf; Storvik, Frode (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Our oceans are critical to the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Increasing pressures on our marine environment are triggering an urgent need for continuous and comprehensive monitoring of the oceans and stressors, ...