Now showing items 21-34 of 34

    • MultiBooster instability and surge - Ustabilitet og surge i MultiBooster 

      H. Kringlebotten, Richard (Master thesis, 2016)
      Industry has lately turned the focus on subsea processing as a tool to enable new developments where the technology needs are increasing. Multiphase pumping ( boosting ) plays a key role in the increase of production and ...
    • Optimal parallellkjøring av eksportkompressorer 

      Foss, Truls (Master thesis, 2013)
      Verdens forbruk av naturgass er stadig økende, og som følge av dette har eksport av gass fra Norge blitt en viktig del av petroleumsindustrien. Statoils anlegg på Kollsnes er sentral i Norges eksport av naturgass og ved ...
    • Subsea Compressor Transients 

      Knut Erik Ellingsgård Johansen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Mange av de lett tilgjengelige feltene på norsk sokkel er utforsket og nærmer seg slutten på sin levetid. Nye ideer med fokus på kosteffektivitet og miljø har ledet utviklingen mot undervannsteknologi, hvor våtgass ...
    • Subsea Wet Gas Compressor Dynamics 

      Perez Aguilera, Luber Carlui (Master thesis, 2013)
      In this Thesis the Aspen HYSYS dynamic functionalities were explored in order to build a dynamic Wet Gas Compressor model. In particular the Automation feature was used to implement two different correction methods, ...
    • Transient Compressor System Analysis 

      Navarsete, Tomas (Master thesis, 2019)
      Det pågåande arbeidet mot ein meir kostnadseffektiv og miljøvennleg olje- og gassindustri har ført til visjonen om undervassfabrikkar og utviklinga av våtgass kompressorsystem. Erfaringa med slike typar system er fortsatt ...
    • Validering av våtgassytelse 

      Nøvik, Håvar (Master thesis, 2013)
      En trykkøkning vil gi gassreservoar økt produksjonsrate eller forlenget levetid, i noen tilfeller også begge deler. Subsea-kompresjon kan være et kostnadseffektivt alternativ til å installere kompresjonen ombord på et ...
    • Wet Gas Compression - Diffuser Instabilities 

      Eikevåg, Tore Kolle (Master thesis, 2014)
      The Norwegian petroleum industry has played an important role in the country's industrial development since the first oil production started in 1971 at Ekofisk. At present, however, natural gas has become an important part ...
    • Wet Gas Compression - IGV Control 

      Henriksen, Martin (Master thesis, 2017)
      Wet gas compression and subsea technology has gained increased attention in the recent years. Subsea compression increase extraction from aging gas fields and make remote fields profitable. Wet gas compressors eliminate ...
    • Wet Gas Compression - Transients 

      Myklestad, Håkon (Master thesis, 2017)
      Today, most of the large and easily accessible oil and gas fields on the Norwegian continental shelf has been developed. Future production potential is found in development of fields at large depths and cost-efficient ...
    • Wet Gas Compressor Performance 

      Natås, Erik (Master thesis, 2014)
      The world s energy demand is increasing and more attention is given to increase the recovery of gas fields. Installing a compressor near the wellhead can contribute to this. Constantly changing reservoir conditions requires ...
    • Wet gas compressor performance evaluation 

      Mæland, Dagfinn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:46, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      The demand for oil and gas from the maturing Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) remains high. Even though the concern for climate change is shifting energy production towards renewables, production on the NCS is expected ...
    • Wet Gas Compressor Transient Operation 

      Dolve, Ingeborg Mæland (Master thesis, 2018)
      Over the past years, the oil and gas industry has directed its attention towards subsea wet gas compression. Previous research has demonstrated that the operation of subsea wet gas compressors represents challenges related ...
    • Wet Gas Compressor Transients 

      Owren, Bjørn Berge (Master thesis, 2014)
      This master thesis considers three subtasks related to transient operation of wet gas compressors.HYSYS Dynamics is used to establish a dynamic simulation model in the first subtask. The model is designed to predict transient ...
    • Wet Gas Compressors - Stability and Range 

      Ferrara, Veronica (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:230, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      The oil and gas industry is a large user of turbomachinery. The demand for oil and gas is consistently growing, and changing market conditions require innovative solutions. Operation and optimization of turbomachinery ...