• Geothermal Energy at Oslo Airport Gardermoen 

      Huuse, Karine Valle; Moxnes, Vilde (Master thesis, 2012)
      Rock Energy is a Norwegian company with a patented solution for drilling deep geothermal wells, for exploitation of deep geothermal energy from Hot Dry Rocks. The concept involves a drilled sub-surface heat exchanger, ...
    • Geothermal energy: Model development and analysis of a pilot project 

      Rindahl, Cecilie (Master thesis, 2016)
      The objective of this study is to develop a calculation method taking into account the thermal interaction between several deep boreholes. Based on a literature study on heat transfer models, a hybrid model combining an ...
    • Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension 

      Rømcke, Olav; Peters, Ivo R.; Hearst, Robert Jason (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Experimental results of towing a cylinder through a dense suspension of cornstarch and sucrose-water are presented. Focus is placed on the jamming fronts that exist in such systems. The literature has concentrated on the ...
    • Getting the ducks in a row 

      Ellingsen, Simen Andreas Ådnøy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Vessels – in the widest sense – travelling on a water surface continuously do work the water surrounding it, causing energy to be radiated in the form of surface waves. The concomitant resistance force, the wave resistance, ...
    • GHG emission requirements and benchmark values in Norwegian building codes 

      Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Selvig, Eivind; Fuglseth, Mie Sparby; Resch, Eirik; Lausselet, Carine; Andresen, Inger; Brattebø, Helge; Hahn, Ulla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      As a response to the Paris agreement, Norway is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50 percent by 2030. Highly energy-efficient buildings have a greater proportion of embodied GHG emissions from material ...
    • Global Carbon Benefits of Material Substitution in Passenger Cars until 2050 and the Impact on the Steel and Aluminum Industries 

      Modaresi, Roja; Pauliuk, Stefan; Løvik, Amund Nordli; Müller, Daniel Beat (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Light-weighting of passenger cars using high-strength steel or aluminum is a common emissions mitigation strategy. We provide a first estimate of the global impact of light-weighting by material substitution on GHG ...
    • Global characterization factors for quantifying the impacts of increasing water temperature on freshwater fish 

      Li, Dan; Dorber, Martin; Barbarossa, Valerio; Verones, Francesca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Water temperature is an abiotic master variable for the survival of aquatic organisms. Global warming alters the thermal regimes of rivers and, thus, poses a threat to freshwater biodiversity. To address the impacts of ...
    • Global Circular Economy Scenario in a Multiregional Input-Output Framework 

      Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja; Harsdorff, Marek; Montt, Guillermo; Silva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In a resource-constrained world of an estimated 10 billion people in 2050 with the same material aspirations of today’s high-income nations, there is no question: The future economy will need to be circular. From a policy ...
    • Global climate impacts of forest bioenergy: what, when and how to measure? 

      Cherubini, Francesco; Bright, Ryan M.; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Environmental impact studies of forest bioenergy systems usually account for CO2 emissions and removals and identify the so-called carbon debt of bioenergy through comparison with a reference system. This approach is based ...
    • Global climate targets and future consumption level: an evaluation of the required GHG intensity 

      Girod, B; van Vuuren, DP; Hertwich, Edgar G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Discussion and analysis on international climate policy often focuses on the rather abstract level of total national and regional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At some point, however, emission reductions need to be ...
    • A global daily evapotranspiration deficit index dataset for quantifying drought severity from 1979 to 2022 

      Zhang, Xia; Duan, Jianping; Cherubini, Francesco; Ma, Zhuguo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Droughts cause multiple ecological and social damages. Drought indices are key tools to quantify drought severity, but they are mainly limited to timescales of monthly or longer. However, shorter-timescale (e.g., daily) ...
    • Global distribution of potential impact hotspots for marine plastic debris entanglement 

      Høiberg, Marthe Alnes; Woods, John Sebastian; Verones, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Marine animals have been known to interact with and become entangled in plastic debris for decades. Despite increasing annual input volumes of plastic waste to the natural environment and the threat this constitutes to ...
    • Global extinction probabilities of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species groups for use in Life Cycle Assessment 

      Verones, Francesca; Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus; Núñez, Montse; Rosa, Francesca; Scherer, Laura; Marques, Alexandra; Michelsen, Ottar; Barbarossa, Valerio; Jaffe, Benjamin; Pfister, Stephan; Dorber, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Human activities put pressure on the natural environmental and the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA) is becoming a more prevalent tool to assess the relevant environmental impacts from products and processes on ...
    • Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: impacts of climate change, fine particulate matter formation, water consumption and land use 

      Jolliet, Olivier; Antón, Assumpció; Boulay, Anne-Marie; Cherubini, Francesco; Fantke, Peter; Levasseur, Annie; McKone, Thomas E.; Michelsen, Ottar; Milà i Canals, Llorenç; Motoshita, Masaharu; Pfister, Stephan; Verones, Francesca; Vigon, Bruce; Frischknecht, Rolf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose Guidance is needed on best-suited indicators to quantify and monitor the man-made impacts on human health, biodiversity and resources. Therefore, the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative initiated a global consensus ...
    • Global life-cycle impacts of onshore wind-power plants on bird richness 

      May, Roelof Frans; Middel, Heleen; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Jackson, Craig Ryan; Verones, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Wind energy development continues to expand rapidly to meet international climate targets. However, these developments impact biodiversity and associated sustainability targets negatively. Environmental impact assessments ...
    • Global optimization of a hybrid waste tire and natural gas feedstock polygeneration system 

      Rammohan Subramanian, Avinash Shankar; Gundersen, Truls; Barton, Paul I.; Adams, Thomas A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The globally optimal design and operation of a process that converts a hybrid waste tire and natural gas feedstock to multiple products (such as electricity, methanol, dimethyl ether, olefins, and liquefied natural gas) ...
    • Global scenarios of resource and emission savings from material efficiency in residential buildings and cars 

      Pauliuk, Stefan; Heeren, Niko; Berrill, Peter; Fishman, Tomer; Nistad, Andrea Arntzen; Tu, Qingshi; Wolfram, Paul; Hertwich, Edgar G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Material production accounts for a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Resource-efficiency and circular-economy strategies, both industry and demand-focused, promise emission reductions through reducing ...
    • Global sensitivity analysis and optimal design of heat recovery ventilation for zero emission buildings 

      Liu, Peng; Justo Alonso, Maria; Mathisen, Hans Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Energy-efficient building services are necessary to realise zero-emission buildings while maintaining adequate indoor environmental quality. As the share of ventilation heating needs grow in well-insulated and airtight ...
    • Global Shipping Emissions from a Well-to-Wake Perspective: The MariTEAM Model 

      Kramel, Diogo; Muri, Helene; Kim, YoungRong; Lonka, Radek; Nielsen, Jørgen Bremnes; Ringvold, Anna L.; Bouman, Evert Alwin; Steen, Sverre; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Improving the robustness of maritime emission inventories is important to ensure we fully understand the point of embarkment for transformation pathways of the sector toward the 1.5 and 2°C targets. A bottom-up assessment ...
    • Global spatially explicit CO2 emission metrics for forest bioenergy 

      Cherubini, Francesco; Huijbregts, Mark; Kindermann, Georg; Van Zelm, Rosalie; Van Der Velde, Marijn; Stadler, Konstantin; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Emission metrics aggregate climate impacts of greenhouse gases to common units such as CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq.). Examples include the global warming potential (GWP), the global temperature change potential (GTP) and the ...