• Dimensioning Loads for a Tidal Turbine 

      Sæterstad, Marie Lunde (Master thesis, 2011)
      The main dynamic loads on a tidal turbine are due to the tidal current variation, turbulence, wave-current interaction and wake from the tower and upstream turbines. The design of the turbine is highly dependent on the ...
    • Dimensioning of Kirne Power Plant in Nepal 

      Drange, Line Sjødin (Master thesis, 2009)
      Kirne Power Plant is a planned expansion of Khimti I Hydro Power Plant in Nepal. During the monsoon period there is a lot of excess water, and the the plan is to utilize this water in an extra power plant during the monsoon. ...
    • Dynamic loads on Francis turbines 

      Valkvæ, Ingebjørg (Master thesis, 2016)
      New installations of unregulated power to the electrical grid have led to more fluctuations in the grid frequency. Hydropower plants with large reservoirs can provide services to balance the frequency by increasing or ...
    • Dynamic Loads on Francis Turbines: An Experimental Study 

      Bergan, Carl Werdelin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:64, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      There is an increasing need for stable and flexible renewable energy. This calls for better lifetime predictions for Francis runners, which in turn requires more knowledge on the dynamic loads on the runner blades. This ...
    • Dynamic Loads on Tidal Turbine Blades 

      Faudot, Céline (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:213, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Tidal turbines convert kinetic energy from tidal currents into electricity in a similar way as wind turbines extract energy from wind. The wind energy industry being more developped, tidal turbine designers use therefore ...
    • Effects of sediment erosion in guide vanes of Francis turbines 

      Thapa, Biraj Singh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:260, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      Erosive wear of turbine components has been a major operational challenge for the runoff-river hydropower plants across the basins of Himalaya in Asia. The hard mineral particles, which are carried by rivers reach the ...
    • Efficiency measurements at Vessingfoss power station 

      Parr, Leif Ragnar Rundquist (Master thesis, 2007)
      A measurement of the hydraulic turbine efficiency at the Vessingfoss hydro power station by the thermodynamic method has been attempted, but has not given the desired results. Two problems have been encountered. The high ...
    • Efficiency- and Pressure pulsation measurements at a low head hydro power plant 

      Solvik, Stian Grunde (Master thesis, 2016)
      Stian Solvik and Peter Joachim Gogstad completed efficiency Measurement for turbine 2 at Leirfossene power plant on 26 May 2016. The measurements were carried out as part of an ongoing research collaboration between NTNU ...
    • Eksperimentell oppgave relatert til Gibson-metoden 

      Østgård, Idun Schjerven (Master thesis, 2008)
      Det er kjent at Gibsons metode gir store avvik ved lave gjennomsnittshastigheter og korte avstander mellom måletverrsnittene, noe som gjør metoden lite egnet i mange kraftverk. Våren 2008 ble det etablert en testrigg i ...
    • Erosion in Francis turbines due to geometrical positioning of runner and guide vanes 

      Acharya, Nirmal (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:301, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Hydro-abrasive erosion in turbine components is one of the prominent operational challenges for hydropower plants located across basins of regions such as Himalayas in Asia, the Andes in South America, and Pacific coast. ...
    • Evaluating natural degassing in a river to create a baseline for comparison to technical degassing methods. 

      Kuhn, Wolf Ludwig; Solemslie, Bjørn Winther; Hihn, Jean-Yves; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In Norway, a recent project used a risk matrix to identify about 200 hydropower plants ( 11 % of the total number) of being in high risk of producing air-supersaturated water. The combined installed capacity of these ...
    • Evaluation of runner cone extension to dampen pressure pulsations in a Francis model turbine 

      Gogstad, Peter Joachim; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Today's energy market has a high demand of flexibility due to introduction of other intermittent renewables as wind and solar. To ensure a steady power supply, hydro turbines are often forced to operate more at part load ...
    • Evaluation of the jet distortion by sediment erosion in the needle in the Pelton turbines 

      Abregu, Jim; Scheuer, Jonas; Satyal, Sajan; Solemslie, Bjørn Winther; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • Evaluation of ultrasonic degasification as a tool to mitigate total dissolved gas supersaturation downstream hydropower plants 

      Kuhn, Wolf Ludwig (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:445, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      This Doctoral Thesis evaluates ultrasonic degasification as a potential tool for mitigating total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation in the river downstream a hydropower plant. The volumetric liquid-gas mass transfer ...
    • Experimental and Numerical Studies of a High-Head Francis Turbine: A Review of the Francis-99 Test Case 

      Trivedi, Chirag; Cervantes, Michel; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Hydraulic turbines are widely used to meet real-time electricity demands. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) techniques have played an important role in the design and development of such turbines. The simulation of a ...
    • Experimental investigation and mitigation of pressure pulsations in Francis turbines 

      Gogstad, Peter Joachim (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:202, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Hydraulic turbomachines, such as Francis turbines, have been utilized for more than a century to generate renewable energy. Research and development has led to an outstanding level of efficiency and reliability, with the ...
    • Experimental Investigation and Mitigation of Vortex Shedding 

      Bolstad, Magne Tveit (Master thesis, 2017)
      As part of meeting the increase in energy needs and environmental challenges, energy production using intermittent power sources as wind, solar and wave energy has increased. As a consequence, hydropower plants are exploited ...
    • Experimental Investigation of a High Head Model Francis Turbine During Steady-State Operation at Off-Design Conditions 

      Bergan, Carl Werdelin; Goyal, Rahul; Cervantes, Michel; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Francis-99 is a set of workshops aiming to determine the state of the art of high head Francis turbine simulations (flow and structure) under steady and transient operating conditions as well as promote their development ...
    • Experimental investigation on a high head model Francis turbine during load rejection 

      Goyal, Rahul; Bergan, Carl Werdelin; Cervantes, Michel; Gandhi, B. K.; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Francis-99 is a set of workshop aiming to determine the state of the art of high head model Francis turbine simulations (flow and structure) under steady and transient operating conditions as well as to promote their ...
    • Experimental methods and design of a Pelton bucket 

      Solemslie, Bjørn Winther (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:01, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      The Pelton turbine is a widely used technology for power generation first patented in 1880. Despite being a mature technology, there is still little published knowledge regarding the design method of Pelton turbines. ...