• Mooring System Diagnosis and Structural Reliability Control for Position Moored Vessels 

      Fang, Shaoji; Blanke, Mogens; Leira, Bernt Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Early diagnosis and fault-tolerant control are essential for safe operation of floating platforms where mooring systems maintain vessel position and must withstand environmental loads. This paper considers two critical ...
    • Mooring Systems For Floating Wind Turbine Farms In Deep Water 

      Kvamen, Jan Ove (Master thesis, 2020)
      Verdas energibehov aukar stadig, samtidig som global oppvarming og stigande temperaturar truar klima og miljø. Fornybare energikjelder må derfor utviklast. Havvind er ein veksande teknologi som kan bidra til å løyse denne ...
    • More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI) 

      Arvesen, Anders; Hertwich, Edgar G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Cumulative energy demand (CED) estimates from life cycle assessments (LCAs) are increasingly used to determine energy return on investment (EROI), but the difference in indicators can lead to a misclassification of energy ...
    • More than half of data deficient species predicted to be threatened by extinction 

      Borgelt, Jan; Dorber, Martin; Høiberg, Marthe Alnes; Verones, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is essential for practical and theoretical efforts to protect biodiversity. However, species classified as “Data Deficient” (DD) regularly mislead practitioners due to their uncertain ...
    • Morgendagens bæresystemer 

      Tombre, Simon Haukelidsæter (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Dagens samfunn står overfor store globale miljøutfordringer og det kreves omveltende tiltak for å redusere mengden klimagassutslipp. Bygg- og anleggssektoren står for en forholdsvis stor andel av utslippene og det er i ...
    • Morphing skins to improve local flow behavior in a hydroturbine context: Adaptive overflater for forbedring av lokal strømning i vannturbinsammenheng 

      Ekanger, Jarle Vikør (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis deals with the application of morphing skin and structure technology in a hydroturbine context. The work has been divided into two parts; construction of a demonstration rig and CFD calculations assessing the ...
    • Morphology-Controlled Tensile Mechanical Characteristics in Graphene Allotropes 

      sui, chao; zhao, yushun; Zhang, Zhisen; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Xiaodong; Wang, Chao; Wu, Jianyang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      A number of graphene allotropes constructed by sp3, sp2, and sp hybrid orbitals have recently been proposed to provide the broad potential for practical applications. Here, using molecular dynamics simulation, the structural ...
    • Morphometric analysis of sediment conduits on a bathymetric high: Implications for palaeoenvironment and hydrocarbon prospectivity 

      Harishidayat, Dicky; Omosanya, Kamaldeen Olakunle; Johansen, Ståle Emil; Eruteya, Ovie; Niyazi, Yakufu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Canyons and other sediment conduits are important components of the deep-water environment and are the main pathways for sediment transport from the shelf to the basin floor. Using 3-D and 2-D seismic reflection data, ...
    • Mortar Water Content Impact on Masonry Strength 

      Slapø, Fredrik; Kvande, Tore; Høiseth, Karl Vincent; Hisdal, Jorun-Marie; Lohne, Jardar (Journal article, 2018)
      Building without sufficient knowledge can entail risk concerning structural safety and resource efficiency. The authors of this paper share the view that mortar water content are subject to large variations, and that the ...
    • Mosideo/cirfa tank experiments on behavior and detection of oil in ice 

      Petrich, Christian; O'Sadnick, Megan Eileen; Brekke, Camilla; Myrnes, Marianne; Maus, Sønke; Salomon, Martina Lan; Woelk, Sofie; Grydeland, Tom; Jenssen, Rolf-Ole Rydeng; Eicken, Hajo; Oggier, Marc; Ferro-Famil, Laurent; Harkati, Lekhmissi; Rebane, Ott; Reimer, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the Arctic, presence of sea ice presents a challenge to safe and sustainable operations. To optimize planning and minimize impact of inadvertent oil spills, oil-in-ice experiments were performed at the HSVA Arctic ...
    • Mosideo/cirfa tank experiments on behavior and detection of oil in ice 

      Petrich, Christian; O'Sadnick, Megan Eileen; Brekke, Camilla; Myrnes, Marianne; Maus, Sønke; Salomon, Martina Lan; Woelk, Sofie; Grydeland, Tom; Jenssen, Rolf-Ole Rydeng; Eicken, Hajo; Oggier, Marc; Ferro-Famil, Laurent; Harkati, Lekhmissi; Rebane, Ott; Reimer, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In the Arctic, presence of sea ice presents a challenge to safe and sustainable operations. To optimize planning and minimize impact of inadvertent oil spills, oil-in-ice experiments were performed at the HSVA Arctic ...
    • Mot en bærekraftig byggebransje: Utfordringer og muligheter i bruken av trebaserte plater i vannbårengulvvarme-systemer 

      Markhus, Petter; Biserød, Erling Kroken (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven utforsker bruken av trebaserte plater i byggebransjen, med et spesielt fokus på bransjens bruk av platene i vannbårengulvvarme-systemer. Oppgaven undersøker ytelsen til trebaserte plater sammenlignet ...
    • Mot en digital tvilling for overvåkning av forurensninger i Brusdalsvatnet 

      Olsen, Asvar; Solbakk, Hans Peter; Garberg, Emil Arntsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Sammendrag Denne oppgavens formål var å se på forurensninger i form av mikroplast, tungmetaller og PAH fra Europaveg 39, i strekningen Moa – Digerneset langs Brusdalsvatnet. Oppgaven bestod i hovedsak av to deler der det ...
    • Mot klimanøytal oppdrettsnæring 

      Slotsvik, Håkon (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Jordkloden er under konstant press ved at vi mennesker slipper ut både gasser og kjemikalier til miljøet. Dette danner grunnlaget for å redusere utslippet av klimagasser til atmosfæren. Hensikten med min oppgave er å få ...
    • Mot passivhusnivå: muligheter og begrensninger ved rehabilitering av bygg 

      Aarnes, Kristofer Akre (Master thesis, 2011)
      Passivhuskonseptet er på full vei inn i det norske samfunnet og både nasjonalt og internasjonalt vurderes det nå om det skal innføres passivhusnivå som forskriftkr av for nybygg innen 2020. Målet erå redusere den såkalte ...
    • Mot sin hensikt. Perverse insentiver - om offentlige ivesteringsprosjekter som ikke forplikter 

      Samset, Knut Fredrik; Volden, Gro Holst; Welde, Morten; Bull-Berg, Heidi (Concept rapport;, Peer reviewed; Research report, 2014)
      Denne studien fokuserer på investeringsprosjekter som er finansiert av staten og som gir nytte for en begrenset gruppe eller region, uten at dette forplikter mottakerne økonomisk eller på annen måte. En ser nærmere på ...
    • Motion Analysis of Live Objects by Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 

      Yao, Chunyan; Zhang, Jianwei; Wu, Guang; Zhang, Houxiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Motion analysis plays an important role in studing activities or behaviors of live objects in medicine, biotechnology, chemistry, physics, spectroscopy, nanotechnology, enzymology, and biological engineering. This paper ...
    • Motion analysis of Semi-Submersible 

      Pedersen, Emil Aasland (Master thesis, 2012)
      In this thesis the response variables (RAOs) of a semi submersible unit are inspected. Both operational and survival condition as well as a shallow draft are inspected. The survival condition is inspected with respect to ...
    • Motion Compensation System for a Free Floating Surface Effect Ship 

      Auestad, Øyvind Fidje; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Espeland, Trygve H. (Chapter, 2014)
      This paper deals with vertical motion compensation, or motion damping, on a freefloating Surface Effect Ship (SES) at zero speed. The Motion Compensation System (MCS) works by varying the air cushion pressure of a Surface ...
    • motion control during offshore lift operations 

      Andersen, Sten Martin Grønlund (Master thesis, 2017)
      Offshore lifting is present in many offshore operations. Offshore lifting operations is very sensitive to environmental loads which reduces the weather window for the entire operation. The weather criteria for offshore ...