Now showing items 12222-12241 of 23471

    • Jacking Device for Load Testing of Lifting Points 

      Ullebust Almklow, Bjarte; Linn, Sigmund; Pedersen, Åse Helgeland (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Problemstillingen til dette prosjektet er å designe og utvikle et system som er i stand til å belastningsteste løfteører på undervannsstrukturer for OneSubsea. Systemet, kalt "Local PadEye Angular Load Tester" (LPALT), er ...
    • Jakten på kontrastene. En litteraturstudie om visuelle kontraster. 

      Nersveen, Jonny (Research report, 2022)
      Synskunnskap er en tverrfaglig disiplin som spenner over svært mange fagområder med sine tilhørende forskningsmiljøer og tradisjoner. Dette kommer godt til syne i utformingen av nasjonale og internasjonale ytelseskrav i ...
    • Jernbanesvillers utvikling og anvendelse i Norge 

      Ødegård, Maren Anita (Master thesis, 2024)
      Norsk jernbane befinner seg i dag i et vedlikeholdsetterslep. Dette fører til at en stor andel infrastruktur må byttes ut med ny i nærmeste fremtid. Jernbanedirektoratet og Bane NOR fremhever økt fokus på innovasjon, ...
    • Jernbaneteknisk tegningsproduksjon - Et litteraturstudie av regelverk knyttet til tegningsutforming av oversiktstegninger 

      Landsverk, Andrea Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne masteroppgaven er det gjennomført et litteraturstudium på Bane NOR sitt regelverk knyttet til jernbaneteknisk tegningsproduksjon. Det ble også gjennomført et forsøk som tok for seg nordpilens plassering og størrelse ...
    • Jernbanetunnel Holm-Nykirke: Vurdering av ingeniørgeologiskeforhold 

      Skaug, Knut Henrik (Master thesis, 2010)
      Denne masteroppgaven gir en ingeniørgeologisk vurdering for Jernbaneverkets tunnelprosjekt på strekningen Holm - Nykirke i Vestfold. Jernbaneverket skal bygge flere nye tunneler i Vestfold i årene som kommer og alle tunnelen ...
    • Jet fires 

      Bolstad, Marius Olof (Master thesis, 2016)
      Knowledge of the impacts of fire is a big part of hazard analysis, and thorough fire predictions could potentially save both life and belongings. In the 1990 s, a set of fire tests on compartment fires was conducted at ...
    • Jet Pump 

      Wærp, Nils Petter (Master thesis, 2010)
      The aim of this project is to investigate how an artificial lift method in the oil industry works,and to compare its performance with other pump systems. Jet pumps are initially used in the oil industry for artificial lift ...
    • Jet Pump 

      Liknes, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2013)
      In this Master Thesis jet pumps have been reviewed. Jet pumps are considered as a higher volume artificial lift method and operates by passing a high-pressure fluid jet through a venturi system. Cunningham's equations on ...
    • Jet pump for compressible fluids 

      Aitkali, Anel (Master thesis, 2011)
    • Jette Well Productivity and IOR Evaluations 

      Winther, Tonje (Master thesis, 2014)
      In this thesis the productivity of well 25/8-D-1 AH T3 in the Jette field has been evaluated by estimating the productivity index. The productivity index has been estimated in two ways; with the use of a pseudo-steady state ...
    • Jigg for Stabilisering Under Liming av Filtre 

      Velle, Magnus Westre (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Bacheloroppgaven min har hatt som mål å utvikle et konsept for en jig til liming av filtre, med formål om å effektivisere prosessen. Rapporten inneholder en grundig gjennomgang av relevant teori innen materialer og ...
    • Joberget tunnel - Analysis of stability and support design for tunneling in soil 

      Langåker, Margrete Øie (Master thesis, 2014)
      The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is planning a construction of a new road tunnel, Joberget tunnel in the Granvin Municipality of western Norway. Approximately 80 m from the southwestern entrance of the ...
    • Joberget tunnel - Analysis of stability and support design for tunneling in soil 

      Langåker, Margrete Øie (Master thesis, 2014)
      The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is planning a construction of a new road tunnel, Joberget tunnel in the Granvin Municipality of western Norway. Approximately 80 m from the southwestern entrance of the ...
    • Joined application of a multiaxial critical plane criterion and a strain energy density criterion in low-cycle fatigue 

      Carpinteri, Andrea; Fortese, Giovanni; Ronchei, Camilla; Scorza, Daniela; Vantadori, Sabrina; Berto, Filippo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In the present paper, the multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched structural components is performed by employing a strain-based multiaxial fatigue criterion. Such a criterion, depending on the critical plane concept, ...
    • Joining of dissimilar materials 

      Martinsen, Kristian; Hu, SJ; Carlson, B.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Emerging trends in manufacturing such as light weighting, increased performance and functionality increases the use of multi-material, hybrid structures and thus the need for joining of dissimilar materials. The properties ...
    • Joint Acoustic and Electrical Measurements for Unfrozen Water Saturation Estimate—A Review 

      Lyu, Chuangxin; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Gao, Hao; Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas; Grimstad, Gustav (Chapter, 2019)
      The previous laboratory study of joint electrical resistivity and acoustic velocity measurements is reviewed for both consolidated and unconsolidated permafrost in this paper. The relation of logarithm of resistivity log(R) ...
    • Joint AVA analysis -Reflectivity below a strong reflector 

      Bringedal, Halvor Eia (Master thesis, 2010)
      The reflectivity below a strong reector is a known problem. By looking at a real case and using real input values an evaluation of the modeling of such a case is done in this thesis. An introduction presenting all the ...
    • Joint description of waves and currents applied in a simplified load case 

      Bruserud, Kjersti; Haver, Sverre; Myrhaug, Dag (Journal article, 2018)
      In order to perform a more accurate analysis of marine structures, joint probability distributions of different metocean parameters have received an increasing interest during the last decade, facilitated by improved ...
    • Joint Distribution of Environmental Condition at Five European Offshore Sites for Design of Combined Wind and Wave Energy Devices 

      Li, Lin; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The design of wind turbines requires information about joint data for wind and wave conditions. Moreover, combining offshore wind and wave energy facilities is a potential way to reduce the cost of offshore wind farms. To ...
    • Joint Electrical and Acoustic Measurements for Unfrozen Water Content in Frozen Soil 

      Jia, Fan (Master thesis, 2019)
      Innholdet av frossent vann bestemmer den mekaniske, termiske og hydrauliske egenskapene til den frosne bakken. Denne oppgaven foreslår å bruke en elektrisk og akustisk målemetode med en tilhørende ledningsmodell for å ...