Now showing items 9708-9727 of 23499

    • Gas Turbine Performance Deterioration 

      Verlo, Simen Berg (Master thesis, 2010)
      IToday, gas turbines are generally used to produce electricity and drive natural gas compressors on offshore installations. The performance of gas turbines is reduced gradually, and this lead to reduced production capacity ...
    • Gas-filled panels for building applications: A state-of-the-art review 

      Baetens, Ruben; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild; Grynning, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      With their thermal conductivity down to 10 mW/(mK), gas-filled panels (GFPs) are regarded as possible high performance thermal insulating solutions for building applications. However, thermal conductivities of respectively ...
    • Gas-side fouling of heat exchanger surfaces 

      Tandberg, Alexander Ruslan (Master thesis, 2017)
      Fouling is an unpleasant and unavoidable occurrence in heat exchangers that decreases the performance of the heat exchanger. Fouling reduces the overall efficiency of a system and can lead to equipment failure. Understanding ...
    • Gasification of Biomass for Second Generation Biofuel Production 

      Li, Tian (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:77, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Gasification of biomass is perceived as one of the most attractive thermochemical processes to produce carbon neutral syngas that can be burned to release energy or used as the building blocks for the production of ...
    • Gasification of High Heating-rate Biomass-derived Chars at Elevated Temperatures 

      Li, Tian; Niu, Yanqing; Wang, Liang; Løvås, Terese (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this study, gasification behavior of high heating-rate chars were investigated using an entrained flow reactor with an optical particle-sizing pyrometer. Two biomass chars produced from forest residue and torrefied ...
    • Gass/væskeseparasjon i LNG-anlegg 

      Sandmoe, Marit (Master thesis, 2008)
      Oppgaven evaluerer separasjonsutstyr som benyttes i Hammerfest LNG-anlegg med hovdefokus på virkemåte og separasjonseffektivitet. Driftsdata fra høsten 2007/våren 2008 sammenlignes med designdata og uregulær drift kartlegges. ...
    • Gasskraftverk med CO2-håndtering - Studie av alternative teknologier 

      Bolland, Olav; Hagen, Roger; Maurstad, Ola; Tangen, Grethe; Juliussen, Olav; Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne (Research report, 2002)
      Rapporten dokumenterer en studie som beskriver og sammenligner 12 ulike teknologier for gasskraftverk med CO2-håndtering. Merkostnaden for å fjerne CO2 i forbindelse med elektrisitetproduksjon er i studien beregnet til ...
    • Gassrensing og varmegjennvinning i ferrolegeringsindustrien 

      Gjerde, Ida Julseth (Master thesis, 2007)
      Produksjon av ferrolegeringer foregår ved høye temperaturer, og store mengder støv dannes i prosessen. Denne oppgaven gir en generell oversikt over ferrolegeringsindustrien, med fokus på hvordan støvpartiklene kan fjernes ...
    • Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Wind Turbine Blade Icing Detection 

      Tian, Weiwei; Cheng, Xu; Shi, Fan; Li, Guoyuan; Chen, Shengyong; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2022)
      Blade icing detection plays an important role in wind turbine protection and maintenance. Employing well trained deep learning model is a promising method for blade ice detection but needs effective neural networks for ...
    • GDPR Compliance for Blockchain Applications in Healthcare 

      Hasselgren, Anton; Wan, Paul Kengfai; Horn, Margareth; Kralevska, Katina; Gligoroski, Danilo; Faxvaag, Arild (Chapter, 2020)
      The transparent and decentralized characteristics associated with blockchain can be both appealing and problematic when applied to a healthcare use-case. As health data is highly sensitive, it is therefore, highly regulated ...
    • Gear Contact Fatigue Reliability Analysis for Wind Turbines Under Stochastic Dynamic Conditions Considering Inspection and Repair 

      Dong, Wenbin; Moan, Torgeir; Gao, Zhen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Reliability is one of the most important features of the wind turbine gearbox, especially in offshore wind turbines (OWTs). This paper describes a general way to perform gear contact fatigue reliability analysis for wind ...
    • Gel Evolution in Oil Based Drilling Fluids 

      Sandvold, Ida (Master thesis, 2012)
      Drilling fluids make up an essential part of the drilling operation. Successful drilling operations rely on adequate drilling fluid quality. With the development of new drilling techniques such as long deviated sections ...
    • Gelling 

      Kronborg, Per Kristian Engvik (Master thesis, 2012)
      Today wells are drilled in deeper and colder water. If the circulation is stopped and the drilling fluid is at rest, most drilling fluids will develop gel strength. In colder water the gel strength becomes higher. To resume ...
    • Gels as emerging anti-icing materials: a mini review 

      Zhuo, Yizhi; Chen, Jianhua; Xiao, Senbo; Li, Tong; Wang, Feng; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Gel materials have drawn great attention recently in the anti-icing research community due to their remarkable potentials for reducing ice adhesion, inhibiting ice nucleation, and restricting ice propagation. Although the ...
    • Gender differences in cycling participation in Spain. Comparison between Norway and Spain. 

      Pérez Brandón, Nuria (Master thesis, 2019)
      Bicycling is an active mode of transport with widely known health and environmental benefits. Governments all over the world have set goals aiming for a modal shift from motorized to active transport. However, women and ...
    • A General and Effective Method for Wall and Protrusion Separation from Facade Point Clouds 

      Cai, Shangshu; Zhang, Shuhang; Zhang, Wuming; Fan, Hongchao; Shao, Jie; Yan, Guangjian; Yu, Sisi; Li, Aiguang; Zhou, Guoqing (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As a critical prerequisite for semantic facade reconstruction, accurately separating wall and protrusion points from facade point clouds is required. The performance of traditional separation methods is severely limited ...
    • General bulk-viscous solutions and estimates of bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid 

      Normann, Ben David; Brevik, Iver Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We derive a general formalism for bulk viscous solutions of the energy-conservation equation for ρ(a,ζ) ρ(a,ζ) , both for a single-component and a multicomponent fluid in the Friedmann universe. For our purposes, these ...
    • A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments 

      Lauinger, Dirk; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Vasquez, Felipe; Mueller, Daniel Beat (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Sustainable development involves a responsible management of the interactions between humans and their built and natural environment. From a physical perspective, the interactions can be characterized as stocks and flows ...
    • General heat transfer correlations for supercritical carbon dioxide heated in vertical tubes for upward and downward flows 

      Ye, Zuliang; Zendehboudi, Alireza; Hafner, Armin; Cao, Feng (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Supercritical CO2 is a promising working fluid for many industrial applications. To improve the performances of relevant components and systems, the prediction of the heat transfer of supercritical CO2 is an important ...
    • Generalised Eddy Dissipation Concept for MILD combustion regime at low local Reynolds and Damköhler numbers. Part 2: Validation of the model 

      Lewandowski, Michal; Li, Zhiyi; Parente, Alessandro; Pozorski, Jacek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The generalised Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) developed in the first part of this article is thoroughly validated against twelve flames from the Delft and Adelaide jet-in-hot-coflow (JHC) burners. These flames emulate ...