• Becoming the Dream 

      Rasmussen, Michelle (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation" This exposition explores the woman credited as the "‘Banksy of podcasts’, an enigma in a world of social media, and the genius with no face.
    • Collecting Data from My Phone: Chronically Online Core 

      Holm Thomsen, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      En tekst om en kunstpraksis som udforsker vores nutid, med de digitale eksistenser vi lever i. Med en opvækst i Danmark i det tidlige 2000tal som min kontekst, behandler jeg fangirl-æraen med fokus på Tumblr-årene 2013-2017 ...

      Hamed Mousaviyan, Mahsa (Master thesis, 2020)
      "Gone with water", is the story of a city that is submerged underwater. Various methods were used for creating it. It is a combination of animation, painting, and sculpture. During the progress of the work, it faced many ...
    • Inertiae 

      Schmidt, August Valentin (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      In this thesis I will walk through the contents of my process leading up to the submission. This involves seeing process as larger than single works and focuses on the succession of work collecting into a practice. the ...
    • Kin 

      Thastum, Sissel (Master thesis, 2020)
      The project Kin explores our connection to other beings (sentient and otherwise) with the emphasis on the vibrance and agency of all matter. The objective of the project is to expand our perception of self by studying our ...
    • No Center Objects and Material Investigations 

      Allberg, Adelina (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I den här essän dyker jag in i materialens och objektens värld. Det är en text där de betecknas som potentialiteter och berättare. Min skulpturella praktik, som är baserad på materiella relationer, förankras här med koncept ...
    • Simultaneous existence 

      Barslund, Thea Oda (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne bacheloropgave udfolder jeg min kunstneriske praksis gennem min læsning af Donna Haraways ikoniske essay indenfor feministisk litteratur: Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the ...
    • Som min far lærte mig det // As my father taught me 

      Sørensen, Sofie Clausager (Master thesis, 2022)
      Som min far lærte mig det // As my father taught me er en undersøgelse af dynamikker og kulturer mellem generationer og af prossen i at videregive viden her særligt tavs viden. Den viden der er integreret i kroppen om ...
    • Supporting Actors: Context, urban development, and plants 

      Björkenstam Stenbäck, Daniela (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis contains an introduction to my master’s project Supporting Actors as well as an exploration of the role of art in urban development and in public spaces. The purpose of the project is to initiate a discussion ...
    • Take My Breath Away 

      Schmidt, August Valentin (Master thesis, 2022)
      Examining the different aspects of artistic expression and aesthetic outcome, this thesis will work with and through the artwork Take My Breath Away. Introducing ways of facilitating lasting experiences in audiences at art ...
    • The Future Legacy of The Human Species 

      Helbo, Rikke (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne opgave vil jeg udfolde min kunsteriske praksis med fokus på tematikkerne magtstrukturer, kønsroller, seksualitet og identitet. Gennem værkbeskrivelser og personlige memoires vil jeg reflektere over hvad det vil ...
    • The Pavillion - The dissemination of reflective thoughts and occurrences 

      Tønnesen, Alexander Crilles (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I dette reflektive essay, vil jeg komme ind på de kritiske reflektioner jeg har gjort mig over den tre årige bachelor grad. Med fokus på projekter som relaterer til udviklingen af mit bachelor projekt 'The Pavillion' Der ...