Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Sigmundsson, Hermundur"
Now showing items 1-20 of 101
A critical review on the relationship between executive functions and literacy
Fjellstad, Magnus Hansen (Master thesis, 2017)This thesis has explored and discussed the relationship between executive functions and reading in children between the ages of 4-7 years old, which are the years that early literacy skills are developed. The discussion ... -
Adolescent Health. Perceived Stress in Relation to Pain, Physical Fitness, Mindfulness, and BMI
Østerås, Berit (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:3, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Summary: Stress and pain are prevalent and significantly associated in Norwegian 15-16 year olds. Physical fitness seems not to protect against stress in the adolescents. Attention awareness, on the contrary, might have ... -
Aging and Driving: A Comparison of Driving Performance Between Older and Younger Drivers in an On-Road Driving Test
Robertsen, Rolf; Lorås, Håvard; Polman, Remco; Simsekoglu, Ozlem; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Assessment of motor competence across the life-span: Aspects of reliability and validity of a new test battery
Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Lorås, Håvard W.; Haga, Monika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this article, the psychometric properties of a new test battery aimed at quantifying motor competence across the life span are explored. The battery was designed to be quantitative, simple to administer, applicable for ... -
The association between academic achievement in physical education and timing of biological maturity in adolescents
Hagen, Ruben V.; Haga, Monika; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Lorås, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Individual differences in tempo and timing of biological maturity, especially in adolescents, has been argued as a potential underlying cause of relative age effects observed in Physical education (PE). Indeed, differences ... -
Association between Motor Competence, Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Physical Education in 13-16-Years-Old School Children
Hagen, Ruben V.; Lorås, Håvard; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Haga, Monika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In physical education (PE), both assessment practices and choice of teaching content indicate that pupil-related factors such as motor competence and physical fitness potentially influence pupils' academic achievement in ... -
The Association Between Pupil-Related Psychological Factors and Academic Achievement in Physical Education
Hagen, Ruben V.; Lorås, Håvard; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Haga, Monika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: Physical education (PE) teachers’ assessments are often based on continuous observations of pupils. As certain psychological factors may mediate pupils’ learning behaviors relevant to the PE context, they may also ... -
Associations Between Pupil-Related Factors and Achievement in Physical Education
Hagen, Ruben Vist (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:450, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Associations between pupil-related factors and the grade in Physical education The Physical education (PE) curriculum defines factors relevant to pupils` grades. Meanwhile, PE teachers experience considerable autonomy ... -
Associations of Fine Motor Skills, Visual Processing Abilities, and Psychological Resources with Reading Skills in Young Adults - Investigating Gender Differences
Lekven, Pål Nesbø (Master thesis, 2019)Although gender differences in reading skills is well established in childhood and adolescence, it is unclear whether these differences exist at later ages. Considering the prevalence of gender differences, it is important ... -
Associations of physical fitness and motor competence with reading skills in 9- and 12-year-old children: a longitudinal study
Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Englund, Kjellrun Thora; Haga, Monika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This longitudinal study explores the association of motor competence and physical fitness with reading skills in children aged 9 and 12 years. Sixty-seven children aged 9 years completed an assessment of motor competence ... -
Betydningen av veksttankesett og utholdenhet for flyt-tilbøyelighet hos norske studenter
Vik, Selma Essahli (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Sammenhengen mellom de psykologiske faktorene veksttankesett, utholdenhet og flyt-tilbøyelighet har blitt relativt lite utforsket. Disse faktorene er imidlertid viktige når det kommer til læring og ferdighetsutvikling. Mer ... -
Breaking the reading code: Letter knowledge when children break the reading code the first year in school
Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Haga, Monika; Ofteland, Greta Storm; Solstad, Trygve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of this study was to examine when children learn to read and how learning to read depends on a foundation of alphabetic knowledge. 356 children aged 5–6 years completed assessments of letter-sound knowledge, i.e. ... -
Children with developmental coordination disorder: Can underlying perceptual disability be remediated through specific training?
Loftesnes, Jan Morten; Ingvaldsen, Rolf P.; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study tested the effect of task-specific training of a perceptual ability for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) compared to control children. A manual matching task (target location and pointing ... -
Children’s outdoor movement education: position statement
Tortella, Patrizia; Ceciliani, A; Fumagalli, Guido; Jidovtseff, Boris; Wainwright, N; Fjørtoft, Ingunn; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Haga, Monika; Sgrò, F; Lipoma, M; Sääkslahti, Arja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This position statement follows to the thematic round table organized by S.I.E.M.eS. (Italian Society of Movement and Sport Education) as final event of the international congress on "Outdoor movement education" held in ... -
Comparing free play and partly structured play in 4-5-years-old children in an outdoor playground
Tortella, Patrizia; Haga, Monika; Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik; Fumagalli, Guido; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The aim of this study was to compare how the organization of a movement session as partly structured play or free play influenced the physical activity engagement in 4–5 years old pre-schoolers. The partly structured ... -
Cross-Cultural Aspects: Exploring Motor Competence Among 7- to 8-Year-Old Children From Greece, Italy, and Norway
Haga, Monika; Tortella, Patrizia; Asonitou, Katerina; Charitou, Sophia; Fumagalli, Guido; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Motor development is affected by maturation and growth but also influenced by the specific environmental and cultural context. Therefore, cross-cultural research can provide information about how different cultural contexts, ... -
Cryogenic hydrogen adsorption storage: An investigation of thermo-physical properties and storage tank performance
Schlemminger, Christian (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:85, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Effect of a single bout of acute aerobic exercise at moderate-to-vigorous intensities on motor learning, retention and transfer
Lorås, Håvard; Haga, Monika; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Acute exercise influences human cognition, and evidence suggests that learning can be improved. According to the cognitive–energetic approach towards exercise cognition, exercise represents a stressor that elevates ... -
Effect of different exercise modes at high intensity on immediate learning and arousal
Lorås, Håvard; Haga, Monika; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Acute exercise has an influence on human cognition, and evidence suggests that immediate learning can be facilitated. The purpose of this study was to explore the acute effect of high-intensity exercise conducted with ... -
Effects of Free Play and Partly Structured Playground Activity on Motor Competence in Preschool Children: A Pragmatic Comparison Trial
Tortella, Patrizia; Haga, Monika; Lorås, Håvard; Fumagalli, Guido; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Both the indoor and the outdoor environments and their organization exert pronounced influence upon physical activity behavior and motor development of preschool children. The aim of this study was to explore whether partly ...