Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Rimol, Lars Morten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Allocentric representation in the human amygdala and ventral visual stream
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe; Rimol, Lars Morten; Winkler, Anderson M.; Betzel, Richard; Hansen, Tor Ivar; Nili, Hamid; Håberg, Asta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex are considered the main brain structures for allocentric representation of the external environment. Here, we show that the amygdala and the ventral visual stream are involved in ... -
Association of the Big Five Personality Traits with Training Effectiveness, Sense of Presence, and Cybersickness in Virtual Reality
Thorp, Sebastian; Rimol, Lars Morten; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Virtual reality (VR) presents numerous opportunities for training skills and abilities through the technology’s capacity to simulate realistic training scenarios and environments. This can be seen in how newer research has ... -
Atypical brain structure mediates reduced IQ in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight
Rimol, Lars Morten; Rise, Henning Hoel; Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik; Yendiki, Anastasia; Løhaugen, Gro; Indredavik, Marit Sæbø; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Eikenes, Live; Weider, Siri; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon Sverre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Preterm birth with very low birth weight (VLBW) confers heightened risk for perinatal brain injury and long-term cognitive deficits, including a reduction in IQ of up to one standard deviation. Persisting gray and white ... -
Brain morphometry and cognition in young adults born small for gestational age at term
Østgård, Heidi Furre; Løhaugen, Gro; Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Rimol, Lars Morten; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Martinussen, Marit; Vik, Torstein; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Objectives To examine brain volumes and cortical surface area and thickness and to relate these brain measures to cognitive function in young adults born small for gestational age (SGA) at term compared with non-SGA control ... -
Brain volumes and cognitive function in very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) young adults
Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Rimol, Lars Morten; Løhaugen, Gro; Skranes, Jon Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background Preterm born very-low-birth-weight (VLBW: birth weight ≤1500 g) survivors have increased risk of perinatal brain injury that may cause deviant brain development and later neuroimpairments, including reduced ... -
Cerebral cortical dimensions in headache sufferers aged 50-66 years: a population-based imaging study in the Nord-Trondelag Health Study (HUNT-MRI)
Husøy, Andreas Kattem; Håberg, Asta Kristine; Rimol, Lars Morten; Hagen, Knut; Vangberg, Torgil Riise; Stovner, Lars Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Based on previous clinic-based magnetic resonance imaging studies showing regional differences in the cerebral cortex between those with and without headache, we hypothesized that headache sufferers have a decrease in ... -
Cognitive Functioning, White Matter Pathways, and Preterm Very Low Birth Weight
Dyrvik, Ane-Kristine Øien (Master thesis, 2022)Hjernen utvikler seg raskt under siste trimesteret av svangerskapet. Hjernens vekt øker med omtrent 90% mellom uke 20-40 i gestasjonsalder. Under denne tiden starter også dannelsen av hvit substans, som fortsetter å utvikles ... -
Cognitive outcomes in children born preterm or with low birth weight: A review and meta-analysis of IQ outcomes
Remøy, Ingrid Gausemel (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Det er økende bekymring knyttet til den stigende forekomsten av for tidlig fødsel (GA <37 / <2500 g) og hvilke kognitive senvirkninger denne populasjonen opplever. Målet med denne gjennomgangen og meta-analysene ... -
Comparative analysis of spatial ability in immersive and non-immersive virtual reality: the role of sense of presence, simulation sickness and cognitive load
Thorp, Sebastian; Rimol, Lars Morten; Lervik, Simon; Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigates the effects of immersion on spatial ability in virtual reality (VR) and the influence of sense of presence, simulation sickness, and cognitive load. Participants performed a spatial ability task ... -
Cortical thickness changes after computerized working memory training in patients with mild cognitive impairment
Hol, Haakon Ramsland; Flak, Marianne Møretrø; Chang, Linda; Løhaugen, Gro; Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Rimol, Lars Morten; Engvig, Andreas; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Ernst, Thomas; Madsen, Bengt-Ove; Hernes, Susanne M S (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Adaptive computerized working memory (WM) training has shown favorable effects on cerebral cortical thickness as compared to non-adaptive training in healthy individuals. However, knowledge of WM training-related ... -
Development of an Optimal Time for Learning Questionnaire in Chinese University Students
Liu, Lingshan; Lv, Hongyuan; Lu, Yifan; Wang, Chu; Chai, Hao; Rimol, Lars Morten; Wang, Wei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Effects of Preterm Birth on Cortical Gyrification and IQ in Adults
Eidet, Live Bårdsdatter (Master thesis, 2020)Prematur fødsel har blitt assosiert med ulike uhensiktsmessige utfall i den nevrologiske utviklingen, inkludert lavere intelligensskårer. Kortikal folding, eller gyrifisering, er en lite forstått strukturell egenskap av ... -
Exploring Cognitive Load in Virtual Environments: The Impact of Immersion and User Experience on Allocentric Processing
Lervik, Simon (Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven sammenlikner kognitiv belastning, brukererfaring og alloentrisk hukommelse mellom immersiv virtuell virkelighet (IVR) og virtuell virkelighet på tradisjonell desktop skjerm (DVR). Tidligere forskning har ... -
Exploring Neuropsychological Memory Assessment Methods for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection
Frøyland, Ine-Sofie (Master thesis, 2024)Alzheimers sykdom (AD) byr på betydelige diagnostiske utfordringer i de tidlige stadiene, spesielt ettersom at symptomene ofte likner på de som er vanlige ved normal aldring. I tillegg kan de første indikatorene på AD være ... -
Four Mountains test: Investigating the role of spatial memory in the detection of early Alzheimer's disease.
Wold, Ruth Rebecca (Master thesis, 2024)Within the diagnostic framework of Alzheimer’s disease, research has focused on developing advanced measurements successfully detecting early stages of the disease. Creating effective diagnostical tools is challenging due ... -
Fractional anisotropy in frontotemporal association tracts is related to spatial aspects of episodic memory performance: a dMRI study
Borg, Linnea Marie Dramdal (Master thesis, 2020)The representation of time and space in the human brain reflects intuitive, yet complex dimensions that are difficultly measured. The study of spatial representation in the brain is perhaps most commonly associated with ... -
Impaired verbal learning is associated with larger caudate volumes in early onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Juuhl-Langseth, Monica; Hartberg, Cecilie Bhandari; Holmen, Aina; Thormodsen, Rune; Groote, Inge Rasmus; Rimol, Lars Morten; Emblem, Kyrre Eeg; Agartz, Ingrid; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd (Journal article, 2015)Background: Both brain structural abnormalities and neurocognitive impairments are core features of schizophrenia. We have previously reported enlargements in subcortical brain structure volumes and impairment of ... -
Investigating the role of uncinate fasciculus in language processing and valence based decision making - a literature study
Nieland, Thisca (Master thesis, 2022)Denne studien er en utdyping av to hypoteser, etablert av Von Der Heide og kollegaer (2013) og Papagno og kollegaer (2011), angående funksjonen til hvit-substans nervebanen uncinate fasciculus. Papagno et al. (2011) beskriver ... -
Joint Analysis of Cortical Area and Thickness as a Replacement for the Analysis of the Volume of the Cerebral Cortex
Winkler, Anderson M.; Greve, Doug; Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Nichols, Tom; Sabuncu, Mert; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Rimol, Lars Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Cortical surface area is an increasingly used brain morphology metric that is ontogenetically and phylogenetically distinct from cortical thickness and offers a separate index of neurodevelopment and disease. However, the ... -
Kortikalt overflateareal og IQ hos en gruppe av voksne mennesker født prematurt med veldig lav fødselsvekt
Veien, Karoline (Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Det å være født prematurt (før gestasjonsuke 37) assosieres med en økt risiko for kognitive atferdsvansker som varer inn i voksen alder. Atferdssekvelet beskrives gjerne som bestående av en kombinasjon av ...