Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Reinfjell, Trude"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
A 12-month follow-up of a transdiagnostic indicated prevention of internalizing symptoms in school-aged children: The results from the EMOTION study.
Løvaas, Mona Elisabeth S; Lydersen, Stian; Sund, Anne Mari; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Martinsen, Kristin Dagmar; Holen, Solveig; Patras, Joshua; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Adolfsen, Frode; Reinfjell, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Anxious and depressive symptoms in youth are highly prevalent, are often comorbid and have a high rate of relapse. Preventive interventions are promising, but follow-up results are lacking. The transdiagnostic ... -
A Review of Demographic, Medical, and Treatment Variables Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Survivors of Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSCT) and Bone arrow Transplantation (BMT) during Childhood
Reinfjell, Trude; Tremolada, Marta*; Zeltzer, Lonnie K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a standard treatment after disease relapse and failure of conventional treatments for cancer in childhood or as a first line treatment for some high-risk cancers. Since ... -
An exploratory study of the relationship between adversities and chronic pain in the Norwegian residential youth care population
Løken, Solveig Grønset (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Ungdommer i barnevernsinstitusjoner er en gruppe med høyere forekomst av overgrep og omsorgssvikt, og ansees å være en høyrisikogruppe for mentale og fysiske helseproblemer. Tidligere forskning har påvist en ... -
«Å behandle barn som barn» - en kvalitativ studie av seks psykologers erfaring fra behandling med flyktningbarn
Almås, Camilla Lein (Master thesis, 2012)Flyktningbarn er en gruppe barn som ofte har opplevd traumatiske hendelser og stressende livsforhold både før, under og etter flukt, og står derfor i risiko for utvikling av psykiske lidelser. Likevel er det begrenset ... -
Bekymring for barn: En kvalitativ studie av seks barnehagelæreres opplevelse av egen kunnskap om oppdagelse av omsorgssvikt
Martinsen, Ellen Kristine Østby (Master thesis, 2021)Barnehagelærere har et ansvar for å oppdage omsorgssvikt blant barn i barnehagen. Denne studien undersøker hvordan seks barnehagelærere opplever egen kunnskap om å oppdage omsorgssvikt samt hva de kjenner at de trenger for ... -
Bereaved parents’ quality of life: resilience and professional support
Rasouli, Omid; Vegsund, Hilde Kristin; Eilegård, Alexandra; Hjemdal, Odin; Reinfjell, Trude; Moksnes, Unni Karin; Lund, Bendik; Eilertsen, Mary-Elizabeth B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objectives: The study aimed to compare the quality of life (QoL) among cancer-bereaved parents with a control group and explore how resilience and support from healthcare professionals associated with QoL of parents 2–8 ... -
Children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A study of health-related quality of life, mental health and intellectual aspects
Reinfjell, Trude (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:189, Doctoral thesis, 2007) -
Chronic pain across psychiatric disorders, and their impact on health-related quality of life : a study of the Norwegian residential youth care population
Lind, Christine (Master thesis, 2015)Background: Adolescents in residential youth care (RYC) are at risk for impaired mental and physical health, but the knowledge of chronic pain and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in this population is scarce. The ... -
Cognitive and behavioural rehabilitation interventions for survivors of childhood cancer with neurocognitive sequelae: A systematic review
Egset, Kaja Solland; Røkke, Magnhild Eitrem; Reinfjell, Trude; Stubberud, Jan Egil; Weider, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)There is considerable interest in cognitive and behavioural interventions to manage and improve neurocognitive (dys)functions in childhood cancer survivors and the literature is rapidly growing. This systematic review aimed ... -
Cognitive Rehabilitation for Neurocognitive Late Effects in Adult Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Feasibility and Case-Series Study
Egset, Kaja Solland; Weider, Siri; Stubberud, Jan Egil; Hjemdal, Odin; Ruud, Ellen; Hjort, Magnus Aassved; Eilertsen, Mary-Elizabeth B; Sund, Anne Mari; Røkke, Magnhild Eitrem; Reinfjell, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Neurocognitive late effects following the diagnosis and treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) commonly include impaired executive functions (EFs), with negative consequences for one’s health-related ... -
De små voksne: Barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd - en kvalitativ eksplorerende studie av barnas behov i møte med helsevesenet
Solheim, Marte Neraas; Lykke, Alba de Figueiredo (Master thesis, 2022)Barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd er en gruppe det er forsket lite på. Formålet med denne eksplorerende studien var å undersøke barn som pårørende til foreldre med selvmordsatferd sine behov i møte med ... -
The Development of Emotion Understanding in Children: The Importance of Parents, Teachers, and Peers
Laugen, Nina Jakhelln; Berg Kårstad, Silja; Reinfjell, Trude; Wichstrøm, Lars (Journal article, 2023)Emotion understanding (EU) develops through emotion socialization provided by children’s social environments, but the relative importance of various socializing agents has not been determined. In this prospective study, ... -
Does the transdiagnostic EMOTION intervention improve emotion regulation skills in children?
Løvaas, Mona Elisabeth S; Sund, Anne Mari; Lydersen, Stian; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Martinsen, Kristin Dagmar; Holen, Solveig; Patras, Joshua; Adolfsen, Frode; Reinfjell, Trude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objectives Emotion regulation is thought to be an important transdiagnostic process across internalizing disorders in youth, and the regulation of emotions is believed to play a central role in both adaptive and maladaptive ... -
Effects of gross motor functioning and transition phase on health related quality of life in Norwegian adolescents with cerebral palsy
Ingebrigtsen, Tirill Sten (Master thesis, 2015)Adolescents with cerebral palsy meet great challenges in the transition from childhood to adulthood. As young adults they lag behind their able-bodied peers in housing, employment and intimate relationships, and their ... -
EMDR behandling av barn utsatt for komplekse traumer
Kaasa, Aslaug; Sannes, Anna Kvassheim (Master thesis, 2015)The purpose of this thesis was to explore whether Eye Movement Desensitication Reprocessing (EMDR) is a suitable method for the complex symptoms associated with children exposed to trauma repeatedly and persistently. Theory ... -
EMDR-terapi for flyktninger med PTSD og traumesymptomer En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
Verlo, Oda Tollefsrud (Master thesis, 2021)Flyktninger er i en særlig sårbar posisjon med tanke på risikoen for å oppleve en eller flere traumatiske hendelser som kan gi ettervirkninger i form av traumereaksjoner. Prevalensen for posttraumatisk stresslidelse blant ... -
Emotion regulation and its relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression in children aged 8–12 years: does parental gender play a differentiating role?
Løvaas, Mona Elisabeth S; Sund, Anne Mari; Patras, Joshua; Martinsen, Kristin Dagmar; Hjemdal, Odin; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Holen, Solveig; Reinfjell, Trude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Symptoms of anxiety and depression are prevalent and highly comorbid in children, contributing to considerable impairment even at a subclinical level. Difficulties with emotion regulation are potentially related ... -
Exploring Executive Function and Psychosocial Function in Adult Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors: A Case Series Study
Røkke, Magnhild Eitrem (Master thesis, 2021)OBJEKTIV: Pediatrisk hjernesvulstoverlevere (PHSO) er vist å ha risiko for nevrokognitive senskader. Vansker med eksekutive funksjoner (EF) er indikert å negativt påvirke livskvalitet og å være påvirket av psykososiale ... -
Forekomst av potensielt traumatiserende hendelser, PTSD-symptomer og sammenheng med smertehyppighet hos ungdommer ved BUP-klinikk (Hel-BUP), sammenlignet med ungdommer generelt (Ung-HUNT 3)
Granseth, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2016)Oppgaven presenterer forekomsten av potensielt traumatiserende hendelser, PTSD-symptomer og sammenheng med smertehyppighet hos ungdommer i alderen 13-20 år ved klinikk for barn og unges psykiske helsevern (BUP-klinikk), ... -
Fortellinger om tap av søsken i kreft: Barndomserfaringer gjenfortalt i voksen alder
Thompson, Anna Ajer; Carlsson, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2022)Tidligere forskning har funnet sammenhenger mellom tap av søsken i barndommen og negative psykososiale utfall, men søskentap er den minst studerte formen for tap. Målet for den foreliggende studien var å undersøke hvordan ...