• A measure of ‘environmental happiness’: Infrastructuring environmental risk in oil and gas offshore operations 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Monteiro, Eric (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We know little about the marine environment, particularly in the inhospitable Arctic region. Whereas national authorities often rely on the construction of a solid knowledge base to allow human activity access to new areas, ...
    • AI Uncertainty in expert decision making: A qualitative evidence synthesis 

      Grundstrom, Casandra Ann; Mohanty, Pooja; Parmiggiani, Elena (Chapter, 2023)
      As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent in everyday work settings, the Information Systems (IS) discipline is perfectly poised to study the sociotechnical repercussions of algorithmic decision-making ...
    • The Anatomy of Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 

      Müller, Sune Dueholm; Jonsson, Katrin; Pirkkalainen, Henri; Parmiggiani, Elena; Tona, Olgerta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this article, we look at the history of the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS), its publication record, place in the Scandinavian IS tradition, and future directions. We show how the journal has evolved ...
    • Brukerinteraksjon med AI-baserte konversasjonsagenter i offentlig sektor 

      Thorstensen, Martin; Ulvund, Nils Joakim (Master thesis, 2022)
      Offentlige tjenestetilbud er i økende grad levert gjennom digitale agenter basert på kunstig intelligens, med chatboten som eksempel i front. Parallelt med inntoget av chatboter og deres forventninger i både privat og ...
    • Brukerinteraksjon med AI-baserte konversasjonsagenter i offentlig sektor 

      Thorstensen, Martin; Ulvund, Nils Joakim (Master thesis, 2022)
      Offentlige tjenestetilbud er i økende grad levert gjennom digitale agenter basert på kunstig intelligens, med chatboten som eksempel i front. Parallelt med inntoget av chatboter og deres forventninger i både privat og ...
    • The Case of Norway and Digital Transformation over the Years 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Mikalef, Patrick (Chapter, 2022)
      Norway is generally characterized by a pervasive presence of digital services. It is currently undergoing a digital transformation across different domains, from daily life to public and private enterprises. In this ...
    • Caseworkers’ participation in procurement: Infrastructuring Child Welfare Services in Norway 

      Dahl-Jørgensen, Tangni Cunningham; Parmiggiani, Elena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Procurement is a widely adopted collaborative approach for acquiring new systems in the public sector. It exemplifies a situation in which the early stages of digital system design define the boundaries and constraints of ...
    • Chatboter, tillit og brukeropplevelse i det offentlige 

      Gjelle, Knut Yngve Barstad (Master thesis, 2021)
      Bruk av AI-kontrollerte chatboter blir stadig vanligere både i privat og offentlig sektor. I Norge er adapsjonen innenfor offentlig sektor en del av en overordnet digitaliseringsstrategi som skal gi mer effektive og bedre ...
    • Collaborative Data Curation as Data Governance: A Case of Data Sharing in Environmental Science 

      Amagyei, Nana Kwame (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:351, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Data sharing involves a lot of data curation work. This thesis explains what this work is, how it is done, why it is necessary, and what its implications are for governing data infrastructures. The thesis is based on a ...
    • Concluding Remarks and Final Thoughts on Digital Transformation 

      Mikalef, Patrick; Parmiggiani, Elena (Chapter, 2022)
      While we have accumulated much knowledge over the past decades about how organizations engage in digital transformation, future developments are likely to make a lot of this knowledge at least partially obsolete. New forms ...
    • Data curation as anticipatory generification in data infrastructure 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Amagyei, Nana Kwame; Kollerud, Steinar Kornelius Selebø (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Data curation is crucial for data reusability. New possibilities for digital data sharing are an urgent concern for data curators, who must keep historical datasets and present data collections always ready to meet unknown ...
    • Data Curation as Governance Practice 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Grisot, Miria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Data governance is concerned with leveraging the potential value of data in data infrastructures. In IS research, data governance has developed as a management perspective, implying a narrow view of who makes decisions ...
    • Data Governance i Praksis: Et Casestudie av IT Outsourcing 

      Blikeng, Simen Aske (Master thesis, 2020)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å kunne se på hvordan data governance utspiller seg i praksis i en IT outsourcing. Ved å opparbeide seg en dypere forståelse for hva som skjer i en outsourcing fra outsourcing-selskapet sitt ...
    • Data Infrastructures in the Public Sector: A Critical Research Agenda Rooted in Scandinavian IS Research 

      Parmiggiani, Elena; Grisot, Miria (Chapter, 2019)
      Extant Information Systems research emphasizes the strategic benefits of digitalization and value cocreation for business. Less is known, however, about the dynamics of how value is co-created in the digitalization of the ...
    • Data preparation and sharing practices: A case of environmental monitoring in Norway 

      Ivanova, Maria (Master thesis, 2022)
      Miljødata blir brukt til å informere, begrunne, og evaluere miljøpolitikk. Dermed er det avgjørende at denne dataen både er av høy kvalitet, og at den er presis i sin gjenspeiling av den virkelige verden. Hvordan forskere ...
    • Datadeling i forskningsmiljøer. En empirisk casestudie. 

      Sørensen, Brage Vejlgaard (Master thesis, 2023)
      Den teknologiske fremgangen har bidratt med å gi store muligheter og skape nytekning når det kommer til hvordan forskere henter inn data, behandler denne og hvilke roller personer kan ha i forskning. Rollen til den ...
    • Delegating Agency in the Public Sector: A Case Study on Current Human-Technology Practices and Visions for AI 

      Grøder, Charlotte Husom; Parmiggiani, Elena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Human-technology collaboration is currently receiving a surge of attention in Information Systems (IS) due to attempts to introduce Artificial Intelligence (AI) in private and public organizations. In Scandinavia, governments ...
    • Digital platform ecosystems for cloud computing 

      Akshija, Herda (Master thesis, 2020)
      The use of cloud computing is currently a hot topic in the research community and the industry. The attractiveness of cloud computing is the capability to run large applications on robust, scalable hardware without needing ...
    • Digital Service Outsourcing Through Sociotechnical Transformation 

      Helgesen, Trine-Lise (Master thesis, 2020)
      Industirer I dag blir møtt av et fort marked for digitale tjenester tilbudt av IT selskaper, og gjennom den digitale æra utvalget av tjenester har økt som følger av konstant innovasjon. Men ettersom den integrerte teknologien ...
    • Digital Transformation in Norwegian Enterprises 

      Mikalef, Patrick; Parmiggiani, Elena (Book, 2022)
      This open access book presents a number of case studies on digital transformation in Norway, one of the fore-runners in the digital progress index established by the European Commission in 2020. They explore the process ...