• A human perspective on maritime autonomy 

      Relling, Tore; Lutzhoft, Margareta; Ostnes, Runar; Hildre, Hans Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      As for all of the transport segments, autonomy is gaining increasing interest by researchers and for development in the maritime industry, and introducing autonomy is expected to create new possibilities to increase ...
    • Applications of Maritime Simulators in Industry and Research 

      Zghyer, Rami Ghaleb Abelminem; Ostnes, Runar; Halse, Karl Henning; Hareide, Odd Sveinung; Johnsen, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Ship-bridge simulators are ideal arenas for research and innovation, hence, the use of simulators in industry and in research is ramping up. Ocean industry prospects are addressing core challenges such as food, security, ...
    • Behovet for endring i Lostjenesten 

      Aaberg, Jonas; Stokke, Jon Martin; Røren, Adrian (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg problemstillingen «Hvilke behov er det for endring i lostjenesten og hvordan vil eventuelle endringer påvirke losen?». Gjennom rapporten «Gjennomgang av lostjenesten, lospliktreglene og ...
    • The contribution of Vessel Traffic Services to safe coexistence between automated and conventional vessels 

      Relling, Tore; Lützhöft, Margareta; Ostnes, Runar; Hildre, Hans Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The maritime industry could face major changes the coming decade. Technology development opens for new ways of operating vessels and autonomy is argued to revolutionise design and operations. However, despite a large focus ...
    • Cyber Security of the Integrated Navigation System (INS) 

      Oruc, Aybars (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:329, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The maritime sector, similar to other industries, is swiftly adapting to evolving technologies. However, these advancing technologies also bring forth cyber security concerns. Attacks on ships and findings from scientific ...
    • Den operative bruken av virtuelle AIS AtoN i søk og redning 

      Hannisdal, Eirik; Kristiansen, Ingeborg Andrea Raanes; Bjørkedal, Lillian; Pettersen, Øystein Reimers (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke om formidling av søkeområder i forbindelse med søk- og redningsoperasjoner kan utføres på en mer forenklet og tidsbesparende måte. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i bruken av virtuelle ...
    • Determinants, methods, and solutions of evacuation models for passenger ships: A systematic literature review 

      Arshad, Hossein; Emblemsvåg, Jan; Li, Guoyuan; Ostnes, Runar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Passenger ships facilitate the mobility of people at sea and are a significant revenue stream for societies. Simultaneously, they should meet safety standards. One of the main safety pillars is offering passengers a reliable ...
    • Enhancing Navigator Competence by Demonstrating Maritime Cyber Security 

      Hareide, Odd Sveinung; Jøsok, Øyvind; Lund, Mass Soldal; Ostnes, Runar; Helkala, Kirsi Marjaana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      As technology continues to develop, information and communication technology and operational technology on board ships are increasingly being networked, and more frequently connected to the Internet. The introduction of ...
    • Exploring EEG Based Stress in Remote Ship Operations as Foundation of Customized Training 

      Kari, Raheleh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:208, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Remote operations have grown dramatically in popularity in recent years across countless industries thanks to technological advancements that enable human operators to monitor and control machines from distant locations. ...
    • Fremtidens autonome ubemannede kapasiteter i Sjøforsvaret 

      Hareide, Odd Sveinung; Relling, Tore; Pettersen, André; Sauter, Alexander; Mjelde, Frode Voll; Ostnes, Runar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Sjøforsvaret har en lang historie med å utnytte ny teknologi for å øke den operative evne. Denne artikkelen tar sikte på å gi leseren økt forståelse av hva autonomi er, og hvordan dette kan nyttiggjøres i Sjøforsvaret. ...
    • How vessel traffic service operators cope with complexity – only human performance absorbs human performance 

      Relling, Tore; Hildre, Hans Petter; Lützhöft, Margareta Holtensdotter; Ostnes, Runar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The Vessel Traffic Services is a control system in the maritime traffic system where the VTS operators need to cope with a complex environment to contribute to safe and efficient ship movements. By using cognitive task ...
    • Human Evacuation planning for Passenger Ships-Uncertainty Modelling 

      Arshad, Hossein (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:195, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The burgeoning cruise industry has emphasized the importance of maritime safety and efficient evacuation protocols. The tangible risks and past incidents involving passenger ships spotlight the critical necessity for ...
    • Implementering av virtuelle AIS-AtoN i SAR-operasjoner 

      Flåte, Frode; Olsen, Torbjørn Bergheim (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Denne oppgaven handler om å undersøke om det er mulig å formidle kritisk informasjon i søk og redning på en mer effektiv måte. Problemstillingen belyser muligheten for implementering av virtuelle Automatic Identification ...
    • Is Full-autonomy the Way to Go Towards Maximizing the Ocean Potentials? 

      Zghyer, Rami; Ostnes, Runar; Halse, Karl Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Growth prospects for ocean economy are promising because ocean industries are addressing challenges such as food security, energy security and climate change. However, safety and efficiency are the general challenges of ...
    • Kan navigasjonssikkerheten til sjøs forbedres ved overgang fra S-57 til S-100? 

      Irgens, Tor Adrian Hovden; Strøm, Magnus Westersjø; Svarte, Pål Veksetmo (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Flesteparten av dagens navigatører benytter ECDIS for å støtte seilasen, fremfor papirkart som ble brukt tidligere. I dag bruker ECDIS S-57 som hydrografisk standard. Denne standarden er gammel og fryst, noe som medfører ...
    • Konsekvensene av NH90 innkjøpet og betydningen av dette i den maritime helikopterberedskapen 

      Brunvatne, Ola; Larsen, Sondre; Thomassen, Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Kystvaktens helikopterberedskap har gjennom en lengre periode vært svekket og utredningen av de operative konsekvensene har vært fraværende for offentligheten. Studiets formål er å undersøke hvilke operative konsekvenser ...
    • Maritime Cyber Simulator Scenario Workshop report 

      Erstad, Erlend; Larsen, Marie Haugli; Lund, Mass Soldal; Ostnes, Runar (Research report, 2022)
      The 7th of December 2021, the Maritime Cyber Resilience (MarCy) project held a Cyber Simulator Scenario workshop aiming to create a fundament for training to enhance operational maritime cyber resilience. MarCy is a research ...
    • Mineralutvinning på havbunnen i norske havområder. 

      Kløvning, Erik Mikal; Ellingvåg, Kjetil; Aandahl, Erik (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Mineralutvinning på havbunnen innenfor norske havområder er et aktuelt og attraktivt felt i dag. Forskere ved NTNU i Trondheim og Universitetet i Bergen har kartlagt havområder mellom Jan Mayen og Svalbard, hvor de har ...
    • Navigating through Cyber Threats, A Maritime Navigator’s Experience 

      Erstad, Erlend; Lund, Mass Soldal; Ostnes, Runar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cyber threats are emerging as a risk in the maritime industry. If the navigational systems on board a ship somehow fail to function because of a cyber incident, the navigator is an important asset who is expected to handle ...
    • An Operational Approach to Maritime Cyber Resilience 

      Erstad, Erlend; Ostnes, Runar; Lund, Mass Soldal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      ABSTRACT: As a result of the last decades development of technology and increased connectivity of maritime vessels, the need for maritime cyber security is undoubtedly present. In 2017, IMO officially recognized “… the ...