Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Kristiansen, Trygve"
Now showing items 1-20 of 95
2D experimental and numerical study of moonpool with recess
Eriksson, Sebastian Erik (Master thesis, 2018)The background for this master's thesis is the complications that is faced in the industry with regards to operational time inside moonpools. This thesis focuses on moonpools with recess, and the fluid resonant phenomena ... -
2D Numerical Investigation of the Non-Linear Forces Acting on the Sevan SWACH OWT
Nord-Varhaug, Henrik (Master thesis, 2023)Flytende havvind har i senere år blitt identifisert som en viktig løsning på energi for å nå null-utslipps klima målet. Ved å ta i bruk de sterke og konsistente vindkastene ute på havet kan dette annses som en mulig ... -
A 2D+t approach for the transverse viscous loads in a modular maneuvering model
Rabliås, Øyvind; Kristiansen, Trygve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The importance of the transverse viscous loads, in a modular maneuvering model, is investigated. A method to estimate steady sectional drag coefficients is first presented. A 2D+t approach, which accounts for forward-speed ... -
A 2D Experimental and Numerical Study of Moonpools With Recess
Ravinthrakumar, Senthuran; Kristiansen, Trygve; Ommani, Babak (Chapter, 2018)Moonpool resonance is investigated in a two-dimensional setting in terms of regular, forced heave motions of a model with moonpool with different rectangular-shaped recess configurations. A recess is a reduced draft zone ... -
A Numerical and Experimental Study of a Multi-torus Floating Solar Island Concept
Sigstad, Mari Vassdokken (Master thesis, 2019)En flytedel som skal brukes til plattform for en flytende soløy er testet i modellskala både med og uten solcellepaneldekket. En realistisk skalert membran er brukt for å tilsvare dekket. Begge modellene ble testet både i ... -
A Numerical and Theoretical Study of a Multi-torus Solar Island Concept
Tolaas, Svanhild Toppe (Master thesis, 2020)Teoretiske og numeriske studier er gjennomført for en flytende konstruksjon bestående av sirkulære flytere koblet sammen med elastiske bånd, en såkalt multiflyter. Stukturen er designet for å være et flytende fundament for ... -
A Numerical Study of a Multi-torus Floating Solar Island Concept, with the use of Computer Programming
Olsen, Øyvind Onestad (Master thesis, 2020)En halvt nedsenket fler-torus modell er implementert numerisk, med hensikt å undersøke responsen til en slik struktur. Den numeriske modellen, bestående av flere sirkulære flytere koblet sammen med elastiske bånd (strekkstag), ... -
A Semi-Analytical Method for Calculating the Hydrodynamic Force on Perforated Plates in Oscillating Flow
Mentzoni, Fredrik; Kristiansen, Trygve (Chapter, 2019)A two-dimensional numerical analysis on the hydrodynamic force of perforated plates in oscillating flow is presented, and a new semi-analytical force model is proposed. Plates with ten different perforation ratios, τ, from ... -
Accidental Drop of Slender Cylindrical Bodies - A Numerical and Experimental Study of Velocity and Trajectory of Cylinders Falling Through Water
Håland, Helene Salte (Master thesis, 2018)The oil and gas industry is continuously working to improve safety and minimise risk. Numerous offshore activities involve risks that may lead to accidents with serious consequences. The risk of accidental dropped objects, ... -
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Added Mass and Damping for Side by Side Plates in Oscillating Flow
Solaas, Frøydis; Mentzoni, Fredrik; Abrahamsen-Prsic, Mia; Kristiansen, Trygve (Chapter, 2019)Forced harmonic oscillations of seven configurations consisting of horizontal side by side plate elements are performed experimentally and numerically. The configurations are oscillated in vertical direction and represent ... -
An Experimental Study on the Wave-Induced Hydroelastic Response of a Floating Solar Island
Winsvold, Jonathan (Master thesis, 2018)Future energy demand are expected to increase substantially in the next decades, and there is a real need to consider new ways of supplying the energy market with cost-efficient, dependable and green sources of energy. The ... -
An Experimental Study on the Wave-Induced Vertical Response of an Articulated Multi-Module Floating Solar Island
Onsrud, Magnus (Master thesis, 2019)Energibehovet forventes å øke vesentlig i fremtiden, og på grunn av påvirkningen på jorda må nye muligheter vurderes for å levere kostnadseffektiv, bærekraftig og grønn energi. Flytende solkraft viser mye potensial; en ... -
An Investigation of Sloshing Inside a Closed Fish Farm Cage
Tronvoll, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2020)I denne masteroppgaven, så blir effekten av skvulping i en lukket fiskemerd studert. Prosjektet omhandler et eksperiment og en numerisk simulering i WADAM. En modell av fiskemerden ble laget ved å benytte en bøtte. En ring ... -
An Investigation of Sloshing Inside Closed Aquaculture Plants
Tofte, Mona (Master thesis, 2017)In the present work sloshing inside closed aquaculture plants at sea has been investigated by both experimental methods and linear sloshing theory. An experiment conducted in the student towing tank at NTNU during the ... -
Aspects in model testing of a monopile in steep waves
Kristiansen, Trygve; Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth; Bickert, Florent; Hniche, Abdessamad; Kocher, Vincent; Liandrat, Antoine (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)Different aspects regarding model testing of a vertical, bottom-fixed monopile in steep waves are discussed. The different topics are related in the sense that they can improve the quality of experimental data. The discussion ... -
Aspects in model testing of a monopile in steep waves
Kristiansen, Trygve; Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth; Bickert, Florent; Hniche, Abdessamad; Kocher, Vincent; Liandrat, Antoine (Chapter, 2017)Different aspects regarding model testing of a vertical, bottom-fixed monopile in steep waves are discussed. The different topics are related in the sense that they can improve the quality of experimental data. The discussion ... -
Bag and floater motions of a fabric membrane cage
Mukhlas, Muhammad; Lader, Pål Furset; Kristiansen, David; Kristiansen, Trygve; Kanazawa, Motoyasu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Bilge keel induced roll damping of an FPSO with sponsons
Ommani, Babak; Fonseca, Nuno; Kristiansen, Trygve; Bakksjø, Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The bilge keel induced roll damping of an FPSO with sponsons is investigated numerically and experimentally. The influence of the bilge keel size, on the roll damping is studied. Free decay tests of a three-dimensional ... -
Coupled vessel and moonpool responses in regular and irregular waves
Ravinthrakumar, Senthuran; Kristiansen, Trygve; Molin, Bernard Jean Marie; Ommani, Babak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hydrodynamic coupling between the ship and moonpool responses is investigated. Dedicated experiments are carried out in the Ocean Basin at Sintef Ocean. Three different moonpool sizes are studied, where the moonpool length ... -
Estimation of Higher Order Wave Loads on Offshore Monopiles
Bordal, Herman Schrader (Master thesis, 2020)Kristiansen and Faltinsen(2017) viste at den ikke viskøse FNV teorien over predikerer de 3 harmoniske kreftene på en vertikal sylinder i lange og steile bølger. Den analytiske løsningen er utledet ved bruk av potensial ...