Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Kristiansen, Trygve"
Estimation of Hydrodynamic Coefficients by CFD for Application to Subsea Protection Covers
Stavelin, Johan Bendik (Master thesis, 2017)The background for this thesis is the limiting weather window experienced when deploying subsea structures. By following today's industry standard the allowable sea states for which structure deployment can take place is ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Vertical Pre-tensioned Membrane Sheet in Regular Waves
Mukhlas, Muhammad; Kristiansen, Trygve; Lader, Pål Furset; Kristiansen, David (Chapter, 2022) -
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Coupled Vessel and Moonpool Responses
Kildal, Jonas Ravndal (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven tar for seg den gjensidige koblingen mellom moonpoolrespons og skipsbevegelser, ved gjennomføring av eksperiment og numeriske simuleringer. Et parameterstudie på forholdet mellom moonpoolbredde og skipsbredde ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Floating Solar Islands
Borvik, Petter Plünneke (Master thesis, 2017)In this master thesis, the dynamical behavior of a floating solar island in waves and current has been investigated. The solar island consists of a torus were the inner part is covered with a membrane. Underneath the ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Global Motions and Slamming Loads on an Aquaculture Feed Barge
Zang, Yuyang (Master thesis, 2018)Local slamming on an aquaculture barge will occur on a deck that is located lower than the main deck. The problem is dependent on the global motions of the structure. If the structure has decks that are located at the port- ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Hydrodynamic Loads on Perforated Plates Subjected to Irregular Forced Oscillations
Voster, Jon Kristian (Master thesis, 2020)Eksperimentelle og numeriske studier er utført på to modeller. Modellene er perforerte plater med ulike perforeringsgrader. De ble utsatt for tvungne svingninger, både regulære, bikromatiske og irregulære. De tvungne ... -
Experimental and numerical investigations of loads on aquaculture net panels.
Moreau, Mael Korentin Ivan (Master thesis, 2017)Drag tests on aquaculture net panels were carried out in the towing tank Lilletanken (NTNU) for fifteen current velocities. The data were post-treated and discussed in order to characterize the dependency of the drag forces ... -
Experimental and numerical investigations of loads on aquaculture nets
Yu, Jialing (Master thesis, 2017)This master thesis is to investigate the drag forces on net panels with different twine diameter, material, solidity ratio, and Reynolds number. A series of net panel towing tests has been carried out. Resistance force on ... -
Experimental and numerical investigations of monopile ringing in irregular finite-depth water waves
Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth; Kristiansen, Trygve; Thys, Maxime (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In storm conditions, nonlinear wave loads on monopile offshore wind turbines can induce resonant ringing-type responses. Efficient, validated methods which capture such events in irregular waves in intermediate or shallow ... -
Experimental and numerical study of an aquaculture net cage with floater in waves and current
Kristiansen, Trygve; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article, 2015)The mooring loads on an aquaculture net cage in current and waves are investigated by dedicated model tests and numerical simulations. The main purpose is to investigate which physical effects are dominant for mooring ... -
Experimental and Numerical Study of Non-Linear Motions of Ocean Farm 2 at Inspection Draught
Dysvik, Eivind Hexeberg (Master thesis, 2022)Den raskt voksende befolkningen og utfordringene knyttet til klimaendringer krever en betydelig økt matproduksjon, som må være bærekraftig. Fiskeoppdrett er en ekspanderende næring som kan bidra til å løse disse utfordringene. ... -
Experimental Investigation of Beach Efficiency for Regular Waves
Hannasvik, Thomas (Master thesis, 2019)Et kontrollert og veldefinert miljø er viktig for å få plitelige resultater i modellforsøk. Bølgeabsorbering er derfor en viktig, men også ofte glemt del av eksperimenter. Hensikten med denne studien er å øke forståelsen ... -
Experimental Investigation of Porous Structures in Splash Zone
Gupta, Prateek (Master thesis, 2018)First, the KC number (or porous KC number) varying hydrodynamic coefficients for porous plates are determined from forced oscillations in deep water. Then water-entry drag coefficient is determined from the force impulse ... -
Experimental reproduction of inhomogeneous fjord waves
Lafleche, Sebastien Jacques Marie; Christakos, Konstantinos; Ommani, Babak; Fouques, Sebastien; Kristiansen, Trygve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Waves in coastal areas and fjords can present inhomogeneities that affect the responses of very large floating structures. However, spatial inhomogeneities of waves are usually not included in model testing. In this paper, ... -
Experimental Study of Hydrodynamic Loads on Ventilated Plates Near the Free Surface
Vottestad, Karoline (Master thesis, 2020)De hydrodynamiske kreftene på forenklede strukturer blir studert for å undersøke hvordan krefter varierer med porøsitet og nedsenking, samt gi en sammenligning mellom harmoniske oscillasjoner og bølger. Tvungne oscillasjoner ... -
Experimental Study of Splash Zone Wave Loads on a Combined Configuration of a Porous Plate and a Circular Cylinder
Robsahm, Marius (Master thesis, 2020)Løfteanalyse av en undervanns-struktur bestemmer operasjonsgrensen hva angår sjøtilstand for å gjennomføre operasjonen under trygge forhold. Denne grensen bestemmes av de største forventede kreftene i løftesystemet. ... -
Experimental study on the effect of second order wavemaker theory on the response of a flexible large diameter monopile in irregular sea
Hoseini Dadmarzi, Fatemeh; Tonnel, Matthias; Thys, Maxime; Bachynski-Polic, Erin Elizabeth; Kristiansen, Trygve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Motivated by the need for larger offshore wind turbines, large diameter monopile foundations are being developed. To ensure safe design, there is a need for model testing and validation of hydrodynamic load models. Scaled ... -
Feasibility Study of the “Launch and Forget” Installation Method for Deep Water Marine Operations
Sørum, Sigurd Aurvåg (Master thesis, 2019)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å bidra med å utforske gjennomførbarheten i metoden "Launch \& Forget", ved å undersøke egenskapene til en modellskala brønnramme når den beveger seg nedover i vannkolonnen. Eksperimenter ... -
A floating membrane solar island study
Kristiansen, Trygve; Grøn, Petter Kristensen; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Chapter, 2022) -
Gap Resonance Analyzed by a Domain-Decomposition Method
Kristiansen, Trygve; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Chapter, 2011)