• A Distortion-resilient Pattern Codification Strategy For Structured Light 3D Cameras 

      Lima-Eriksen, Leik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Roboter finnes overalt i dagens moderne industrier, og deres bruksområder inkluderer alt fra å løfte kargo av paller til å sette sammen forbrukervarer. Dessverre er de aller fleste roboter blinde, og dette begrenser deres ...
    • Achieving Fair Spectrum Allocation and Reduced Spectrum Handoff in Wireless Sensor Networks: Modeling via Biobjective Optimization 

      Byun, Sang-Seon; Kansanen, Kimmo; Balasingham, Ilangko; Gil, Joon-Min (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This paper considers the problem of centralized spectrum allocations in wireless sensor networks towards the following goals: (1) maximizing fairness, (2) reflecting the priority among sensor data, and (3) avoiding unnecessary ...
    • Assessing Wireless Sensing Potential with Large Intelligent Surfaces 

      Vaca Rubio, Cristian; Ramirez Espinosa, Pablo Jesus; Kansanen, Kimmo; Tan, Zheng-Hua; de Carvalho, Elisabeth; Popovski, Petar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Sensing capability is one of the most highlighted new feature of future 6G wireless networks. This paper addresses the sensing potential of Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS) in an exemplary Industry 4.0 scenario. Besides ...
    • Blind Source Separation Using Temporal Correlation, Non-Gaussianity and Conditional Heteroscedasticity 

      Fouladi, Seyed Hamed; Balasingham, Ilangko; Kansanen, Kimmo; Ramstad, Tor Audun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Independent component analysis separates latent sources from a linear mixture by assuming sources are statistically independent. In real world applications, hidden sources are usually non-Gaussian and have dependence among ...
    • Calibration of mismatch effects in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters 

      Kabaeva, Anastasia A (Master thesis, 2013)
      The performance of time-interleaved analogue-to-digital (A/D) converters is often significantly degraded by timing mismatch errors. In this project we explore methods for performing reconstruction of signals from recurrent ...
    • Cloud Radio Based Localization in Massive MIMO 

      Rokke, Eirik (Master thesis, 2019)
      Dette prosjektet ser på bruken av cloud radio basert lokalisering i massiv MIMO. Systemet undersøker et simpelt scenario, med planbølger, narrowband, ingen flerveisinterferens og to romlig separerte antenne array som kan ...
    • Cognitive Radio Network System Demonstrator 

      Trećakov, Nemanja (Master thesis, 2011)
      The frequency spectrum is presently poorly utilized and lies idle for the most of the time. In order to utilize the spectrum more efficiently, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) should be used. A common approach to this thought ...
    • Cognitive Radio Network System Demonstrator 

      Trećakov, Nemanja (Master thesis, 2011)
      The frequency spectrum is presently poorly utilized and lies idle for the most of the time. In order to utilize the spectrum more efficiently, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) should be used. A common approach to this thought ...
    • Communication and cybersecurity for autonomous passenger ferry 

      Amro, Ahmed (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:137, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Recent innovations in the smart city and the maritime domains have led to the proposition of a new mode of transportation utilizing Autonomous Passenger Ships (APS) or ferries in inland waterways. The novelty of the APS ...
    • Communication Aspects for a Measurement Based UWB in-Body to on-Body Channel 

      Floor, Pål Anders; Chavez-Santiago, Raul; Kim, Anna N.; Kansanen, Kimmo; Ramstad, Tor Audun; Balasingham, Ilangko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a good option for the screening of the digestive system. To better facilitate detection of diseases at an early stage, gastroenterologists seek both higher frame rate and frame resolution ...
    • Diffusion-Based Molecular Communications in Wireless Pacemakers 

      Thodesen, Elisa Ulvøen (Master thesis, 2016)
      Molecular communications is a novel communication technique that has many advantages over the traditional radio frequency technologies used in body area medical applications. It is based on the body`s own biological ...
    • Estimation over MIMO Fading Channels: Outage and Diversity Analysis 

      Parseh, Reza (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:124, Doctoral thesis, 2016)
      In this thesis, estimation of signals over fading channels for analog uncoded transmission is considered. In communication settings with tight delay requirements, e.g. in real-time control over wireless fading channels and ...
    • Evaluating Secrecy Capacity for In-Body Wireless Channels 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Fang, Xiao; Ramzan, Mehrab; Neumann, Niels; Wang, Qiong; Plettemeier, Dirk; Kansanen, Kimmo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The next generation of implanted medical devices is expected to be wireless, bringing along new security threats. Thus, it is critical to secure the communication between legitimate nodes inside the body from a possible ...
    • Evaluation of Secrecy Capacity for Next-Generation Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Bose, Pritam; Khaleghi, Ali; Kansanen, Kimmo; Balasingham, Ilangko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Secure communication can be considered as an integral part of the next generation implantable medical devices. With the advent of physical layer security (PLS) methods, confidential messages can be transmitted without the ...
    • Experimental phantom-based evaluation of Physical Layer Security for Future Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Simbor, Sofia Perez; García-Pardo, Concepción; Kansanen, Kimmo; Bose, Pritam; Castello-Palacios, Sergio; Cardona, Narcís (Chapter, 2018)
      Next generation of cardiac pacemakers are expected to be completely wireless bringing along new security threats. Thus, it is critical to secure the pacemaker transmissions between legitimate nodes from a third party or ...
    • Experimental Phantom-Based Security Analysis for Next-Generation Leadless Cardiac Pacemakers 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Simbor, Sofia Perez; García-Pardo, Concepción; Kansanen, Kimmo; Cardona, Narcis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      With technological advancement, implanted medical devices can treat a wide range of chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia, deafness, diabetes, etc. Cardiac pacemakers are used to maintain normal heart rhythms. The ...
    • Exploring possibilities on predicting subjective evaluation of athlete's feelings after workout sessions using deep learning. 

      Olsen, Stine (Master thesis, 2024)
      Wearables, som treningsklokker, har blitt stadig mer populært de siste årene. Disse enhetene kan gi verdifull informasjon om vår helse og treningsvaner ved å måle parametere som hjertefrekvensvariabilitet (HRV). Målet med ...
    • Fast Frequency Hopping 

      Nordby, Mads (Master thesis, 2021)
      Et raskt frekvenshoppende system med flerveis kanaler innenfor hvert hop er studert og simulert. På grunn av flerveis propagasjon, oppstår forstyrrelser på mottakeren. Dette er fordi symbolene som tas imot er blir blandet ...
    • FPGA implementation of an efficient high-speed DVB-S2X block-interleaver 

      Vassiliev, Youri Vladimirovitch (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this Master's Thesis a new DVB-S2X block-interleaver is presented that uses only one block of memory.
    • Hidden Markov model for recognizing home appliances based on energy consumption measurements 

      Haraldseid, Lena Kråkevik (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven bruker strømforbruksmålinger til å lage et system som kan bruke strømforbruk til å forutsi om et apparat har vært av eller på i løpet av en gitt periode for å lage et strømsparesystem. Et system som dette ...