Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Fossmark, Reidar"
Adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors – evidence and plausibility
Fossmark, Reidar; Martinsen, Tom Christian; Waldum, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been increasingly used over the last decades and there are concerns about overuse and the numerous reported side-effects. It is uncertain whether associations between PPI use and potential ... -
Animal models to study the role of long-term hypergastrinemia in gastric carcinogenesis
Fossmark, Reidar; Qvigstad, Gunnar; Martinsen, Tom Christian; Hauso, Øyvind; Waldum, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Patients with chronic hypergastrinemia due to chronic atrophic gastritis or gastrinomas have an increased risk of developing gastric malignancy, and it has been questioned whether also patients with hypergastrinemia caused ... -
Behandling av pasienter med ulcerøs colitt som har vært innlagt ved St. Olavs hospital
Wiik, Erik Nesje (Master thesis, 2020)Introduksjon: Siden innføring av nye og mer effektive medikamenter til behandling av ulcerøs colitt i 2006 har andelen av pasienter som behandles kirurgisk for sykdommen vært synkende. Det er en bekymring blant klinikere ... -
Do Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinomas and ECL‐Cell Neuroendocrine Tumours Have a Common Origin?
Fossmark, Reidar; Johannessen, Rune; Qvigstad, Gunnar; Mjønes, Patricia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gastric cancer is a heterogenous group of tumours, and a better understanding of the carcinogenesis and cellular origin of the various sub-types could affect prevention and future treatment. Gastric neuroendocrine tumours ... -
Do patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease exhibit compromised bone quality prior to proton pump inhibitor therapy?
Aasarød, Kristin Matre; Mosti, Mats Peder; Finstad, Malin T.; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla; Fossmark, Reidar; Syversen, Unni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are routinely treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), despite many reports of increased fracture risk associated with PPI use. Notably, the skeletal properties in ... -
Early gastric cancers in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study
Stillingen, Thomas Lindmo; Kvamme, Camilla Jørdre (Master thesis, 2024)Abstrakt Introduksjon: «Tidlig ventrikkelkreft» (EGC) er definert som ventrikkelkreft begrenset til mucosa og submucosa i ventrikkelslimhinnen, uavhengig av lymfeknutemetastaser. Kun en liten andel av ventrikkelkreft blir ... -
Early gastric cancers in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study
Kvamme, Camilla Jørdre; Stillingen, Thomas (Master thesis, 2024)Abstrakt Introduksjon: «Tidlig ventrikkelkreft» (EGC) er definert som ventrikkelkreft begrenset til mucosa og submucosa i ventrikkelslimhinnen, uavhengig av lymfeknutemetastaser. Kun en liten andel av ventrikkelkreft blir ... -
The Effect of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Fibrosis Assessed by FIB-4 and NFS Scores—An 11.6-Year Follow-Up Study
Sandvik, Elfrid Christine Smith; Aasarød, Kristin Matre; Johnsen, Gjermund; Hoff, Dag Arne Lihaug; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Hyldmo, Åsne Ask; Græslie, Hallvard; Nymo, Siren; Sandvik, Jorunn; Fossmark, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Severe obesity is a strong risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery effectively induces weight loss, but few studies have described the long-term effects of RYGB ... -
Ex Vivo Demonstration of a Novel Dual-Frequency Ultrasound Method for Quantitative Measurements of Liver Fat Content
Berg, Sigrid; Amini, Naseh; Solberg, Stian; Ødegård, Rønnaug Astri; Kulseng, Bård Eirik; Fossmark, Reidar; Muller, Sébastien; Dankel, Simon N; Berge, Rolf Kristian; Rønne, Elin; Mjønes, Patricia Gjertrud; Hansen, Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objective: The rise in metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease prevalence, closely linked with metabolic syndromes and obesity, demands accurate, cost-effective diagnostic methods for early-stage fat ... -
Expression of the Cholecystokinin-B Receptor in Neoplastic Gastric Cells
Mjønes, Patricia; Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk; Sørdal, Øystein Finset; Sagatun, Liv; Fossmark, Reidar; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Waldum, Helge (Journal article, 2017)Gastric cancer is an important disease due to its high mortality. Despite the decline in frequency, most cases are discovered late in its course, and most of the cancer patients die within a few years of diagnosis. In ... -
Factors associated with the persistence of oral 5-aminosalicylic acid monotherapy in ulcerative colitis: a nationwide Norwegian cohort study
Fossmark, Reidar; Olaisen, Maya; Martinsen, Tom Christian; Melberg, Hans Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Oral 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is the mainstay treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC) and therapy with oral 5-ASA is associated with beneficial outcomes. We have examined factors associated with the persistence ... -
Gastric cancer in Japanese cotton rats
Fossmark, Reidar (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:125, Doctoral thesis, 2004)The role of gastrin and the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell in human gastric carcinogenesis is not fully understood. There are numerous animal models that can be useful when studying this process. One such model is the ... -
Gastric cancers missed at upper endoscopy in Central Norway 2007 to 2016 - a population-based study
Beck, Marianne; Bringeland, Erling A.; Qvigstad, Gunnar; Fossmark, Reidar (Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn Andelen intervallcancer (IC) ved øvre endoskopi (ØE) har tidligere blitt rapportert å være mellom 4.7% og 9.8% i andre vestlige land. Målet med denne populasjonsbaserte studien var å finne andelen av IC i Midt-Norge ... -
Gastric Cancers Missed at Upper Endoscopy in Central Norway 2007 to 2016—a Population-Based Study
Beck, Marianne; Bringeland, Erling A.; Qvigstad, Gunnar; Fossmark, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Simple summary: Stomach cancer may be missed during upper endoscopy. We have examined how often this occurs and identified factors associated with missed cancers. Among 730 patients with gastric cancer, 67 (9.2%) were ... -
Gastric Carcinomas Localized to the Cardia
Bakkelund, Karin Elvenes; Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk; Fossmark, Reidar; Waldum, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Objectives. Gastric adenocarcinomas localized to the cardia are increasing. Enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells play a role in gastric carcinogenesis in hypergastrinemia, and the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) leading ... -
Gastric Corpus Mucosal Hyperplasia and Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia, but not Spasmolytic Polypeptide-Expressing Metaplasia, Is Prevented by a Gastrin Receptor Antagonist in H+/K+ATPase Beta Subunit Knockout Mice
Aasarød, Kristin Matre; Waldum, Helge; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Flatberg, Arnar; Mjønes, Patricia; Syversen, Unni; Bakke, Ingunn; Fossmark, Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Proton pump inhibitor use is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer, which may be mediated by hypergastrinemia. Spasmolytic polypeptide-expression metaplasia (SPEM) has been proposed as a precursor of gastric ... -
Gastric remnant cancer and long-term survival in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study
Våge, Christina; Ubøe, Ann Amelia Savage (Master thesis, 2023)Introduksjon: Adenocarcinom som utvikles i ventrikkelresten etter distale gastrectomi kalles stumpcancer og er definert som en egen klinisk enhet. Stumpcancer er tidligere rapportert å utgjøre 1-8% av all ventrikkelcancer. ... -
Gastric remnant cancer and long-term survival in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study
Ubøe, Ann Amelia Savage; Våge, Christina (Master thesis, 2023)Introduksjon: Adenokarsinom som utvikles i ventrikkelresten etter distal gastrectomi kalles stumpcancer og er definert som en egen klinisk enhet. Stumpcancer er tidligere rapportert å utgjøre 1-8% av all ventrikkelcancer. ... -
Gastritis, Gastric Polyps and Gastric Cancer
Waldum, Helge; Fossmark, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Gastric cancer is still an important disease causing many deaths worldwide, although there has been a marked reduction in prevalence during the last few decades. The decline in gastric cancer prevalence is due to a reduction ... -
Hepatic micrometastases outside macrometastases are present in all patients with ileal neuroendocrine primary tumour at the time of liver resection.
Fossmark, Reidar; Balto, Tine Marie; Martinsen, Tom Christian; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Munkvold, Bjørn; Mjønes, Patricia; Waldum, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) in the ileum grow slowly but metastasise to the liver at an early stage. After resection of the primary tumour and mesenteric lymph nodes, selected patients with liver metastases ...