Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Bolland, Olav"
Now showing items 1-20 of 51
A qualitative reliability and operability analysis of an integrated reforming combined cycle plant with CO2 capture
Nord, Lars Olof; Anantharaman, Rahul; Rausand, Marvin; Bolland, Olav (Journal article, 2009)Most of the current CO2 capture technologies are associated with large energy penalties that reduce their economic viability. Efficiency has therefore become the most important issue when designing and selecting power ... -
Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plants with Chemical Looping Reforming of Natural Gas and Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture
Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Bolland, Olav; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper, a gas-fired combined cycle power plant subjected to a pre-combustion CO2 capture method has been analysed under different design conditions and different heat integration options. The power plant configuration ... -
Applicability and validation of use of equilibrium-based absorber models with reduced stage efficiency for dynamic simulation of post-combustion CO2 capture processes
Dutta, Rohan; Nord, Lars O.; Bolland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Use of complex rate-based models for absorbers in a post-combustion CO2 capture process may lead to high computational complexity and simulation time. Method using reduced stage efficiency in equilibrium-based model for ... -
Assessment of pressure swing adsorption as CO2 capture technology in coal-fired power plants
Riboldi, Luca (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:150, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Coal-based power generation is responsible for a significant share of CO2 emissions on a global scale. Technologies to drastically reduce coal carbon footprint are critical for meeting mitigation targets. Absorption, ... -
Chemical Looping Combustion Cold Flow Model commissioning and performance evaluation
Tjøstheim, Sindre (Master thesis, 2010)SINTEF and NTNU are planning to build a 150 kWth Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) reactor system. This is new technology and the CLC reactor system is going to be one of the largest of its kind in the world. The technology ... -
CO2 Capture from Coal fired Power Plants
Dugstad, Tore; Jensen, Esben Tonning (Master thesis, 2008)Coal is the most common fossil resource for power production worldwide and generates 40% of the worlds total electricity production. Even though coal is considered a pollutive resource, the great amounts and the increasing ... -
CO2 capture in power plants- using the oxy-combustion principle
Llorente Manso, Ricardo (Master thesis, 2013)In the CO2 capture from power generation, the energy penalties for the capture are one of the main challenges. Nowadays, the post-combustion methods have energy penalties lower than the oxy-combustion and pre-combustion ... -
CO2-innfanging ved kraftgenerering: Teknologi for CO2-rensing
Andal, Petter (Master thesis, 2007)Avgass fra kraftproduksjon kan inneholde produkter fra brenselet (Hg, H2S, N2, SO2, SO3), fra forbrenningen (H2O, NO, NO2, CO, CH4, O2) og fra oksygentilførselen (N2, Ar). Det er behov for presise termodynamiske modeller ... -
Combined heat and power plant on offshore oil and gas installations
Følgesvold, Eirik Røberg (Master thesis, 2015). -
Comprehensive analysis on the performance of an IGCC plant with a PSA process integrated for CO2 capture
Riboldi, Luca; Bolland, Olav (Journal article, 2015)The main goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview on the performance of an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) implementing CO2 capture through a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process. The ... -
Conditioning of CO2 coming from a CO2 capture process for transport and storage purposes
Bilsbak, Vegard (Master thesis, 2009)Compression and purification processes are considered for CO2 coming from the three different capture methods. By using the simulation tool Pro/II these processes are further optimized. -
Design and off-design analyses of a pre-combustion CO2 capture process in a natural gas combined cycle power plant
Nord, Lars Olof; Anantharaman, Rahul; Bolland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)In this study, a cycle designed for capturing the greenhouse gas CO2 in a natural gas combined cycle power plant has been analyzed. The process is a pre-combustion CO2 capture cycle utilizing reforming of natural gas and ... -
Design and off-design simulations of combined cycles for offshore oil and gas installations
Nord, Lars Olof; Bolland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Combined cycles applied on offshore oil and gas installations could be an attractive technology on the Norwegian continental shelf to decrease costs related to CO2 emissions. Current power plant technology prevailing on ... -
Dynamic Process Model Development and Validation with Transient Plant Data Collected from an MEA Test Campaign at the CO2 Technology Center Mongstad
Mocholí Montañés, Rubén; Flø, Nina Enaasen; Dutta, Rohan; Nord, Lars O.; Bolland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This work focuses on the development and validation of a dynamic process model of the post-combustion CO2 chemical absorption process with temperature swing absorption (TSA) using aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA) as solvent. ... -
Efficiency loss analysis for oxy-combustion CO2 capture process: Energy and Exergy analysis
Soundararajan, Rengarajan (Master thesis, 2011)Natural gas combined cycles with oxy-fuel combustion is expected tobe an important component of the future carbon constrained energyscenario. An oxy-combustion power cycle enables the fuel to burn in anitrogen free environment ... -
Evaluating Pressure Swing Adsorption as a CO2 separation technique in coal-fired power plants
Riboldi, Luca; Bolland, Olav (Journal article, 2015)The paper provides with a first assessment on the suitability of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) as a valid option for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in coal-fired power plants. A full-plant analysis of an Advanced ... -
Evaluation of low-temperature synthesis gas separation concepts for CO2 capture in IGCC power plants
Mikanik, Adel (Master thesis, 2011)Background and objectiveIncreased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from anthropogenic emissions are believed to contribute to undesirable climate change, with irreversible environmental changes as a ... -
Experimental Program for the validation of the design of a 150KWth Chemical looping Combustion reactor system with main focus on the reactor flexibility and operability
Ghorbaniyan, Masoud (Master thesis, 2011)Chemical Looping Combustion is one of the most promising way to limit the CO2 release to the atmosphere among the other technologies for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). It constitutes an indirect fuel combustion strategy, ... -
Flexible Operation of an IGCC Plant Coproducing Power and H2 with CO2 Capture through Novel PSA-based Process Configurations
Riboldi, Luca; Bolland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The coproduction of power and H2 in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant with CO2 capture demonstrated to entail interesting potentials in terms of flexible operations. The possibility to shift between ... -
From Ground to Gate: A lifecycle assessment of petroleum processing activities in the United Kingdom
OBorn, Reyn (Master thesis, 2012)Petroleum products are an important component of today s societal energy needs. Petroleum powers everything from the vehicles people rely on, to the ships that carry goods around the world, to the heating of homes in colder ...