• A Framework for Benchmarking a Private 5G Network Exemplified with Industry 4.0 Use Cases 

      Lewin, Christian; Fuglesang, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2024)
      5G er tenkt å imøtekomme flere heterogene bruksområder, alt fra forsinkelsessensitive applikasjoner basert på URLLC, båndbreddeintensive applikasjoner basert på eMBB, til energibesparende applikasjoner basert på mMTC. Disse ...
    • A Framework for Benchmarking a Private 5G Network Exemplified with Industry 4.0 Use Cases 

      Fuglesang, Sebastian; Lewin, Christian (Master thesis, 2024)
      5G er tenkt å imøtekomme flere heterogene bruksområder, alt fra forsinkelsessensitive applikasjoner basert på URLLC, båndbreddeintensive applikasjoner basert på eMBB, til energibesparende applikasjoner basert på mMTC. Disse ...
    • Accuracy vs. Cost Trade-off for Machine Learning Based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks 

      Schwarzmann, Susanna; Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales; Trivisonno, Riccardo; Nakajima, Shinichi; Zinner, Thomas (Chapter, 2020)
      Since their first release, 5G systems have been enhanced with Network Data Analytics Functionalities (NWDAF) as well as with the ability to interact with 3rd parties' Application Functions (AFs). Such capabilities enable ...
    • Bandwidth Prediction Schemes for Defining Bitrate Levels in SDN-enabled Adaptive Streaming 

      Alissa, Ali; Bentaleb, Abdelhak; Barakabitze, Alcardo; Ghita, Bogdan V.; Zinner, Thomas (Chapter, 2019)
      The majority of Internet video traffic today is delivered via HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS). Recent studies concluded that pure client-driven HAS adaptation is likely to be sub-optimal, given clients adjust quality based ...
    • Comparing fixed and variable segment durations for adaptive video streaming: a holistic analysis 

      Schwarzmann, Susanna; Hainke, Nick; Zinner, Thomas; Sieber, Christian; Robitza, Werner; Raake, Alexander (Chapter, 2020)
      HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) is the de-facto standard for video delivery over the Internet. It enables dynamic adaptation of video quality by splitting a video into small segments and providing multiple quality levels per ...
    • Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing 

      Geissler, Stefan; Lange, Stanislav; Linguaglossa, Leonardo; Rossi, Dario; Zinner, Thomas (Journal article, 2021)
      Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is among the latest network revolutions, promising increased flexibility and avoiding network ossification. At the same time, all-software NFV implementations on commodity hardware ...
    • Evaluating the Effect of Delay- and Throughput Management Using Network Slicing and CoDel on Network-wide Application QoE 

      Gudbrandsen, Petter (Master thesis, 2023)
      Fremtidens mobilnettverk står overfor nye krav på grunn av teknologiske fremskritt. Internett må tilrettelegge for applikasjonstyper med større variasjon i krav til nettverksytelse. Flere av disse applikasjonene vil ha ...
    • Guest Editors Introduction: Special Issue on Advanced Management of Softwarized Networks 

      Kellerer, Wolfgang; Schembra, Giovanni; Hwang, Jinho; Kamiyama, Noriaki; Kang, Joon-Myung; Martini, Barbara; Pasquini, Rafael; Pezaros, Dimitrios; Zhang, Hongke; Zhani, Mohamed Faten; Zinner, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Softwarization of networks is enabled by the SDN (Software-Defined Networking), NV (Network Virtualization), and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) paradigms, and offers many advantages for network operators, service ...
    • Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Smart Management of Future Softwarized Networks 

      Schembra, Giovanni; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Jacquenet, Christian; Kamiyama, Noriaki; Martini, Barbara; Pasquini, Rafael; Pezaros, Dimitrios; Riggio, Roberto; Zhang, Hongke; Zhani, Mohamed Faten; Zinner, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Network softwarization is one of the key enablers of the future Internet evolution, also supporting the road from the fifth generation (5G) to the next-generation communication systems, namely 6G, with their main objective ...
    • Implementation of BOLA and Comparison with Other Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) Mechanisms in the OMNeT++ Simulation Platform 

      Edvardsen, Kristian Zunder (Master thesis, 2023)
      I dag er vi være vitne til en økning i videostreaming på internett, muliggjort av en rekke strømningsteknologier som er tilgjengelige over hele verden. En av de mest utbredte teknikkene som brukes for videostreaming er ...
    • Linking QoE and Performance Models for DASH-based Video Streaming 

      Schwarzmann, Susanna; Zinner, Thomas (Chapter, 2020)
      HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) is the de-facto standard for video delivery over the Internet. Splitting the video clip into small segments and providing multiple quality levels per segment allows the client to dynamically ...
    • ML-based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks Using Different Regression Techniques 

      Schwarzmann, Susanna; Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales; Trivisonno, Riccardo; Nakajima, Shinichi; Barriac, Vincent; Zinner, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Monitoring and providing customers with a satisfying Quality of Experience (QoE) is a crucial business incentive for mobile network operators (MNOs). While the MNO is capable of monitoring a vast amount of network-related ...
    • P4CONSIST: Towards Consistent P4 SDNs 

      Shukla, Apoorv; Fathalli, Seifeddine; Zinner, Thomas; Hecker, Artur; Schmid, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The prevailing wisdom is that a software-defined network (SDN) operates under the premise that the logically centralized control plane has an accurate representation of the actual data plane state. Unfortunately, bugs, ...
    • Testbed-based Evaluation of QoS Differentiation for Network Slicing in Multi-Application Scenarios 

      Subedi, Raj Kumar (Master thesis, 2023)
      In today’s heterogeneous network environments, different applications have varying network resource requirements, such as throughput, processing time, and storage. Traditional approaches to addressing this heterogeneity ...
    • Toward Smart Public Interconnected Networks and Services — Approaching the Stumbling Blocks 

      Lønsethagen, Håkon; Lange, Stanislav; Zinner, Thomas; Øverby, Harald; Contreras, Luis M.; Ciulli, Nicola; Dotaro, Emmanuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The visions of 5G and Beyond (B5G) imply unprecedented expectations toward high-performing connectivity services in both public and private networks. Connectivity services that offer performance guarantees along multiple ...
    • Towards a Methodology to Assess Quality of 5G Slicing 

      Grøsvik, Sebastian Gilje (Master thesis, 2023)
      Skivedeling av nettverk muliggjøre at flere tjenester og applikasjoner med ulike ytelseskrav kan operere parallelt på en delt nettverksinfrastruktur. Ved å benytte programvaredefinert nettverk (SDN) og nettverksfunksjons ...
    • Unikernel Performance in High-Density Environments 

      Bakken, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Skyen vokser raskt med titusenvis av nye applikasjoner og tjenester som distribueres hvert eneste år. Nye applikasjoner blir opprettet og distribuert i skyen, mens eksisterende applikasjoner pakkes inn i kontainerløsninger ...
    • Using informed access network selection to improve HTTP adaptive streaming performance 

      Enghardt, Theresa; Zinner, Thomas; Feldmann, Anja (Chapter, 2020)
      As end-user devices often have multiple access networks available, choosing the most suitable network can help to improve application performance and user experience. However, selecting the best access network for HTTP ...