Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gautun, Odd Reidar"
Now showing items 21-40 of 76
Kumada Coupled Anti-Aggregation Moieties in Phenothiazine Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Schrøder, Ingunn (Master thesis, 2018)In the continuous search for renewable energy sources, dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs) have emerged as a very promising, low-cost solution. In the quest for higher efficiency and stability, the DSSC components are ... -
L-Tartaric Acid Derived Surfactants and N-Isopropylacrylamide Based Core-Shell Nanogels: Synthesis, Mechanistic Studies and Characterization
Raju, Rajesh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:344, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Methyl propiolate and 3-butynone: starting points for synthesis of amphiphilic 1,2,3-triazole peptidomimetics for antimicrobial evaluation
Bakka, Thomas Aleksander; Strøm, Morten B.; Andersen, Jeanette hammer; Gautun, Odd Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A library of 29 small 1,4-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles was prepared for studies of antimicrobial activity. The pharmacophore model investigated with these substrates was based on small peptidomimetics of antimicrobial ... -
Molecular Engineering and Photovoltaic Evaluation of Phenothiazine and Triarylamine Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Buene, Audun Formo (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:254, Doctoral thesis, 2019)De klimatiske konsekvensene av økende CO2 utslipp har vært godt kjent siden Svante Arrhenius’ tidlige forskning i 1896. Han korrelerte global temperatur og atmosfærisk CO2-konsentrasjon, og gav nøyaktige estimater på den ... -
Novel Dyes for Rapid Virus Detection Sensor Long-Pass Filter and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications - Synthesis and Characterization
Lysne, Ask (Master thesis, 2019)Den raske globale spredningen av flere virussykdommer som alvorlig, akutt luftveisinfeksjon (SARS), Ebola og Zika gjennom de siste tiårene har gitt mangelfull infrastruktur i det offentlige helsevesen i en rekke utviklingsland ... -
Nuclear magnetic resonance as a tool to determine chlorine percentage of chlorinated paraffin mixtures
Valderhaug, Solveig; Huiling, Liu; Gorovoy, Alexey; Johansen, Jon Eigill; van Mourik, Louise; de Boer, Jacob; Gautun, Odd Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A new simple method for chlorine percentage calculations (method C), from proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, has been established and applied to an industrial chlorinated paraffin (CP) mixture and 13 ... -
Optimisation Study of Jacobsen’s Asymmetric Catalytic Aziridination of Alkenes
Moen, Fridberg Daniel (Master thesis, 2019) -
Phenothiaziner - selektivitetsstudier i halogenering og Suzuki-koblingsreaksjoner for fremstilling av fargestoffer til DSSC
Aae, Bjørn Erik Sylthe (Master thesis, 2016)Usymmetriske phenothiaziner har blitt fremstil. Disse har vist lovende selektiviteter i Suzuki-reaksjoner. -
Potential Inhibitors of Tyrosine Kinase 2: Synthesis of Important Intermediates
Skaret, Lise Bjerkestrand (Master thesis, 2013)Two different synthesis routes towards target molecule 1 have been investigated. Synthesis route A (see Figure II) is based on previous work by Ragnhild G. Ohm and Cecilie Surdal. This route gave a total yield of 20% for ... -
Regioselective Preparation of 1,2,3-Triazoles for Bioactive Studies Based on Marine Bioprospecting
Hansen, Ole Kudsk (Master thesis, 2015)The azides 1d and 1c were prepared using literature procedures. The azides serve as starting materials in copper- and ruthenium-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar dipolar cycloadditions to N-protected alkynes 2a and 2b, to afford ... -
Regioselectivity in the thermal rearrangement of unsymmetrical 4-methyl-4H-1,2,4-triazoles to 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles
Gautun, Odd Reidar; Carlsen, Per Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)The rearrangement of 4-methyl-3,5-diaryl-4H-1,2,4-triazoles to the corresponding 1-methyl-3,5-diaryl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles showed regioselectivity comparable to that observed for the alkylation of 3,5-diaryl-1H-1,2,4-triazoles. ... -
Simple generalized reaction conditions for the conversion of primary aliphatic amines to surfactant-like guanidine salts with 1H-pyrazole carboxamidine hydrochloride
Bakka, Thomas Aleksander; Gautun, Odd Reidar (Journal article, 2017)Improved reaction conditions for the electrophile reaction between a free aliphatic amine and 1H-pyrazole carboxamidine have been discovered. The surfactant-like guanidine salts, which are often hard to work with, were ... -
Stereoselektiv addisjon av kirale sulfinimin til pyrrolderivat.
Linde, Henrik (Master thesis, 2014)Åtte pyrrol-derivat 2 er framstilt, basert på ulike rapporterte prosedyrar.Frå fire av desse (2c,f,g,i), gjennom reaksjon med sulfinimin,er fire nye α-substituerte pyrrol glysin-derivat framstilt (3c,f,g,i), med utbytter ... -
Stereoselektiv framstilling av maskerte aminosyrer frå pyrrolderivat og kirale sulfinimin
Ringheim, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2015)I denne oppgåva vart det fokusert på kva påverknad ulike substituentar på pyrrol har å seia for regio- og stereoselektiviteten i EAS-reaksjonar med sulfiniminet \textbf{1} som elektrofil, som vist i Skjema 3. Pyrrol-glysinprodukta ... -
Strategies for successful Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings with thienylboronic acids: From model studies to dye structures
Strømsodd, Eivind Andreas; Buene, Audun Formo; Almenningen, David Moe; Gautun, Odd Reidar; Hoff, Bård Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling is a convenient way for preparing thienyl containing dyes and bioactive molecules. However, reactions with thienylboronic acids can be troublesome. To understand these reactions in more depth, ... -
Sustainable Chemical Method of Depolymerizing Lignin into Fine Chemicals
Bager, Martin Eeg (Bachelor thesis, 2024)I jakten på bedre utnyttelse av biomasse har interessen for lignin og dens potensielle bruksområder vokst. Som et fornybart materiale kan lignin være en måte å gjøre kjemiindustrien mer bærekraftig ved å erstatte ... -
Syntese og karakterisering av nye fenotiazin-fargestoffer til Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC)
Vold, Martin Furru (Master thesis, 2017)I jakten på nye måter å utnytte solenergi har mye fokus blitt rettet mot fotovoltaiske celler basert på DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell)-teknologi. Slike celler kan baseres på kommersielt tilgjengelige og relativt billige ... -
Syntese og karakterisering av triarylamin-fargestoff med adamantyl sidegrupper for DSSC.
Haga, Brita Susanne (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-07-01 -
Synthesis and Analysis of Chlorinated Paraffins as Reference Standards
Valderhaug, Solveig (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:154, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are synthetic chemicals that persist in nature over time and lead to adverse effects towards humans and the environment. Due to their concerning properties, such as persistency, toxicity ... -
Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of cationic low molecular weight amphipathic 1,2,3-triazoles
Bakka, Thomas Aleksander; Strøm, Morten B.; Andersen, Jeanette hammer; Gautun, Odd Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A library of 28 small cationic 1,4-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles was prepared for studies of antimicrobial activity. The structures addressed the pharmacophore model of small antimicrobial peptides and an amphipathic motif ...