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dc.contributor.authorBasten, Maartje
dc.contributor.authorPan, Kuan-Yu
dc.contributor.authorvan Tuijl, Lonneke A.
dc.contributor.authorde Graeff, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorDekker, Joost
dc.contributor.authorHoogendoorn, Adriaan W.
dc.contributor.authorLamers, Femke
dc.contributor.authorRanchor, Adelita V.
dc.contributor.authorVermeulen, Roel
dc.contributor.authorPortengen, Lützen
dc.contributor.authorVoogd, Adri C.
dc.contributor.authorAbell, Jessica
dc.contributor.authorAwadalla, Philip
dc.contributor.authorBeekman, Aartjan T. F.
dc.contributor.authorBjerkeset, Ottar
dc.contributor.authorBoyd, Andy
dc.contributor.authorCui, Yunsong
dc.contributor.authorFrank, Philipp
dc.contributor.authorGalenkamp, Henrike
dc.contributor.authorGarssen, Bert
dc.contributor.authorHellingman, Sean
dc.contributor.authorHuisman, Martijn
dc.contributor.authorHuss, Anke
dc.contributor.authorKeats, Melanie R.
dc.contributor.authorKok, Almar A. L.
dc.contributor.authorKrokstad, Steinar
dc.contributor.authorvan Leeuwen, Flora E.
dc.contributor.authorLuik, Annemarie I.
dc.contributor.authorNoisel, Nolwenn
dc.contributor.authorPayette, Yves
dc.contributor.authorPenninx, Brenda W. J. H.
dc.contributor.authorRissanen, Ina
dc.contributor.authorRoest, Annelieke M.
dc.contributor.authorRosmalen, Judith G. M.
dc.contributor.authorRuiter, Rikje
dc.contributor.authorSchoevers, Robert A.
dc.contributor.authorSoave, David
dc.contributor.authorSpaan, Mandy
dc.contributor.authorSteptoe, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorStronks, Karien
dc.contributor.authorSund, Erik Reidar
dc.contributor.authorSweeney, Ellen
dc.contributor.authorTwait, Emma L.
dc.contributor.authorTeyhan, Alison
dc.contributor.authorVerschuren, W. M. Monique
dc.contributor.authorvan der Willik, Kimberly D.
dc.contributor.authorGeerlings, Mirjam I.
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Cancer. 2024, .en_US
dc.description.abstractDepression, anxiety and other psychosocial factors are hypothesized to be involved in cancer development. We examined whether psychosocial factors interact with or modify the effects of health behaviors, such as smoking and alcohol use, in relation to cancer incidence. Two-stage individual participant data meta-analyses were performed based on 22 cohorts of the PSYchosocial factors and CAncer (PSY-CA) study. We examined nine psychosocial factors (depression diagnosis, depression symptoms, anxiety diagnosis, anxiety symptoms, perceived social support, loss events, general distress, neuroticism, relationship status), seven health behaviors/behavior-related factors (smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, body mass index, sedentary behavior, sleep quality, sleep duration) and seven cancer outcomes (overall cancer, smoking-related, alcohol-related, breast, lung, prostate, colorectal). Effects of the psychosocial factor, health behavior and their product term on cancer incidence were estimated using Cox regression. We pooled cohort-specific estimates using multivariate random-effects meta-analyses. Additive and multiplicative interaction/effect modification was examined. This study involved 437,827 participants, 36,961 incident cancer diagnoses, and 4,749,481 person years of follow-up. Out of 744 combinations of psychosocial factors, health behaviors, and cancer outcomes, we found no evidence of interaction. Effect modification was found for some combinations, but there were no clear patterns for any particular factors or outcomes involved. In this first large study to systematically examine potential interaction and effect modification, we found no evidence for psychosocial factors to interact with or modify health behaviors in relation to cancer incidence. The behavioral risk profile for cancer incidence is similar in people with and without psychosocial stress.en_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titlePsychosocial factors, health behaviors and risk of cancer incidence: Testing interaction and effect modification in an individual participant data meta-analysisen_US
dc.title.alternativePsychosocial factors, health behaviors and risk of cancer incidence: Testing interaction and effect modification in an individual participant data meta-analysisen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.source.journalInternational Journal of Canceren_US

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