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dc.contributor.advisorSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt
dc.contributor.authorVestad, Halvard Olavius
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractBakgrunn: Myelomatose er den vanlegaste plasmacellemaligniteten og er assosiert med auka infeksjonsrisiko. Metode: Studien inkluderte pasientar diagnostisert med myelomatose på St. Olavs hospital mellom januar 2010 og desember 2019. Data frå Myelomatoseregisteret i Midt-Noreg og pasientjournalane vart brukt for å registrere talet på infeksjonar. Infeksjonsinsidensen vart rekna ut per 100 person-år for kvart år etter diagnose og for kvar behandlingslinje. Resultat: Til saman 187 myelomatosepasientar vart inkludert. Den samla infeksjonsinsidensen var på 77 per 100 person-år. Infeksjonsinsidensen var høgast det første året etter diagnose og la seg deretter stabilt på eit lågare nivå. Luftvegsinfeksjonar var vanlegast, dernest nøytropen feber og urinvegsinfeksjonar. I dei mikrobiologiske prøvesvara, var E. coli, gule stafylokokkar og pneumokokkar dei vanlegaste organismane. Konklusjon: Studien gjev ei oversikt over infeksjonsinsidensen og type infeksjonar hos norske myelomatosepasientar. Resultatet kan tene som ei grunnlinje i eit fagfelt med stadig nye behandlingsalternativ.
dc.description.abstractBackground: Multiple myeloma (MM) is the most common malignancy of plasma cells and is associated with an increased risk of infections. Methods: The study included patients diagnosed with MM at St. Olav's University Hospital in Norway between January 2010 and December 2019. Data from the Myeloma Registry of Central Norway and electronic health records were used to identify cases of infection. The incidence of infection per 100 person-years (PY) was calculated for years after diagnosis and lines of therapy. Results: 187 MM patients were included in the study. The overall incidence of infections in the study population was 77 per 100 PY. The incidence of infections was highest in the first year following diagnosis, then it decreased and remained relatively stable thereafter. Respiratory infections were the most common, followed by neutropenic fever and urinary infections. Among the positive cultures, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae were the most frequently identified pathogens. Conclusion: This study provides insights into the incidence and sites of infections in MM patients in a Norwegian population. The results can serve as a baseline of infection rate in an ever-evolving field of myeloma treatment.
dc.titleIncidence and site of infections in patients with multiple myeloma – a retrospective population-based study
dc.typeMaster thesis

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