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dc.contributor.advisorAusteng, Dordi
dc.contributor.authorAl Haidari, Ahmed
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractBakgrunn: Hensikten med denne studien var å vurdere anatomiske og funksjonelle resultater ved kirurgisk behandling av primær rhegmatogen amotio (RRD) ved Øyeavdelingen, St. Olavs Hospital. Metode: Data fra alle pasienter behandlet for primær RRD ved St. Olavs Hospital i perioden 1. januar 2021 til 1. februar 2022 ble inkludert i studien. Alder, kjønn, symptomvarighet, RRD-relaterte risikofaktorer, linsestatus, pre- og postoperativ visus, type RRD, PVR grad, samt operative metoder og teknikker ble innhentet. Primærutfallet var definert som tilliggende netthinne 6 måneder postoperativt, uten behov for reoperasjon. Endelig utfall var definert som tilliggende netthinne 6 måneder postoperativt, uavhengig av eventuelle reoperasjoner. Resultat: Totalt ble 150 øyne fra 149 pasienter operert for primær RRD i studieperioden. Insidensen var funnet å være på 18.8 øyne per 100 000 personår i Midt-Norge i 2021. Én pasient fikk operert begge øyne, og én pasient uteble fra kontroller og ble dermed ekskludert fra videre analyser. Pars plana vitrektomi (PPV) ble anvendt i 136 (91.3%) tilfeller, mens en ekstern operasjon med plombe og cerclage (SB) ble anvendt i seks (4.0%) tilfeller, og et kombinert inngrep med PPV+SB ble brukt i seks (4.0%) tilfeller. Pneumatisk retinopeksi ble brukt i ett (0.7%) øye. Primærutfallet ble oppnådd hos 84.5% av alle tilfeller. I PPV-gruppen ble primærutfallet oppnådd hos 84.6%, i PPV+SB-gruppen ble primærutfallet oppnådd hos 66.7% og i SB-gruppen ble primærutfallet oppnådd hos 100%. Endelig utfall ble oppnådd hos 99.3% av alle tilfeller. Konklusjon: I denne studien ble det funnet en primær suksessrate som tilsvarer det som er tidligere beskrevet i litteraturen.
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomical success rates and visual outcomes of the surgical treatment for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) at the Department of Ophthalmology, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital in Central Norway. Method: Data from all patients treated for primary RRD at the Department of Ophthalmology, St. Olavs Hospital in the period of January 1, 2021 until February 1, 2022 was included. Age, sex, symptom duration, RRD-related risk factors, lens status, pre- and postoperative visual acuity, type of RRD, PVR grade, and surgical methods and techniques were registered. Primary anatomical success was defined as retinal reattachment 6 months postoperatively with no reoperations. Final anatomical success was defined as retinal reattachment 6 months postoperatively, regardless of reoperations. Results: In total, 150 eyes in 149 patients were operated for primary RRD during the study period. The incidence rate was found to be 18.8 eyes per 100 000 person-years in Central Norway in 2021. One patient had both eyes operated, and another patient did not attend follow-up controls and was therefore excluded from further analyses. Pars plana vitrectomy alone was used in 136 (91.3%) cases, whereas an external procedure with scleral buckle (SB) was used in six (4.0%) cases and a combination of PPV with SB was used in six (4.0%) cases. Pneumatic retinopexy (PR) was used in one (0.7%) eye. Primary anatomical success rate was 84.5% for the whole group, 84.6% for the PPV group, 66.7% for the PPV+SB group and 100% for the SB group. Final anatomical success rate was 99.3% for the whole group. Conclusion: In this study, we found primary anatomical success rates that are comparable to the rates previously reported in the literature.
dc.titleAnatomical and Visual Outcomes in the Surgical Management of Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
dc.typeMaster thesis

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