Think family, Work family! Families living with mental illness. Perspectives of everyday life, family-centered support, and quality of community mental healthcare.
Doctoral thesis
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Think Family, Work Family! Families living with mental illness. Perspectives of everyday life, family-centered support, and quality of community mental healthcare.
Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate perceptions of everyday life, family support from mental healthcare professionals, and quality of community mental healthcare from the perspectives of families living with mental illness. A further aim was to elucidate families' and mental healthcare professionals’ experiences of Family Centered Support Conversations (FSCS) in community mental healthcare.
Methods: A descriptive design with qualitative and quantitative methods was used. Qualitative data were collected by means of family interviews with seven families living with a young adult suffering from mental illness (n= 17 participants) (I, III) and individual interviews with mental healthcare professionals (n= 13) (IV). The data were analyzed using phenomenography (I, III, IV). Quantitative data were collected from adult patients (n= 43) suffering from mental illness and family members (n=43) (II) in community mental healthcare using the Family Perceived Support Questionnaire (ICE-FPSQ), the Quality in Psychiatric Care – Community Out -Patient (QPC-COP) and Out-Patient Next of Kin (QPCCOPNK). The data were analyzed using non- parametric statistics (II).
Main findings: Families balanced between letting go and enabling the young adult to become independent while remaining close to help him/her complete education, work and have a social life (I). The young adults tried not to be a burden, but still longed for family members to understand them (I). Family members intervened as best they could (I), but felt there was a lack of support and respect and no invitation to take part in the mental healthcare
(II). Family members reported significantly lower quality of community mental healthcare than patients (II). Healthcare professionals held back information although young adult patients had consented to give family members insight (I). Athough the FCSC was experienced as new and uncomfortable, the families also regarded it as beneficial and safe
(III). It facilitated an opportunity to share and reflect on the family`s beliefs, and enabled them to find new beliefs and opportunities in everyday life (III). The FCSC helped healthcare professionals to structure the involvement of family members as a complement to care as usual, although there was still a need to adjust the intervention (IV).
Conclusions: Young adults suffering from mental illness are reliant on support from family to manage everyday life. Mental healthcare professionals play an important role in facilitating a safe environment for sharing beliefs and bringing strengths and resources to the front seat in family-centered support conversations. When family are included as part of the mental healthcare team, this enhances their ability to be supportive. SAMMENDRAG
Familiefokus i tanke og handling! Familier som lever med psykisk uhelse. Perspektiver på dagliglivet, familie sentrert omsorg og kvalitet i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid.
Hensikt: De overordnede målene var å belyse fra et familieperspektiv oppfatninger om hverdagen i familier som lever med psykisk lidelse, familiestøtte fra helsepersonell og kvalitet i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid. Videre belyse familier og helsepersonells erfaringer fra Familie sentrerte støttesamtaler (FCSC) i kommunal psykisk helsetjeneste.
Metode: Kvantitativ og kvalitativ design ble benyttet. Kvalitativ data ble samlet inn med familieintervjuer av syv familier med unge voksen med psykiske lidelse (n=17) (I, III) og individuelle intervjuer med helsepersonell (n= 13) i kommunal psykisk helsetjeneste (IV). Data ble analysert ved hjelp av fenomenografi (I, III, IV). Kvantitative data ble innhentet fra 43 voksne pasienter med psykisk lidelse og 43 familiemedlemmer (II) i kommunal psykisk helsetjeneste med følgende instrument; Family Perceived Support Questionnaire (ICEFPSQ), Quality in Psychiatric Care - Community Out-Patient (QPC-COP) og Community Out-Patient Next of Kin (QPC-COPNK). Analysert med ikke-parametrisk statistikk (II).
Hovedfunn: Familiene balanserte mellom å slippe taket og gjøre det mulig for den unge voksne å bli uavhengig, men være nær for å hjelpe ham / henne med å fullføre utdannelse, jobbe og ha et sosialt liv (I). De unge voksne prøvde å ikke være en byrde, men lengtet etter at familiemedlemmer skulle forstå dem (I). Familiemedlemmene håndterte hverdagslivet så godt de kunne (I), men følte mangel på støtte, respekt, og bli invitert til å ta del i det psykiske helsearbeidet (II). Familiemedlemmene rapporterte betydelig lavere kvalitet i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid enn pasientene (II). Helsepersonell holdt tilbake informasjon selv om de unge voksne pasienter hadde samtykket til at familiemedlemmer skulle få innsyn (I). FCSC ble erfart av familiene som noe nytt, ubehagelig, samtidig nyttig og trygt (III) og gav mulighet til å dele og reflektere over familiens oppfatninger, finne nye oppfatninger og muligheter i hverdagen (III). FCSC hjalp helsepersonell, som supplement til ordinære tiltak å strukturere involvering av familiemedlemmer, men med behov for å justere samtalemodellen (IV).
Konklusjon: Unge voksne med psykisk lidelse er avhengige av støtte og hjelp fra familien til å håndtere hverdagen. Helsepersonell i kommunal psykisk helsetjeneste har en viktig rolle med å tilrettelegge for familie- sentrerte støttesamtaler og som et trygt sted å møtes for å dele oppfatninger og løfte fram styrker og ressurser. Støtte og inkludering av familien som en del av helseteamet styrker evne til å være støttende når en lever med psykisk lidelse.
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Paper 1: Aass, Lisbeth Kjelsrud; Skundberg-Kletthagen, Hege; Schröder, Ingrid Agneta; Moen, Øyfrid Larsen. It’s Not a Race, It’s a Marathon! Families Living with a Young Adult Suffering from Mental Illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2020 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Paper 2: Aass, L.K., Moen, Ø.L., Skundberg-Kletthagen, H., Lundqvist, L-O., Schröder, A. 9 (2020). Family support and quality of community mental health care: Perspectives of 10 families living with mental illness. Journal of Clinical Nursing, June, 2021 This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License ( (CC BY 4.0)
Paper 3: Aass, Lisbeth Kjelsrud; Skundberg-Kletthagen, Hege; Schröder, Ingrid Agneta; Moen, Øyfrid Larsen. Young Adults and Their Families Living With Mental Illness: Evaluation of the Usefulness of Family-Centered Support Conversations in Community Mental Health care Settings. Journal of Family Nursing 2020 s. 1-13 This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License ( (CC BY 4.0)
Paper 4: Moen, Ø. L, Aass, L. K., Schröder, A., Skundberg -Kletthagen, H. (2021). Young adults suffering from Mental Illness; Evaluation of the Family Centered Support Conversation Intervention from the perspective of Mental Health Care Professionals’. Journal of Clinical Nursing, May 2021, This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)