• Environmental drivers of food webs in charr and trout-dominated cold-water lakes 

      Kangosjärvi, Henna; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Byström, Pär; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt; Power, Michael John; Sánchez-Hernández, Javier; Eloranta, Antti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • Environmental influences on life history strategies in partially anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) 

      Nevoux, Marie; Finstad, Bengt; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Finlay, Ross; Josset, Quentin; Poole, Rusell; Höjesjö, Johan; Aarestrup, Kim; Persson, Lo; Tolvanen, Oula; Jonsson, Bror (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper reviews the life history of brown trout and factors influencing decisions to migrate. Decisions that maximize fitness appear dependent on size at age. In partly anadromous populations, individuals that attain ...
    • Impacts of parasites on marine survival of Atlantic salmon: a meta-analysis 

      Vollset, Knut Wiik; Krontveit, Randi Ingebjørg; Jansen, Peder A; Finstad, Bengt; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Skilbrei, Ove Tommy; Krkošek, Martin; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Aunsmo, Arnfinn; Jensen, Arne Johan; Dohoo, Ian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Parasites can, in theory, have large impacts on the survival of fish populations. One method to evaluate such impacts on anadromous species is to apply manipulative field experiments in which parallel groups of antiparasitically ...