• Interpolation of the MacAdam ellipses 

      Chevallier, Emmanuel; Farup, Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper is an attempt to provide a rigorous basis to the interpolation of the MacAdam ellipses. It starts by defining criteria used to compare the different possible interpolations. Then several interpolation strategies ...
    • A PDE-Based Method for Shape Registration 

      Grasmair, Markus; Wøien, Esten Nicolai (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Variation for Piecewise Constant Functions on Triangular Meshes with Applications in Imaging 

      Baumgartner, Lukas; Bergmann, Ronny; Herzog, Roland; Schmidt, Stephan; Vidal Núñez, José (Journal article, 2023)
      We propose a novel discrete concept for the total generalized variation (TGV), which was originally derived to reduce the staircasing effect in classical total variation regularization, in image denoising problems. We ...
    • Variational image regularization with Euler's elastica using a discrete gradient scheme 

      Ringholm, Torbjørn; Lazic, Jasmina; Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper concerns an optimization algorithm for unconstrained nonconvex problems where the objective function has sparse connections between the unknowns. The algorithm is based on applying a dissipation preserving ...