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dc.contributor.authorMunkvold, Bjørn Erik
dc.contributor.authorOpach, Tomasz
dc.contributor.authorRadianti, Jaziar
dc.contributor.authorRød, Jan Ketil
dc.contributor.authorSnaprud, Mikael
dc.contributor.authorGrottenberg, Lars Ole
dc.contributor.authorPilemalm, Sofie
dc.contributor.authorBunker, Deborah
dc.contributor.authorMajchrzak, Tim A.
dc.contributor.authorHagen, Dag Auby
dc.contributor.authorMoen, Eivind
dc.contributor.authorSteen-Tveit, Kristine
dc.description.abstractThe SAMRISK project “Sharing incident and threat information for common situational understanding“ (INSITU) commenced in May 2019. The INSITU project develops solutions for establishing a common situational understanding in complex operations requiring collaboration between several agencies. This involves systematic analysis of existing information sources and defining the information elements that are critical to share in different phases of a crisis situation. In addition, the project will develop procedures and related tool support for efficient collection and integration of information. As part of this work, the project contributes to harmonisation of terminology across agencies to secure effective communication. A map-based interface for display of information from different digital map resources will be developed, as a basis for a common operational picture (COP). This solution will also support evaluation and learning from incidents and emergency exercises. Based on a review of related research, the report briefly summarises the state of the art for the areas focused in the project. Through interviews and discussions with emergency stakeholders, field observation during an exercise, and field visits at operations centres, current practice for information sharing and establishing a COP is analysed. Based on the expressed needs from the emergency stakeholders and our analysis of current practice, the report specifies a set of requirements for information sharing, harmonisation of terminology, use of common map resources, and technology support for evaluation and learning from incidents.
dc.publisherUniversity of Agderen_US
dc.titleProject report: Requirements specificationen_US
dc.typeResearch reporten_US
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 295848en_US
dc.relation.projectUniversitetet i Agder: 464989en_US

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