Civil war outbreaks - Horizontal vs Vertical inequalities
Denne oppgaven tar for seg borgerkrig utbrudd og om det er horisontale eller vertikale ulikheter i samfunnet som er årsaken til disse utbruddene. Det vil være fokus på Cederman sin forskning og denne oppgaven er et forsøk på å gjenskape hans forskning for å undersøke om resultatene er signifikante. I denne oppgaven kommer det frem at horisontale forskjeller er viktigere i forhold til borgerkrig utbrudd, som er det motsatte av resultatet til Cederman. This paper takes a closer look at civil war outbreaks and what causes the onsets. Cederman and others have written about vertical inequalities and how they are the cause of civil wars. This paper we try to replicate his research to find out if his research is accurate. There are scientists on both sides of the spectrum of horizontal and vertical inequalities, as causes for civil wars. It is difficult to find the real reason behind the outbreaks, but there are a clear division between the two camps. One usually focuses on ethnicities and how they are treated by society, while the others focuses on the state and their involvement in civil war onsets. In this article the results show that exclusion from society are not explanatory factor for civil wars, and the results in Cederman’s articles are not accurate.