• Circular RNA Profile in Atherosclerotic Disease: Regulation during ST-Elevated Myocardial Infarction 

      Holme, Fredric A.; Huse, Camilla; Kong, Xiang Yi; Broch, Kaspar; Gullestad, Lars; Anstensrud, Anne Kristine; Andersen, Geir Øystein; Amundsen, Brage H.; Kleveland, Ola; Quiles-Jiménez, Ana M T; Holm, Sverre; Aukrust, Pål; Alseth, Ingrun; Halvorsen, Bente; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Circular (circ) RNAs are non-coding RNAs with important functions in the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and cancer. Their role in atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction (MI) remains poorly described. We aim to ...
    • Cytokine pattern in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with the interleukin-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab 

      Woxholt, Sindre; Ueland, Thor; Aukrust, Pål; Anstensrud, Anne Kristine; Broch, Kaspar; Tøllefsen, Ingvild Maria; Ryan, Liv; Bendz, Bjørn; Hopp, Einar; Kløw, Nils-Einar; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Halvorsen, Bente; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Huse, Camilla; Andersen, Geir Øystein; Gullestad, Lars; Wiseth, Rune; Amundsen, Brage H.; Damås, Jan Kristian; Kleveland, Ola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Tocilizumab improves myocardial salvage index (MSI) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), but its mechanisms of action are unclear. Here, we explored how cytokines were affected by tocilizumab ...
    • Evaluation of the Effects of Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine on Viral Clearance in COVID-19 : A Randomized Trial 

      Barratt-Due, Andreas; Olsen, Inge Christoffer; Nezvalova-Henriksen, Katerina; Kåsine, Trine; Lund-Johansen, Fridtjof; Hoel, Hedda Benedicte; Holten, Aleksander Rygh; Tveita, Anders Aune; Mathiessen, Alexander; Haugli, Mette; Eiken, Ragnhild; Kildal, Anders Benjamin; Berg, Åse; Johannessen, Asgeir; Heggelund, Lars; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Skåra, Karoline Hansen; Pawel, Mielnik; Le, Lan Ai Kieu; Thoresen, Lars; Ernst, Gernot; Hoff, Dag Arne Lihaug; Skudal, Hilde Kristin; Kittang, Bård Reiakvam; Olsen, Roy Bjørkholt; Tholin, Birgitte; Ystrøm, Carl Magnus; Skei, Nina Vibeche; Tran, Trung; Dudman, Susanne Gjeruldsen; Andersen, Jan Terje; Hannula, Raisa; Dalgard, Olav; Finbråten, Ane-Kristine; Tonby, Kristian; Blomberg, Bjørn; Aballi, Saad; Fladeby, Cathrine; Steffensen, Anne Katrine; Müller, Fredrik; Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Ma; Trøseid, Marius; Aukrust, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: New treatment modalities are urgently needed for patients with COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) Solidarity trial showed no effect of remdesivir or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) on mortality, but the ...
    • Interleukin-6 inhibition in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Immune cell profile in the randomised ASSAIL-MI trial 

      Huse, Camilla; Anstensrud, Anne Kristine; Michelsen, Annika Elisabet; Ueland, Thor; Broch, Kaspar; Woxholt, Sindre; Yang, Kuan; Sharma, Kapil Kishore; Tøllefsen, Ingvild Maria; Bendz, Bjørn; Amundsen, Brage H.; Damås, Jan Kristian; Berg, Erlend Sturle; Bjørkelund, Elisabeth; Quiles-Jiménez, Ana M T; Bjerkeli, Vigdis; Bendz, Christina; Kleveland, Ola; Stensæth, Knut Haakon; Opdahl, Anders; Kløw, Nils-Einar; Andersen, Geir Øystein; Wiseth, Rune; Halvorsen, Bente; Gullestad, Lars; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Aukrust, Pål; Osnes, Liv T. N.; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We recently showed that interleukin (IL)-6 inhibition by tocilizumab improves myocardial salvage in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the mechanisms for this effect are not clear. Methods In this ...
    • Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Reduced by Tocilizumab and Associated With Infarct Size 

      Kindberg, Kristine Mørk; Broch, Kaspar; Andersen, Geir Øystein; Anstensrud, Anne Kristine; Åkra, Sissel; Woxholt, Sindre; Tøllefsen, Ingvild Maria; Ueland, Thor; Amundsen, Brage H.; Kløw, Nils-Einar; Halvorsen, Bente; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Huse, Camilla; Murphy, Sarah Louise Mikalsen; Damås, Jan Kristian; Opdahl, Anders; Wiseth, Rune; Gullestad, Lars; Aukrust, Pål; Santos-Gallego, Carlos; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Stokke, Mathis Korseberg; Helseth, Ragnhild Merckoll (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • Persistent pulmonary pathology after COVID-19 is associated with high viral load, weak antibody response, and high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 

      Lerum, Tøri Vigeland; Maltzahn, Niklas; Aukrust, Pål; Trøseid, Marius; Nezvalova-Henriksen, Katerina; Kåsine, Trine; Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Ma; Stiksrud, Birgitte; Haugli, Mette; Blomberg, Bjørn; Kittang, Bård Reiakvam; Johannessen, Asgeir; Hannula, Raisa; Aballi, Saad; Kildal, Anders Benjamin; Eiken, Ragnhild; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Lund-Johansen, Fridtjof; Müller, Fredrik; Rivero, Jezabel Rodriguez; Meltzer, Carin; Einvik, Gunnar; Ueland, Thor; Olsen, Inge Christoffer; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Aaløkken, Trond Mogens; Skjønsberg, Ole Henning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The association between pulmonary sequelae and markers of disease severity, as well as pro-fibrotic mediators, were studied in 108 patients 3 months after hospital admission for COVID-19. The COPD assessment test (CAT-score), ...
    • Respiratory dysfunction three months after severe COVID-19 is associated with gut microbiota alterations 

      Vestad, Beate; Ueland, Thor; Lerum, Tøri Vigeland; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Holm, Kristian; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Kåsine, Trine; Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Ma; Stiksrud, Birgitte; Tonby, Kristian; Hoel, Hedda; Olsen, Inge Christoffer; Henriksen, Katerina N.; Tveita, Anders Aune; Manotheepan, Ravinea; Haugli, Mette; Eiken, Ragnhild; Berg, Åse; Halvorsen, Bente; Lekva, Tove; Ranheim, Trine; Michelsen, Annika Elisabeth; Kildal, Anders Benjamin; Johannessen, Asgeir; Thoresen, Lars; Skudal, Hilde Kristin; Kittang, Bård Reiakvam; Olsen, Roy Bjørkholt; Ystrøm, Carl Magnus; Skei, Nina Vibeche; Hannula, Raisa; Aballi, Saad; Kvåle, Reidar; Skjønsberg, Ole Henning; Aukrust, Pål; Hov, Johannes Espolin Roksund; Trøseid, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background - Although coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is primarily a respiratory infection, mounting evidence suggests that the gastrointestinal tract is involved in the disease, with gut barrier dysfunction and gut ...