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dc.contributor.advisorPreisig, Heinz A.nb_NO
dc.contributor.authorRoll, Sebastiannb_NO
dc.description.abstractA long-lived software project for using the advantages of a computer in modelling of physical-chemical-biological processes has been under development by supervisor Prof Heinz A. Preisig. The software is designed to assist the modeller in making consistent and structurally solvable models, reducing the time frame and the amount of random mistakes. The model is built as a basic graph in the bottom, with subsequent layering of information onto the graph, describing its physical nature. The finished models is meant to have automatic code generation for existing solvers, so that it can be used for simulation, system identification or for control optimization problems. \\ The scope of the project has been to assist Prof Presig with software design and overall strategy. The biggest concepts faced were on how to deal with phase change in models, what physical descriptions should be available for the graph and how these physical descriptions are best structured to prevent infeasible systems. The current version of the computer-aided modelling project is written in Python, using the graphical user interface environment PyQt4.nb_NO
dc.publisherInstitutt for kjemisk prosessteknologinb_NO
dc.titleOntology-based Computer-aided modelling Toolnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.contributor.departmentNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi, Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologinb_NO

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