"Man må ha litt temperatur når man snakker sånn med elever. Man må få fram den lille gnisten" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie av fem sosiallæreres opplevelse av hvordan de gjennom dialogen får bidra til å skape livsmestring hos unge som sliter med egen psykisk helse
Objective. Exploring five social teachers’ experience of how the dialogue will contribute to creating life skills in young people struggling with their mental health.
Methods. Qualitative method was used and participants’ experiences gathered by conducting a semi-structured interview with each participant. Data systemized and analyzed by using the method Systematic text condensation by Malterud, which is a modified verson of Giorgis psychological phenomenological analysis method. The quality of the research work was attempted secured when the researcher was constantly faithful to the procedures under the analysis, by conducting a trial interview to ensure quality in the interview guide, member checking was conducted, the researcher's pre-understanding was visualized, and the voices of the participants were highlighted in the text. The results may have relevance for inexperienced social teachers, and other adults who through dialogue support youth.
Results. The following categories were analyzed: The dialogue situation, informant's demeanor, and strengthening of pupil. Descriptions show that participants are very aware of the conversation situation created, and participants use themselves in a conscious way in order to strenghten the pupil in different areas.
Conclusions. Participants have very similar descriptions regardless of gender, and they experience through dialogue they are able to support young people to further develop their life skills.