Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media using a Network Model.
A network simulator has been used to study two-phase flow in porous media. The mediumhas been modeled as a bundle of tubes and the capillary forces inside these tubes havebeen investigated. This has been done by applying well known theory of immiscible flowto tubes of different shapes. How the wettabillity of the media affect the meniscus curvatureshave been studied and how this relates to the cross-section geometry and width of asingle tube. The tube radius was modeled by a function being narrow in the middle of thetube and wider towards the end. How the menisci was affected by this curvature due tovarying radius have been investigated. Different degrees of complexity have been used tosee if simple approximations are able to capture the relevant physics or if a higher order ofcomplexity is needed.It was found that the cross-sectional shape does not have a big impact on the flow, howeverthin film flow is neglected. When looking at how the radius affected the results it wasfound that approximations used in previous work was sufficient for small wetting angles,however at large wetting angles this expression became inaccurate. Finally different radiusfunctions was tested to see if the shape of the radius had impact. Some differences wasobserved but it is hard to conclude which case was the most physically correct due to lackof experimental data.