• Foster parents' needs, perceptions and satisfaction with foster parent training: A systematic literature review 

      Kaasbøll, Jannike; Lassemo, Eva; Paulsen, Veronika; Melby, Line; Ose, Solveig Osborg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This current systematic literature review aims to examine what is known about foster parents' needs, satisfaction and perceptions of foster parent training. A systematized search in relevant databases resulted in 13 ...
    • Four new suomilides isolated from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. KVJ20 and proposal of their biosynthetic origin 

      Schneider, Yannik Karl Heinz; Liaimer, Anton; Isaksson, Johan Mattias; Wilhelmsen, Oda Sofie Bye; Andersen, Jeanette Hammer; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Hansen, Espen Holst (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The suomilide and the banyasides are highly modified and functionalized non-ribosomal peptides produced by cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales. These compound classes share several substructures, including a complex ...
    • Fra undervisningskunnskap i matematikk til kjernepraksiser – endringer i grunnskolelærerutdanningens matematikkfag 

      Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Wæge, Kjersti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Denne artikkelen undersøker endringer i tilnærmingen til matematikkfaget i de nasjonale retningslinjene for grunnskolelærerutdanningene fra 2010 til 2017. Mens retningslinjene fra 2010 hadde fokus på at grunnskolelærerstudentene ...
    • Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes (FAASG): an international initiative supporting future salmonid research, conservation and aquaculture 

      Macqueen, Daniel J.; Primmer, Craig R.; Houston, Ross D.; Nowak, Barbara F.; Bernatchez, Louis; Bergseth, Steinar; Davidson, William S.; Gallardo-Escárate, Cristian; Goldammer, Tom; Guiguen, Yann; Iturra, Patricia; Kijas, James W.; Koop, Ben F.; Lien, Sigbjørn; Maass, Alejandro; Martin, Samuel A. M.; McGinnity, Philip; Montecino, Martin; Naish, Kerry; Nichols, Krista M.; Ólafsson, Kristinn; Omholt, Stig William; Palti, Yniv; Plastow, Graham S.; Rexroad, Caird E. 3rd; Rise, Matthew L.; Ritchie, Rachael J.; Sandve, Simen Rød; Schulte, Patricia M.; Tello, Alfredo; Vidal, Rodrigo; Vik, Jon Olav; Wargelius, Anna; Yáñez, José Manuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We describe an emerging initiative - the ‘Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes’ (FAASG), which will leverage the extensive trait diversity that has evolved since a whole genome duplication event in the salmonid ...
    • Future resilience of historic buildings – how do residents make sense of public authorities' sustainability measures? 

      Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Flyen, Cecilie; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Flyen, Anne Cathrine; Moen, Louise Leren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose – This paper aims to analyze climate resilience and adaptation of cultural heritage buildings from the perspectives of both public authorities and residents. From a user-oriented domestication perspective, it ...
    • Gjennomgang av norsk standard for klimasporing av sjømat, NS9418 

      Hognes, Erik Skontorp; Ziegler, Friederike; Svanes, Erik; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Research report, 2012)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer arbeidet som er gjort i prosjektet" Gjennomgang av norsk standard for klimasporing av sjømat, NS 9418, for norsk sjømatnæring". Rapporten beskriver hvordan metodiske krav til standarden er blitt ...
    • Groundwater residence time and paleorecharge conditions in the deep confined aquifers of the coastal watershed, South-East Tanzania 

      Bakari, Said Suleiman; Aagaard, Per; Vogt, Rolf David; Ruden, Fridtjof; Brennwald, M.S.; Johansen, Ingar; Gulliksen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Analysis of radiocarbon and stable isotopes of C, H and O in groundwater samples from the coastal watershed of Southeastern Tanzania is used to decipher the age of groundwater and the climatic conditions at the time of ...
    • Habilitering for voksne i spesialisthelsetjenesten: Utvikling og utprøving av brukerundersøkelse 

      Søndenaa, Erik; Sauarlia, Stein Ketil; Hukkelås, Britt; Jullumstrø, Sidsel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Habilitation specialist service for adults in Sør-Trøndelag has developed and implemented a model for user perceptions over the last five years. As users of the service consist of diverted parts, the work has aimed at ...
    • Helse- og miljørisikovurdering genmodifisert mais MON 87460 fra Monsanto (EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/70). Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet 

      Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Bøhn, Thomas; Finne, Merethe Aasmo; Holck, Askild Lorentz; Klungland, Helge; Meadow, Richard; Mikalsen, Arne; Myhr, Anne Ingeborg; Nerland, Audun Helge; Nes, Ingolf; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Stabbetorp, Odd Egil; Thrane, Vibeke; Vikse, Rose (VKM Report;, Research report, 2010)
      Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den maislinjen MON 87460 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/70) fra Monsanto er utført av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM). Mattilsynet og ...
    • High seasonal overlap in habitat suitability in a nonmigratory High Arctic ungulate 

      Pedersen, Åshild Ønvik; Soininen, Eeva M; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Le Moullec, Mathilde; Loe, Leif Egil; Paulsen, I.M.G.; Eischeid, Isabell; Karlsen, Stein Rune; Ropstad, Erik; Stien, Audun; Tarroux, Arnaud; Tømmervik, Hans; Ravolainen, Virve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Understanding drivers of space use and habitat selection is essential for management and conservation, especially under rapid environmental change. Here, we develop summer and winter habitat suitability models for the ...
    • How does professional development influence Norwegian teachers’ discourses on good mathematics teaching? 

      Svingen, Olaug Ellen Lona (Chapter, 2021)
      This study examines how practice-based professional development influences the discourse of a group of Norwegian primary mathematics teachers. Through cycles of enactment and investigation, in-service teachers (ISTs) learn ...
    • How implementation of cognitive assistive technology in home-based services for young adults with intellectual disabilities influences support staff`s professional practice 

      Søderstrøm, Sylvia; Bakken, Hege; Østby, May; Ellingsen, Karl Elling (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The implementation of technology in home-based services takes place in contextualised socio-material practices negotiated through interactions between a diversity of actors. Prerequisites for succeeding in this process are ...
    • How to evaluate the effect of seven years of The Norwegian School Fruit Scheme (2007-14) on fruit, vegetables, snacks consumption and weight status- A natural experiment. 

      Hovdenak, Ingrid Marie; Stea, Tonje Holte; Magnus, Per; Krokstad, Steinar; Samdal, Oddrun; Bere, Elling Tufte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Aim: From August 2007 to June 2014, the Norwegian School Fruit Scheme (NSFS) legally established that all pupils in junior high and combined schools (275,000 pupils every year), but not those in primary schools (343,000 ...
    • Hvilke forhold påvirker lærerspesialistens arbeid? En nærstudie av 25 logger skrevet av lærere på videreutdanning for lærerspesialister i norsk 

      Kringstad, Trude; Lønnum, Marthe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Lærerspesialist er en ny rolle i skolen. Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i 25 refleksjonslogger skrevet av lærere som tar videreutdanningsemnet Lærerspesialist i norsk med vekt på lesing og skriving 1.–10. trinn ved ...
    • Identifying texts in the Warning Zone: Empirical foundation of a screening instrument to adapt early writing instruction 

      Skar, Gustaf Bernhard Uno; Kvistad, Anne Holten; Johansen, Marita B.; Rijlaarsdam, Gerrit Cornelis Willem; Aasen, Arne Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This article addresses the basis for the development of the screening tool Norwegian Early Writers Signal (NEWS). The aim of the study was to develop a tool for teachers in grades 1–3 to identify student texts in ‘the ...
    • Impact analysis for a potential circular economy strategy for the plastic sector in Estonia 

      Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Bjelle, Eivind Lekve; Gaspers, Anne; Lindberg, Helene Øyangen; Pille, Kristin; Jürmann, Peep; Kukumägi, Krislin; Sapelkov, Kertu (Research report, 2023)
      This report presents the work of SINTEF’s collaboration with the Republic of Estonia Environment Agency through the project Enhanced Capacity on Circular Economy, funded by the Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway Grants. This ...
    • The impact of coding germline variants on contralateral breast cancer risk and survival 

      Morra, Anna; Mavaddat, Nasim; Muranen, Taru A.; Ahearn, Thomas U.; Allen, Jamie; Andrulis, Irene L.; Auvinen, Päivi; Becher, Heiko; Behrens, Sabine; Blomqvist, Carl; Bojesen, Stig E.; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Brauch, Hiltrud; Camp, Nicola J.; Carvalho, Sara; Castelao, Jose E.; Cessna, Melissa H.; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Sahlberg, Guro Kristine Kleivi; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Gram, Inger Torhild; Olsen, Karina Standahl; Engebråten, Olav; Naume, Bjørn; Geisler, Jürgen; Grenaker, Grethe Irene; Czene, Kamila; Decker, Brennan; Dennis, Joe; Dörk, Thilo; Dorling, Leila; Dunning, Alison M.; Ekici, Arif B.; Eriksson, Mikael; Evans, D. Gareth; Fasching, Peter A.; Figueroa, Jonine D.; Flyger, Henrik; Gago-Dominguez, Manuela; García-Closas, Montserrat; Geurts-Giele, Willemina R.R.; Giles, Graham G.; Guénel, Pascal; Gündert, Melanie; Hahnen, Eric; Hall, Per; Hamann, Ute; Harrington, Patricia A.; He, Wei; Heikkilä, Päivi; Hooning, Maartje J.; Hoppe, Reiner; Howell, Anthony; Humphreys, Keith; Kristensen, Vessela N.; Mannermaa, Arto; Manoochehri, Mehdi; Manoukian, Siranoush; Margolin, Sara; Mavroudis, Dimitrios; Milne, Roger L.; Mulligan, Anna Marie; Newman, William G.; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peterlongo, Paolo; Pharoah, Paul D.P.; Rhenius, Valerie; Saloustros, Emmanouil; Sawyer, Elinor J.; Schmutzler, Rita K.; Shah, Mitul; Spurdle, Amanda B.; Tomlinson, Ian; Truong, Thérèse; van Veen, Elke M.; Vreeswijk, Maaike P.G.; Wang, Qin; Wendt, Camilla; Yang, Xiaohong R.; Nevanlinna, Heli; Devilee, Peter; Easton, Douglas F.; Schmidt, Marjanka K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Evidence linking coding germline variants in breast cancer (BC)-susceptibility genes other than BRCA1, BRCA2, and CHEK2 with contralateral breast cancer (CBC) risk and breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) is scarce. The ...
    • Impact of present and future HVDC links on the nordic power grid 

      Vrana, Til Kristian; Aas, Even Strand; Reigstad, Tor Inge; Mo, Olve (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This article presents preliminary results from ongoing work on establishing a simulation model for R&D activities on the impact of the increasing number of HVDC links in the Nordic power grid. The total HVDC power capacity ...
    • Impact on radiological practice of active guideline implementation of Musculoskeletal guideline, as measured over a 12-month period 

      Gransjøen, Ann Mari; Thorsen, Kjetil; Lysdahl, Kristin Bakke; Wiig, Siri; Hofmann, Bjørn Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background An ever-increasing technological development in the field of radiology urges a need for guidelines to provide predictable and just health services. A musculoskeletal guideline was developed in Norway in 2014, ...
    • Improvement of personality functioning among people treated within personality disorder mental health services. A longitudinal, observational study 

      Kvarstein, Elfrida Hartveit; Frøyhaug, Mathias; Skjeklesæther-Pettersen, Mona; Carlsen, Sara; Ekberg, Andreas; Fjermestad-Noll, Jane; Ulvestad, Dag Anders; Gikling, Elisabeth; Hjermann, Eirik; Lindberget, Kenneth; Omvik, Siri; Eikenæs, Ingeborg Helene Ulltveit-Moe; Hummelen, Benjamin; Morken, Katharina Teresa Enehaug; Wilberg, Theresa; Pedersen, Geir Arild Feigum (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Objective: Evidence-based personality disorder (PD) treatments are dominated by interventions targeting Borderline PD, although clinical populations characteristically include different PD features and severity. Personality ...