• Effects of petrogenic pollutants on North Atlantic and Arctic Calanus copepods: From molecular mechanisms to population impacts 

      Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Tarrant, Ann M.; Lenz, Petra H.; Roncalli, Vittoria; Almeda, Rodrigo; Broch, Ole Jacob; Altin, Dag; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Oil and gas industries in the Northern Atlantic Ocean have gradually moved closer to the Arctic areas, a process expected to be further facilitated by sea ice withdrawal caused by global warming. Copepods of the genus ...
    • Eksponering for allergener fra rotte og mus. Forekomst av og determinanter for luftbårne allergener i norske forsøksdyravdelinger 

      Straumfors, Anne; Eduard, Wijnand; Andresen, Knut; Sjaastad, Ann Kristin (STAMI-rapport;2016:5, Research report, 2016)
      Arbeid med laboratoriedyr er en velkjent risikofaktor for flere allergiske lidelser. Typiske luftveissymptomer inkluderer allergisk betennelse i neseslimhinnen, øyekatarr og astma, mens elveblest (urtikaria) er den vanligste ...
    • Energi og industri - Mulighetsrom verdikjeder - NHO Veikart for fremtidens næringsliv 

      Støa, Petter; Røkke, Nils Anders; Størset, Sigmund Østtveit; Spooren, Rudie; Knutstad, Gaute A. Johansen; Dahl, Nina; Akporiaye, Duncan; Bredesen, Rune; Sand, Gunnar; Tveten, Erlend Grytli; Mortensholm, Stein Kleppe; Steenstrup-Duch, Anne; Mehammer, Eirill Bachmann; Schäffer, Linn Emelie; Sandquist, Judit; Vullum-Bruer, Fride; Sheridan, Edel Maria; Alnæs, Lisbeth-Ingrid; Høgaas, Per Helge; Lademo, Odd-Geir; Øvrelid, Eivind Johannes (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2019)
      Kan fremtidig verdiskaping innen energi og industri opprettholde Norge som bærekraftig velferdsnasjon, samtidig som vi oppfyller våre forpliktelser i internasjonale klimaavtaler og løser egne utfordringer i tråd med FNs ...
    • Entailments of questions and questioning practices in ambitious mathematics teaching 

      Mosvold, Reidar; Wæge, Kjersti (Chapter, 2022)
      The work of teaching mathematics is complex and involves numerous problems and challenges for teachers to handle. Questioning is a slice of mathematics teaching that is both common and challenging. In this paper, we use ...
    • Erfaringer og analyser fra drift av oppdrettsanlegg på eksponerte lokaliteter 

      Sandberg, Merete Gisvold; Lien, Andreas Myskja; Sunde, Leif Magne; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Stien, Lars Helge; Kristiansen, Tore S (Research report, 2012)
      Dette forprosjektet har hatt som mål å legge til rette for videreutvikling av forskningsrelaterte problemstillinger innen tema drift av eksponerte oppdrettslokaliteter. Eksponerte lokaliteter er her derfor å forstå som ...
    • Evaluating the use of local ecological knowledge (LEK) in determining habitat preference and occurrence of multiple large carnivores 

      Madsen, Emily K.; Elliot, Nicholas B.; Mjingo, Ernest E.; Masenga, Emmanuel H.; Jackson, Craig Ryan; May, Roelof Frans; Røskaft, Eivin; Broekhuis, Femke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Understanding habitat preferences and distribution of threatened species is a cornerstone of conservation, however many of the techniques available can be resource intensive. One cost-effective method is by collecting ...
    • Evaluation and monitoring of man-made slope failure at Øysand, Norway 

      Shin, Yunsup; Choi, J.C.; Quinteros, Santiago; Carlton, Brian David; L Heureux, Jean-Sebastien; Seong, J. (Chapter, 2022)
      The road and railways infrastructure developments in Norway have increased the interest in the geotechnical challenges associated with slope stability under freezing-thawing cycles. In this case study, a critical slope was ...
    • Evaluation Method for the Hourly Average CO2eq. Intensity of the Electricity Mix and Its Application to the Demand Response of Residential Heating 

      Clauß, John; Stinner, Sebastian; Solli, Christian; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Madsen, Henrik; Georges, Laurent (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This work introduces a generic methodology to determine the hourly average CO2eq. intensity of the electricity mix of a bidding zone. The proposed method is based on the logic of input–output models and avails the balance ...
    • Evidence of separate influence of moon and sun on light synchronization of mussel's daily rhythm during the polar night 

      Tran, Damien; Andrade Rodriguez, Hector Antonio; Camus, Lionel; Leopold, Peter; Ballantine, Carl; Berge, Jørgen; Durier, Guillaume; Sow, Mohamedou; Ciret, Pierre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Marine organisms living at high latitudes are faced with a light climate that undergoes drastic annual changes, especially during the polar night (PN) when the sun remains below the horizon for months. This raises the ...
    • Explaining sex differences in risk of bloodstream infections using mediation analysis in the population-based HUNT study in Norway 

      Mohus, Randi Marie; Gustad, Lise Tuset; Furberg, Anne-Sofie; Moen, Martine Kjølberg; Liyanarachi, Kristin Vardheim; Askim, Åsa Susanne; Åsberg, Signe Elisabeth; DeWan, Andrew T.; Rogne, Tormod; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Damås, Jan Kristian; Solligård, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Previous studies indicate sex differences in incidence and severity of bloodstream infections (BSI). We examined the effect of sex on risk of BSI, BSI mortality, and BSI caused by the most common infecting bacteria. Using ...
    • External Validation and Recalculation of the CODEX Index in COPD Patients. A 3CIAplus Cohort Study 

      Almagro, Pere; Martínez-Camblor, Pablo; Miravitlles, Marc; Rodríguez-Carballeira, Mónica; Navarro, Annie; Lamprecht, Bernd; Luna, Ana S. Ramirez-Garcia; Kaiser, Bernhard; Alfageme, Inmaculada; Casanova, Ciro; Esteban, Cristobal; Soler-Cataluña, Juan J.; de-Torres, Juan P.; Celli, Bartolome R.; Marin, Jose M.; ter Riet, Gerben; Sobradillo, Patricia; Lange, Peter; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Anto, Josep M.; Turner, Alice M.; Han, Meilan K.; Langhammer, Arnulf; Sternberg, Alice; Leivseth, Linda; Bakke, Per S.; Johannessen, Ane; Oga, Toru; Cosío, Borja; Ancochea, Julio; Echazarreta, Andres; Roche, Nicolas; Burgel, Pierre-Régis; Sin, Don D.; Puhan, Milo A.; Soriano, Joan B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The CODEX index was developed and validated in patients hospitalized for COPD exacerbation to predict the risk of death and readmission within one year after discharge. Our study aimed to validate the CODEX index in a large ...
    • Factors associated with changes in students' self-reported nursing competence after clinical rotations: A quantitative cohort study 

      Egilsdottir, H. Ösp; Heyn, Lena Günterberg; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Byermoen, Kirsten Røland; Moen, Anne; Eide, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background The quality of nursing care in different healthcare contexts can be associated with the level of available nursing competence. Physical assessment skills are vital in nurses' assessment of patient care needs. ...
    • Fitness and fur colouration: Testing the camouflage and thermoregulation hypotheses in an Arctic mammal 

      Di Bernardi, Cecilia; Thierry, Anne-Mathilde; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Bowler, Diana Elizabeth; Rød-Eriksen, Lars; Blumentrath, Stefan; Tietgen, Lukas; Sandercock, Brett; Flagstad, Øystein; Landa, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      1. Selection for crypsis has been recognized as an important ecological driver of animal colouration, whereas the relative importance of thermoregulation is more contentious with mixed empirical support. A potential thermal ...
    • Forming Nursing Home Practices That Support Quality of Care for Residents. A Qualitative Observational Study 

      Stokke, Randi; Wibe, Torunn; Sogstad, Maren Kristine Raknes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Residents of nursing homes are increasingly frail and dependent. At the same time, there are increased demands for quality of care and social life for individual residents. In this article, we explore how care ...
    • Foster parents' needs, perceptions and satisfaction with foster parent training: A systematic literature review 

      Kaasbøll, Jannike; Lassemo, Eva; Paulsen, Veronika; Melby, Line; Ose, Solveig Osborg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This current systematic literature review aims to examine what is known about foster parents' needs, satisfaction and perceptions of foster parent training. A systematized search in relevant databases resulted in 13 ...
    • Four new suomilides isolated from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. KVJ20 and proposal of their biosynthetic origin 

      Schneider, Yannik Karl Heinz; Liaimer, Anton; Isaksson, Johan Mattias; Wilhelmsen, Oda Sofie Bye; Andersen, Jeanette Hammer; Østnes Hansen, Kine; Hansen, Espen Holst (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The suomilide and the banyasides are highly modified and functionalized non-ribosomal peptides produced by cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales. These compound classes share several substructures, including a complex ...
    • Fra undervisningskunnskap i matematikk til kjernepraksiser – endringer i grunnskolelærerutdanningens matematikkfag 

      Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Wæge, Kjersti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Denne artikkelen undersøker endringer i tilnærmingen til matematikkfaget i de nasjonale retningslinjene for grunnskolelærerutdanningene fra 2010 til 2017. Mens retningslinjene fra 2010 hadde fokus på at grunnskolelærerstudentene ...
    • Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes (FAASG): an international initiative supporting future salmonid research, conservation and aquaculture 

      Macqueen, Daniel J.; Primmer, Craig R.; Houston, Ross D.; Nowak, Barbara F.; Bernatchez, Louis; Bergseth, Steinar; Davidson, William S.; Gallardo-Escárate, Cristian; Goldammer, Tom; Guiguen, Yann; Iturra, Patricia; Kijas, James W.; Koop, Ben F.; Lien, Sigbjørn; Maass, Alejandro; Martin, Samuel A. M.; McGinnity, Philip; Montecino, Martin; Naish, Kerry; Nichols, Krista M.; Ólafsson, Kristinn; Omholt, Stig William; Palti, Yniv; Plastow, Graham S.; Rexroad, Caird E. 3rd; Rise, Matthew L.; Ritchie, Rachael J.; Sandve, Simen Rød; Schulte, Patricia M.; Tello, Alfredo; Vidal, Rodrigo; Vik, Jon Olav; Wargelius, Anna; Yáñez, José Manuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      We describe an emerging initiative - the ‘Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes’ (FAASG), which will leverage the extensive trait diversity that has evolved since a whole genome duplication event in the salmonid ...
    • Future resilience of historic buildings – how do residents make sense of public authorities' sustainability measures? 

      Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Flyen, Cecilie; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Flyen, Anne Cathrine; Moen, Louise Leren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose – This paper aims to analyze climate resilience and adaptation of cultural heritage buildings from the perspectives of both public authorities and residents. From a user-oriented domestication perspective, it ...
    • Gjennomgang av norsk standard for klimasporing av sjømat, NS9418 

      Hognes, Erik Skontorp; Ziegler, Friederike; Svanes, Erik; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Research report, 2012)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer arbeidet som er gjort i prosjektet" Gjennomgang av norsk standard for klimasporing av sjømat, NS 9418, for norsk sjømatnæring". Rapporten beskriver hvordan metodiske krav til standarden er blitt ...