• Autophagy in tissues and solid tumors controlled by infiltrating immune cells 

      Lamsal, Apsana (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:189, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Nye angrepspunkter for målrettet behandling av aggressiv kreft Brystkreft er en av de mest utbredte kreftformene og vi har i dag gode behandlingsformer. Hos noen brystkreftpasienter vil likevel kreftceller sprer seg ...
    • Opposite and dynamic regulation of the interferon response in metastatic and non-metastatic breast cancer 

      Lamsal, Apsana; Andersen, Sonja Benedikte; Johansson, Ida; Vietri, Marina; Bokil, Ansooya Avinash; Kurganovs, Natalie Jayne; Rylander, Felicia; Bjørkøy, Geir; Pettersen, Kristine; Giambelluca, Miriam Soledad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background To our current understanding, solid tumors depend on suppressed local immune reactions, often elicited by the interaction between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) components. Despite an improved ...