Now showing items 37119-37138 of 40063

    • Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species 

      Rhie, Arang; McCarthy, Shane A.; Fedrigo, Olivier; Damas, Joana; Formenti, Giulio; Koren, Sergey; Uiano-Silva, Marcela; Chow, William; Fungtammasan, Arkarachai; Kim, Juwan; Lee, Chul; Ko, Byung June; Chaisson, Mark; Gedman, Gregory L.; Cantin, Lindsey J.; Thibaud-Nissen, Francoise; Haggerty, Leanne; Bista, Iliana; Smith, Michelle; Haase, Bettina; Mountcastle, Jacquelyn; Winkler, Sylke; Paez, Sadye; Howard, Jason; Vernes, Sonja C.; Lama, Tanya M.; Grutzner, Frank; Warren, Wesley C.; Balakrishnan, Christopher N.; Burt, Dave; George, Julia M.; Biegler, Matthew T.; Iorns, David; Digby, Andrew; Eason, Daryl; Robertson, Bruce; Edwards, Taylor; Wilkinson, Mark; Turner, George; Meyer, Axel; Kautt, Andreas F.; Franchini, Paolo; Detrich, H. William III; Svardal, Hannes; Wagner, Maximillian; Naylor, Gavin J.P.; Pippel, Martin; Malinsky, Milan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Jarvis, Erich D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      High-quality and complete reference genome assemblies are fundamental for the application of genomics to biology, disease, and biodiversity conservation. However, such assemblies are available for only a few non-microbial ...
    • Towards Consistent SDNS: A Case for Network State Fuzzing 

      Apoorv, Shukla; S. Jawad, Saidi; Stefan, Schmid; Marco, Canini; Zinner, Thomas Erich; Feldmann, Anja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The conventional wisdom is that a software-defined network (SDN) operates under the premise that the logically centralized control plane has an accurate representation of the actual data plane state. Unfortunately, bugs, ...
    • Towards containerized, reuse-oriented AI deployment platforms for cognitive IoT applications 

      Veiga, Tiago Santos; Asad, Hafiz Areeb; Kræmer, Frank Alexander; Bach, Kerstin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      IoT applications with their resource-constrained sensor devices can benefit from adjusting their operations to the phenomena they sense and the environments they operate in, leading to the paradigm of self-adaptive, ...
    • Towards contract-based verification for autonomous vessels 

      Smogeli, Øyvind Rasmussen; Glomsrud, Jon Arne; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Design and verification of autonomous vessels represent a major interdisciplinary engineering challenge due to the combination of high system complexity and the interaction with dynamic, uncertain, and unstructured ...
    • Towards critical cultural and linguistic awareness in language classrooms in Norway: Developing intercultural citizenship through identity texts 

      Krulatz, Anna; Steen-Olsen, Tove Herborg; Torgersen, Eivind Nessa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This article reports the results of a school-based curriculum development project that aimed to support language teachers working with culturally and linguistically diverse student populations in Norway to develop teaching ...
    • Towards Decent Employment or a Destitute Livelihood? The Dynamics of the Agrarian Question of Labor in Ethiopia 

      Amaya, Yonas Tesema (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper examines the demand for industrial labor among dispossessed peasants and how the non-absorption of peasants’ labor into industrial production intertwined in and around the Bole Lemi industrial park (BLIP) in ...
    • Towards Designing a Knowledge Graph-Based Framework for Investigating and Preventing Crime on Online Social Networks 

      Elezaj, Ogerta; Yildirim Yayilgan, Sule; Kalemi, Edlira; Wendelberg, Linda; Abomhara, Mohamed Ali Saleh; Ahmed, Javed (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Online Social Networks (OSNs) have fundamentally and permanently altered the arena of digital and classical crime. Recently, law enforcement agencies (LEAs) have been using OSNs as a data source to collect Open Source ...
    • Towards Designing an Experience-based Course around Innovation Bootcamps — A Cohort Study 

      Cico, Orges; Jaccheri, Letizia; Nguyen Duc, Anh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Context: This full research paper presents an experience-based course designed around a semester-long external Innovation Bootcamp activity. Objective: We sought to evaluate the impact of Innovation Bootcamp on students’ ...
    • Towards digital lean cyber-physical production systems: Industry 4.0 technologies as enablers of leaner production 

      Powell, Daryl; Romero, David; Gaiardelli, Paolo; Cimini, Chiara; Cavalieri, Sergio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Lean production emerged as an alternative way of organizing and managing manufacturing operations in the 1990s, following the close examination and promotion of the Toyota Production System as a better way of working. More ...
    • Towards digital twins for safety demonstrations: Interfacing strategies for FPGA-targeted applications 

      Björklund, Ludvig Jonathan; Schick, Johannes; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Glaser, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Towards Efficient and Trustworthy Pandemic Diagnosis in Smart Cities: A Blockchain-Based Federated Learning Approach 

      Abdel-Basset, Mohamed; Alrashdi, Ibrahim; Hawash, Hossam; Sallam, Karam; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for efficient and reliable disease diagnosis in smart cities has become increasingly serious. In this study, we introduce a novel blockchain-based federated learning ...
    • Towards efficiently mining closed high utility itemsets from incremental databases 

      Dam, Thu-Lan; Ramampiaro, Heri; Nørvåg, Kjetil; Duong, Quang-Huy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The set of closed high-utility itemsets (CHUIs) concisely represents the exact utility of all itemsets. Yet, it can be several orders of magnitude smaller than the set of all high-utility itemsets. Existing CHUI mining ...
    • Towards energy efficiency and green network infrastructure deployment in Nepal using software defined IPv6 network paradigm 

      Dawadi, Babu Ram; Keitsch, Martina; Rawat, Danda B.; Joshi, Shashidhar R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has resulted in significant impacts on social welfare, economic growth, transparency, and good governance in developing countries like Nepal. Due to the diverse ...
    • Towards energy efficiency and green network infrastructure deployment in Nepal using software defined IPv6 network paradigm 

      Dawadi, Babu Ram; Rawat, Danda B.; Joshi, Shashidhar; Keitsch, Martina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has resulted in significant impacts on social welfare, economic growth, transparency, and good governance in developing countries like Nepal. Due to the diverse ...
    • Towards enhancing ecological validity in user studies: a systematic review of guidelines and implications for QoE research 

      Subramanian, Sruti; de Moor, Katrien Rachel W; Fiedler, Markus; Koniuch, Kamil; Janowski, Lucjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The concept of conducting ecologically valid user studies is gaining traction in the field of Quality of Experience (QoE). However, despite previous research exploring this concept, the increasing volume of studies has ...
    • Towards environmental design in hydropower reservoirs - Developing a handbook for mitigation measures in regulated lakes 

      Helland, Ingeborg P.; Johnsen, Stein I.; Eloranta, Antti P. (HydroCen Report;10, Research report, 2019)
      Due to their ability to store large amounts of water, reservoirs are the supporting beam in the Norwegian hydropower system. Norway has approximately 1200 lakes that are regulated for hydropower usage, but despite the large ...
    • Towards EU climate neutrality: Progress, policy gaps and opportunities 

      Cartalis, Constantinos; Dessai, Suraje; Diaz Anadon, Laura; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Eory, Vera; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Jacobsen, Jette bredahl; Kitzing, Lena; Lopez-Gunn, Elena; Nilsson, Lars J.; Riahi, Keywan; Rogelj, Joeri; Schrijver, Nicolaas; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Van Aalst, Maarten (Book, 2024)
      Based on an assessment of more than 80 indicators, we found that more efforts are needed across all sectors to achieve the EU climate objectives from 2030 to 2050, and particularly in buildings, transport, agriculture and ...
    • Towards exploiting change blindness for image processing 

      Le Moan, Steven; Farup, Ivar; Blahova, Jana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Change blindness is a type of visual masking which affects our ability to notice changes introduced in visual stimuli (e.g. change in the colour or position of an object). In this paper, we propose to use it as a means to ...
    • Towards Fiber-Optic Raman Spectroscopy for Glucose Sensing 

      Milenko, Karolina Barbara; Larsen Jernelv, Ine; Fuglerud, Silje Skeide; Aksnes, Astrid; Ellingsen, Reinold; Hjelme, Dag Roar (Chapter, 2018)
      We demonstrate a multimode optical fiber sensor for spectroscopic Raman measurements of glucose concentration for the application in intraperitoneal glucose detection in diabetic patients. A regression model with a RMSEC ...
    • Towards Fine-Grained Dynamic Tuning of HPC Applications on Modern Multi-Core Architectures 

      Sourouri, Mohammed; Raknes, Espen Birger; Reissmann, Nico; Langguth, Johannes; Hackenberg, Daniel; Schöne, Robert; Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar (Chapter, 2017)
      There is a consensus that exascale systems should operate within a power envelope of 20MW. Consequently, energy conservation is still considered as the most crucial constraint if such systems are to be realized. So far, ...