• Tower of Babel Bias: Is There More to Learn about Employee-Driven Digital Innovation? 

      Smite, Darja; Kosenkov, Oleksandr; Opland, Leif Erik; Quayyum, Farzana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • A towering genome: Experimentally validated adaptations to high blood pressure and extreme stature in the giraffe 

      Liu, Chang; Gao, Jianbo; Cui, Xinxin; Li, Zhipeng; Chen, Lei; Yuan, Yuan; Zhang, Yaolei; Mei, Liangwei; Zhao, Lan; Cai, Dan; Hu, Mingliang; Zhou, Botong; Li, Zihe; Qin, Tao; Si, Huazhe; Li, Guangyu; Lin, Zeshan; Xu, Yicheng; Zhu, Chenglong; Yin, Yuan; Zhang, Chenzhou; Xu, Wenjie; Li, Qingjie; Wang, Kun; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Heller, Rasmus; Wang, Wen; Huang, Jinghui; Qiu, Qiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The suite of adaptations associated with the extreme stature of the giraffe has long interested biologists and physiologists. By generating a high-quality chromosome-level giraffe genome and a comprehensive comparison with ...
    • Toxic algal bloom induced by ocean acidification disrupts the pelagic food web 

      Riebesell, Ulf; Aberle-Malzahn, Nicole; Achterberg, Eric P.; Algueró-Muniz, Marina; Alvarez-Fernandez, Santiago; Arístegui, Javier; Bach, Lennart T; Boersma, Maarten; Boxhammer, Tim; Guan, W; Haunost, Mathias; Horn, Henriette G.; Löscher, Caroline R.; Ludwig, Andrea; Spisla, Carsten; Sswat, Michael; Stange, Paul; Taucher, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Ocean acidification, the change in seawater carbonate chemistry due to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2, affects the physiology of marine organisms in multiple ways1. Diverse competitive and trophic interactions transform ...
    • Toxic and essential elements in seafood from Mausund, Norway 

      Ervik, Hilde; Finne, Tor Erik; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro (Journal article, 2017)
      In annual surveys conducted during the period 2012–2015, concentrations of the toxic or essential elements B, Se, Cd, Sn, Cs, Hg, Pb, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and As were analyzed in brown meat of edible crab (Cancer ...
    • Toxicity and developmental effects of Arctic fuel oil types on early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 

      Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Nordtug, Trond; Farkas, Julia; Khan, Essa Ahsan; Oteri, Erika; Kvæstad, Bjarne; Faksness, Liv-Guri; Daling, Per Snorre; Arukwe, Augustine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Due to the heavy fuel oil (HFO) ban in Arctic maritime transport and new legislations restricting the sulphur content of fuel oils, new fuel oil types are continuously developed. However, the potential impacts of these new ...
    • Toxicity of microplastics and natural particles in the freshwater dipteran Chironomus riparius: Same same but different? 

      Scherer, Christian; Wolf, Raoul; Völker, Johannes; Stock, Friederike; Brennhold, Nicole; Reifferscheid, Georg; Wagner, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Microplastics (MP) are contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic ecosystems. While the number of studies is rapidly increasing, a comparison of the toxicity of MP and natural particulate matter is largely missing. In ...
    • Toxicity, Speculation, and Rights: Political Imagination in Mixmedia, Literary, and Cinematic Futurescapes 

      Musiol, Hanna (Chapter, 2020)
      This chapter explores the relationship between imagination and emancipation, or biosocial harm between rights and futurism in transmodal speculation across media and fields. Specifically, it turns to transmodal speculative ...
    • Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain 

      Dolan, Kevin J.; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Lierhagen, Syverin; Eulaers, Igor; Nygård, Torgeir; Johnsen, Trond Vidar; Gómez-Ramírez, Pilar; García-Fernández, Antonio J.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Ortiz-Santaliestra, Manuel E.; Jaspers, Veerle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Information on trace element pollution in the terrestrial environment and its biota is limited compared to the marine environment. In the present study, we collected body feathers and blood of 37 Northern goshawk (Accipiter ...
    • Trace element status in patients with type 2 diabetes in Norway: The HUNT3 Survey 

      Simic, Anica; Hansen, Ailin Falkmo; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Midthjell, Kristian; Syversen, Tore; Flaten, Trond Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Several epidemiological studies have indicated that a number of trace elements may play a role in type 2 diabetes (T2D). We investigated the association between prevalent T2D and the concentrations of 25 trace elements in ...
    • Trace elements and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in terrestrial compartments of Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic 

      Aslam, Shazia Nusrat; Huber, Carolin Elisabeth; Asimakopoulos, Alexandros; Steinnes, Eiliv; Mikkelsen, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Despite being a remote location, the Arctic is a major receptor for anthropogenic pollution transported from the mid-latitudes. Vegetation and underlying organic soils in the Norwegian Arctic, Svalbard were used to study ...
    • Trace Elements in Early Phase Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – a Population-based Study. The HUNT Study in Norway 

      Hansen, Ailin Falkmo; Simic, Anica; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Midthjell, Kristian; Syversen, Tore; Flaten, Trond Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Differences in trace elements levels between individuals with type 2 diabetes and controls have been reported in several studies in various body fluids and tissues, but results have been inconsistent. In order to examine ...
    • Trace Elements in the Large Population-Based HUNT3 Survey 

      Syversen, Tore; Evje, Lars Gjermund; Wolf-Grosse, Susann; Flaten, Trond Peder; Lierhagen, Syverin; Simic, Anica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (The HUNT Study) is a large health survey population study in the county of Trøndelag, Norway. The survey has been repeated four times in about 10-year intervals. In the HUNT3 survey ...
    • Trace elements in whole blood in the general population in Trøndelag County, Norway: The HUNT3 Survey 

      Simic, Anica; Hansen, Ailin Falkmo; Syversen, Tore; Lierhagen, Syverin; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Midthjell, Kristian; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Flaten, Trond Peder (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background: Biomonitoring of a cohort within a large health survey can provide reliable information on trace element status. The main aims of this study were 1) to determine the concentrations of 28 trace elements in whole ...
    • Trace metal mobility in sub-seabed sediments by CO2 seepage under high-pressure conditions 

      Basallote, M. Dolores; Borrero Santiago, Ana Rocío; Cánovas, Carlos; Hammer, Karen Marie; Olsen, Anders Johny; Ardelan, Murat Van (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the third contributor to cumulative carbon emission reductions required by the second half of this century. Although this is a promising technology for reducing atmospheric CO2, it is ...
    • Tracer diffusion of 96Zr and 134Ba in polycrystalline BaZrO3 

      Sazinas, Rokas; Sakaguchi, Isao; Hasle, Ida Margrete; Polfus, Jonathan M.; Haugsrud, Reidar; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Cation tracer diffusion in polycrystalline cubic BaZrO3 perovskites was studied using the stable isotopes 134Ba and 96Zr in air at 1015–1200 and 1300–1500 °C, respectively. Thin films of 134BaO and 96ZrO2 were deposited ...
    • Tracer gas techniques for airflow characterization in double skin facades 

      Jankovic, Aleksandar; Gennaro, Giovanni; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Goia, Francesco; Favoino, Fabio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Monitoring airflow rates and fluid dynamics phenomena in the ventilated cavity is a challenging aspect of the experimental assessment of the performance of double-skin facades (DSF). There are various methods to characterize ...
    • Tracheal cancer: a rare and deadly but potentially curable disease that also affects younger people 

      Nilssen, Yngvar; Solberg, Steinar; Brustugun, Odd Terje; Møller, Bjørn; Sundset, Arve; Wahl, Sissel Gyrid Freim; Helland, Åslaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      OBJECTIVES The incidence of tracheal cancer is low, few clinicians get much experience and the awareness may be low. Recent data on the treatment and outcome are limited. The aim of the present study was to present ...
    • Tracheal intubation in traumatic brain injury: a multicentre prospective observational study 

      Gravesteijn, BY; Sewalt, Charlie; Nieboer, D.; Menon, David K.; Maas, Andrew I. R.; Lecky, Fiona E.; Klimek, Markus; Lingsma, Hester F; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny; Frisvold, Shirin; Helseth, Eirik; Skandsen, Toril; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Vik, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: We aimed to study the associations between pre- and in-hospital tracheal intubation and outcomes in traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether the association varied according to injury severity. Methods: Data ...
    • Tracheostomy practice and timing in traumatic brain-injured patients: a CENTER-TBI study 

      Robba, Chiara; Galimberti, Stefania; Graziano, Francesca; Wiegers, E; Lingsma, Hester F; Iaquaniello, Carolina; Stocchetti, Nino; Menon, David; Citerio, Giuseppe; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny; Lund, Stine Borgen; Frisvold, Shirin; Helseth, Eirik; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Sandrød, Oddrun; Schirmer-Mikalsen, Kari; Vik, Anne; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Amrein, Krisztina; Audibert, Gerard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Bartels, Ronald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Biqiri, Erta; Blaabjerg, Morten; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emiliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Lozano, Guillermo Carbayo; Carbonara, Marco; Castaño-León, Ana M.; Chevallard, Giorgio; Chieregato, Arturo; Coburn, Mark; Coles, Jonathan; Cooper, Jamie; Correia, Marta; Czeiter, Endre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose Indications and optimal timing for tracheostomy in traumatic brain-injured (TBI) patients are uncertain. This study aims to describe the patients’ characteristics, timing, and factors related to the decision to ...
    • Tracing global supply chains to air pollution hotspots 

      Moran, Daniel; Kanemoto, Keiichiro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      While high-income countries have made significant strides since the 1970s in improving air quality, air pollution continues to rise in many developing countries and the world as a whole. A significant share of the pollution ...